Tender For Annual Rate Contract For Supply Of Various Chemicals And Reagents For Pathology Department At Ruh ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For Annual Rate Contract For Supply Of Various Chemicals And Reagents For Pathology Department At Ruhs College Of Medical Sciences, Jaipur - Acetic Acid Acetone Acid Fuchsin Periodic Acid Schiff Activated Charcoal Alcian Blue Aluminium
Tender For Annual Rate Contract For Supply Of Various Chemicals And Reagents For Pathology Department At Ruhs College Of Medical Sciences, Jaipur - Acetic acid Acetone Acid fuchsin Periodic acid schiff Activated charcoal Alcian blue Aluminium chloride Aluminium hydroxide Aluminium potassium sulphate dodecahydrate Ammonia solution (liqvid ammonia) Aniline blue Basic fuchsin Benzidine powder Biebrich scarlet Brilliant cresyl blue Carbol fuchsin Carmine powder Celestine blue Chloral nydrate Citric acid Concentrated hol Congo red Coverslip (22x50) Diamond pehcil Distilled water Dpx mount Egg albumine flake Eosin yellow stain powder Ethahol Ferric chloride Filter paper 460x570 mm Ferric ammohium sulphiate (ammohium irohsulphate) Steel cassete for histo pahgology Glacial cetic acid Glycerol Haematoxyline crystal Hydrogen peroxide Light green Malt diastase Metanil yellow Methahol Methylene blue Micro glass.slides Microtome blade (low profile) Mercury chloride Neutral red Nitric acid Nuclear fast red Numbering paper Oxalic acid Paraffin wax with (ceresin 60-62°c) Peanut oil Phenol Picric acid Plastic ring for block (white) Potassium dichromate Potassium ferrocya nide Potassium hydroxide Potassium metabisulphite Potassiumm permanganate Isopropanolol Readymade giemsa stain Rosaniline dye (forschiffreagents) Silver nitrate Sodium nitropru side Sodium hy droxide Sodium iodate Sodium metabisulfite Sodium sulphate Sodium thiosulphate Sudan black-b Sulfuric acid tissue paper roll xy elene Ab solute alochal Methuyle voilet Crystal voilet Ammonium sul phate Dextrose (d-glucose) Sulfur precipitated Immersion oil Barium chloride Sodium citrate 5-sulphosalicylic acid Hydrochloricacid n/10 Leishman's stain solution Ben edict's reagent W.b.c diluting fluid R.b.c diluting fluid Formal dehyde 37-40 Slide tray (iron) Troughs for staining Slide stating jhula
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Dr. Vinod Joshi
Office of the Principal and Controller RUHS CMS, RUHS College of Medical Sciences, Sector-11, Kumbha Marg, Pratap Nagar Jaipur, Jaipur, (Jaipur), PIN:302033, Landline No.:01412795624, Fax No.:
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