Tender For Supply Of Chemical And Reagent - Biochemistry Dept. 1. Albumin (Egg) 2. Ammonium Sulphate 3. Urease Powder 4. Ammonia 5. Ferric Chloride 6. Hydrogen Peroxide 7. Barium Chloride. 8. Picric acid 9. Bile Selt 10. Creatinine Powder 11. Sulphar Powder 12. O-Toluidine 13. Acetone 14. Phenolphthalein crystal 15. Ethanol 16. Liquid Ammonia 17. Glucose Kit 18. Albumin Kit 19. Total Protein Kit Pathology Dept. 20. Paraffin wax 60-62 degree Celsius with ceresin 21. Cotton roll 22. Formaldehyde solution 40% 23. Reticulocyte Stain 24. Field Stain A 25 . Field Stain B 26. Albumin Powder 27. Glycerine 28. Bee 's wax 29. Methanol 30. Glacial acetic acid 31. HCI hydrochloric acid 32 . Acetone 33. Absolute alcohol ethanol 34. Sodium Nitroprusside powder 35. Distilled water 36. Xylene 37. Spirit 38. Ammonia solution 39. Leishman's Stains 40. Giemsa Stain 41. Sodium acetate 42. Potassium alum 43. Dpx 44. HEMATOXYLIN Powder 45. Mercuric red oxide 46. Eosin Y 47. Lithium ccarbonate 48. Periodic Acid Schiff satian kit 49. Activated charcoal lab grade 50. Tissue cassettes 3x2.5cm (plastic) 51. Cover slip size 22x22 mm 52. Cover slip size 22x50 mm 53. Microtome disposable blades (High profile) 54. Microtome disposable blades (Low profile) 55. Liquid paraffin 56. Leishman Stain powder 57. Blood group antisera 58 . Glass slides 59. Sodium hypochlorite Sol Physiology Dept. 60. Leishman's Stains 61. Cedar Wood Oil 62. Bluestar Glass Slide 50 Pes 63. Savlon /Potassium peramanganate 64. Anti-Sera Kit ABD 65. Bluestar Cover Slip 20 Pes (big to cover both ruling areas) 66. Filter Paper 100 Pcs 67. Capillary Glass Tube 100 Pes 68. Sprit (Surgical Alcohol) 69. Cotton roll 70. Xylene 71. N/10 Hel 72. Disposable Rubber Gloves 100 Pes (Medium) 73. Disposable Rubber Gloves 100 Pcs (small) 74. Lancets 100 Pcs 75. WBC Diluting Fluid (Turk's Fluid) 76. Normal saline 77. N95 Mask 78 Surgical Mask 79. Dropper bottle (plastic) 80. Plastice mug (for dilution of savlon/potassium permanganate) Microbiology Dept. 81. Absolute Alcohol 95% K2 Acetone 83. 84. Sodium Hypochlorite Formalin. 85. Crystal Violet 86 . Methylene Blue 87. Safrenine 88. Tissue paper Roll Anatomy Dept. 89. Formaldehyde solution 37% 90. Glycerine 91. Phenols (carbolic acid) 92 . Accetone liquid 93. Thymol crystals 94. Ethyle Alcohol (Ethanol) 70% 95. Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) 96. Hydrogen Peroxide Pharmacology Dept. 97 . Acid for cleaning 98 Phenyl for cleaning 99 . Adrenaline 100 Dopamine 101 Heparin 102 Atropine Sulphate 103 N-Acetyl Cysteine 104 Flumazenil 105 Liquid Soap 120 ml
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Dr. Heethendra Purohit
Govt. Medical College Barmer, Govt. Medical College Barmer, Barmer, (Barmer), PIN:344001, Landline No.:9900663754, Fax No.:
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