Tender For Sewer Line And Manhole Repair Work At Various Places In Ward 32 To 37 (Arc) - Earth work for Sewer line and Manhole in excavationin foundation, trenchesmanholes,roadside chambersetc. includingdressingof sides and rammingof bottoms,includinggetting out the excavated material, refilling after laying pipe/ foundation and disposal of surplus excavated material at a lead upto 50m suitable site as per direction of Engineerfor followingdepths,belownaturalground/ Roadtop level. including allowances for any additional excavation beyond thedrawings (measurement for payment to be as per standard drawings), re-handling of material/earth to complete the task. 2 In all types soils such as moorum, sand, sandy silt, clay, black cotton soil, kankar, etc. 3 Depth upto 1.5 m 4 Add extra for over all depth of excavation above 1.5 m and upto 3.0 m over item no 5 Dismantlingof flexible pavementsfor sewer line and manholesand disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 50 metres, stacking serviceableandunserviceablematerialsseparatelyas directedby Engineer. 6 Bituminous courses 7 Granular courses 8 Dismantling of cement concrete pavement for sewer line and manholes by mechanical means using pneumatic tools, cutting the peripheral edge by CC cutter, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 metres including allowances for any additional dismantling beyond the drawings (measurement for payment to be as per standard drawings), re-handling of material/earth to complete the task. 9 Providing at site, lowering & laying in trenches, aligning & jointing of RCC pipes NP4 class (with s/s ends) IS: 458 - 2003 (amended up to date) marked and pipes from 300 mm and upto 1800 mm manufacturedthroughverticalcastingprocessatalldepthswith Rubber gaskets(EPDM/SBR) forsewerlinesasperIS:5382 (including costofRubber gaskets, lubricants) asperdrawing, sectional testing of the sewer pipe line (including cost and conveyance of water to site) etc., complete as per specification and / or as directed by Engineer. Note : E/w to be measured and paid separately 10 200 mm internal diameter 11 250 mm internal diameter 12 300 mm internal diameter 13 450 mm internal diameter 14 Providing granular bedding having width = outer dia of pipe (Bc) + 500mm, thickness below pipe = 0.25Bc or 100mm (whichever is higher) and haunching = 0.5Bc, with graded hard crusher broken stone of 100% passing through 20mm sheive, 20 to 50 % passing through 10mm sheive and 100 % retain on 6.3mm sheive, laying in layers of thickness 10/15cm including ramming, consolidation etc complete for all type of pipes of following sizes as per drawing and or as directed by Engineer. 15 200 mm internal diameter 16 250 mm internal diameter 17 300 mm internal diameter 18 450 mm internal diameter 19 Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 20 Cement plastering including T&P, scaffolding, material and complete labpour, including cost of water, curing, racking of joints etc. with 15 mm cement plaster of mix :1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine/ coarse sand) 21 Supplying and fixing soorsagar bhura or equialent ashlar sills lintel and dassa ,bearing ,bed and top surface made perfeenctly even jambs ,skirting steps etc. rough dressed upto 15 cm thick. 22 Supplying & fixing 560mm dia SFRC manhole frame & cover as per IS : 12592-2002 in existing manholes including grouting the frame inPCC M-15 complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer. HD-20 23 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded 20mm nominal size stone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. including Providing /mixing of synthetic fibers compulsorily complying with IS 16481:2022 of 06 mm/12 mm length to be mixed @ 0.25% by weight of Cement i.e. 125 gms per 50 kg Cement up to 900 gms per cum of Concrete/ mortar. 75mm thick 24 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centring and shuttering - All work upto plinth level :1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 fine/ coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size). 25 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centring and shuttering - All work upto plinth level : 1:1½:3 (1 Cement : 1½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). For road restoration. 26 Carriage of Materials by mechanical transport including loading, unloading and stacking:: 5 kmFor road restoration. 27 earth 28 Sand, bazri, ballast, kankar 29 Providing and fixing of precast concrete interlocking tiles of desired shape of M 30 grade manufactured from fully computerized automatic stationery hydraulic viebro pressed machine and fully computerized automatic batching plant of class A1/A2 as per BS 6717:2001. The CC interlocking paving blocks be laid on average 50mm. thick bed of coarse sand and the joint is to be filled with fine sand. Laying procedure on compacted sub-base as defined. Complete job is to be executed as per the instruction of Engineer incharge. The rates to be inclusive of all lead & Lifts etc. complete as per specifications. Tensile splitting strength, abrasion and braking load etc. as per BS 6717:2001, Grey cement. 