Construction Of Sewer Near Madina Masjid Area Ward No. 6 - Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls, CC road and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 50 metres as directed by Engineer. Lime Concrete, cement concrete grade M-10 (1:5:10) and below 2 Cement Concrete Grade M-15 and above and PCC blocks 3 Earth work for Sewer line and Manhole in excavation in foundation, trenches manholes, road side chambers etc. including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, including getting out the excavated material, refilling after laying pipe/ foundation and disposal of surplus excavated material at a lead upto 50m suitable site as per direction of Engineer for following depths, below natural ground / Road top level including allowances for any additional excavation beyond the drawings (measurement for payment to be as per standard drawings), re-handling of material/earth to complete the task. In all types soils/ saturated soil such as moorum, sand, sandy silt, clay, black cotton soil, kankar, etc. Depth upto 1.5 m line 4 Providing at site, lowering & laying in trenches, aligning & jointing of RCC pipes NP4 class (with s/s ends) IS: 458 - 2003 (amended up to date) marked and pipes from 300 mm and upto 1800 mm manufactured through vertical / vibrated casting process at all depths with Rubber gaskets (EPDM/SBR) for sewer lines as per IS: 5382 (including cost of Rubber gaskets, lubricants) as per drawing, sectional hydro testing of the sewer pipe line (including cost and conveyance of water to site for testing) etc., complete as per specification and / or as directed by Engineer. Note : E/w to be measured and paid separately. Length of pipe shall be measured in between the outer wall of two manholes / Inspection chambers. Pipe in the manhole/inspection chamber’s wall shall deemed to be included in the item of manhole/inspection chamber shall not be payable. d) 200 mm internal diameter 5 Providing granular bedding having width = outer dia of pipe (Bc) +500mm, thickness below pipe = 0.25Bc or 100mm (whichever is higher) and haunching = 0.5Bc, with graded hard crusher brokenstone of 100% passing through 20mm sieve, 20 to 50 % passing through 10mm sieve and 100 % retain on 6.3mm sieve, laying in layers of thickness 10/15cm including ramming, consolidation etc complete for all type of pipes of following sizes as per drawing and or as directed by Engineer.200 mm internal diameter 6 Supplying & fixing 560mm dia SFRC manhole frame & cover as per IS : 12592-2002 in existing manholes including grouting the frame in PCC M-15 complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer. HD-20 7 Providing and laying lean cement concrete 1:4:8 in Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in concrete mixer, laid manualy, compacted with surface vibrator, finishing and curing complete as per clause 601, 112 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion. 8 Providing and laying un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete mix With Concrete Mixer & vibrator pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed as per approved mix design, laid, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion,construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, admixtures (if required) as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades complete as per drawing and as per clause 602, 112 of MoRT&H specification including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding and maintenance of diversion.PCC M-20 9 Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 10 Cement plastering including T&P, scaffolding, material and complete labpour, including cost of water, curing, racking of joints etc. with 20 mm cement plaster of mix : 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine/ coarse sand) (Inside and outside manhole ) 11 Providing, lowering, laying in trenches, aligning, fixing in position and jointing socketed rubber gasket type ISI marked uPVC pipes of Class III (6 Kg/sqcm) suitable for potable water with rubber ringjoints (as per IS 4985-2000) of following outer dia with all accessories (excluding specials) complete including all material, labour, hydraulic testing and commissioning as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer. 110 mm dia 12 160 mm dia 13 Carriage of Materials by mechanical transport including loading, unloading and stacking :: Sand, bazri,ballast, kankar upto 4 km 14 Supplying and fixing Soorsagar Bhura or Equivalent ashlar sills, lintels and dassa, bearing, bed & top surface made perfenctly even, jambs, skirting steps etc. rough dressed: upto 15 cm thick.