80mm thick 30 Providing and fixing of 60mm thick precast cement concrete interlocking paver block casted with rubber moulds in approved reflective colour and design having minimun compressive strength of 300 kg/ sq cm. The CC paving blocks be laid on average 50mm thick bed of coarse sand and the joint is to be filled with fine sand. Laying procedure on compacted sub-base as defined. Complete job is to be executed as per the instruction of Engineer incharge. The rates to be inclusive of all lead & Lifts etc. complete as per specifications. 31 Empting of septic tank/ soakage well etc, disposing of sludge within a lead of 5km and taking out sewage including refilling with local earth, ramming and compaction in layers, cleaning of site. 32 Providing at site, lowering & laying in trenches, aligning & jointing of PVC-U pipes (SN 8) as per IS 15328 (amended up to date) and as per specifications with rubber rings with socket and spigot joint, (EPDM/SBR) for all depths for pipe length as per drawing and specification including hydraulic field testing (including the cost and conveyance of water to site for testing) and commissioning etc complete as directed by Engineer. Note : E/w to be measured and paid separately. Length of pipe shall be measured in between the outer wall of two manholes / Inspection chambers. Pipe in the manhole/inspection chamber’s wall shall deemed to be included in the item of manhole/inspection chamber shall not be payable. 33 110mm nominal dia 34 160mm nominal dia 35 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required. 36 In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works. 37 Silt clearance of drains, channels and canals with lift 1.5 Mtr and lead up to 50 Mtr. 38 Sludge clearance of drains, channels and canals with lift 1.5 Mtr and lead up to 50 Mtr. 39 Providing and constructing of RR stone masonry circular manholes of "Type-Z" with internal dia 0.56m and depth upto 0.90 m having 300mm thick RR stone masonry wall in cement sand mortar 1:4, including concreting PCC M-10 grade (1:3:6) for 225mm thick foundation including curing compaction and form work etc complete, PCC M15 for benching and channel portion, PCC M15 for fixing the manhole frame and cover using stone aggregate 20mm Nominal size, 20mm thick inside and outside plaster in C. M. 1:3, inside plaster finished with floating coat of neat cement, vata in CM1:1 around pipe entering and leaving the manhole and also at the junction of masonry and roof. Supplying and fixing heavy duty SFRC manhole frame and cover as per IS 12592 (Part I and II) having clear opening of 560mm, including refilling of Jhiri, including curing, watering, ramming, hydro testing of manhole, conveyance & cost of water, and dewatering complete as directed by the Engineer. Note- Only Excavation work will be measured and paid separately (ZType Manholes) 40 Providing and constructing of RR stone masonry circular manholes of "Type-A" with internal dia 0.90m and depth upto 1.65m having 300mm thick RR stone masonry wall in cement sand mortar 1:4, including concreting PCC M-10 grade (1:4:8) for 225mm thick foundation including curing compaction and form work etc complete, PCC M15 for benching and channel portion, RCC M20 for 200mm thick cover slab including reinforcement, PCC M20 for fixing the manhole frame and cover using stone aggregate 20mm nominal size, 20mm thick inside and outside plaster in C. M. 1:3, inside plaster finished with floating coat of neat cement, vata in CM1:1 around pipe entering and leaving the manhole and also at the junction of masonry and concrete slab, providing and fixing of SFRC foot steps of approved make at every 0.30m height fixed in CM 1:3, supplying and fixing heavy duty SFRC manhole frame and cover as per IS 12592 (Part I and II) having clear opening of 560mm, including refilling of Jhiri, including curing, watering, ramming, hydro testing of manhole, conveyance & cost of water, and dewateringcomplete as directed by the Engineer. Note:- Excavation of earth work and road cutting for manhole will be measured and paid separately. Manhole "Type-A" of depth 0.90 m each 41 Manhole "Type-A" of depth 0.90 m 42 Providing and constructing extra depth of manhole "Type-A" for depth beyond 0.90 m and upto 1.65 m with RR stone masonary including 20mm plaster inside and outside as per drawing and direction of Engineer. 43 Supplying & fixing 560mm opening dia SFRC manhole cover as per IS : 12592-2002 in existing manholes frame complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer 44 Raising circular brick/RR stone masonry manhole with circular opening 560mm dia and frame slab to required level including dismantling existing slab, taking out the existing CI frame & cover of manhole and raising it upto ground/ road level, refixing of frame and cover in M15 (1:2:4) concrete all around the frame, including making good the damage, form work, curing, complete as directed by Engineer. (Brick work / RR stone work of raising depth of manhole to be paid separately) 45 Lowering of circular brick / RR stone masonry manhole with circular opening 560mm dia and frame slab to required level including dismantling existing slab and manhole wall, taking out the existing CI frame & cover of manhole and lowering it upto ground/ road level, refixing of frame and cover in M15 (1:2:4) concrete all around the frame, including making good the damage, form work, curing, complete as directed by Engineer. (Dismantling of brick work / RR stone work depth of manhole to be paid separately)