Rate Contract For Purchase Of Various Plants Including Evergreen/ Ornamental Plants, Avenue/ Traditional Plants, Fruits Plants, Hedges, Seasonal Flowers Saplings (Winter And Summer) And Climbers/ Creepers Etc. For Mdu Campus Rohtak For One Year-- 1 Providing and stacking winter seasonal F-1 Hybrid seedlings/ cuttings at site of work well developed and healthy free from disease in per tray and each tray having 100 Nos plants as per direction of the Officer-in-charge) Name of SaplingAlyssum 2 Antirrhinum dwarf 3 Aster dwarf 4 Brachycome 5 Calendula double 6 Carnation (double) Dutch 7 Carnation (double) Lilliput 8 Carnation hybrid 9 Chrysanthemum double 10 Cineraria 11 Cineraria dwarf hybrid 12 Clarkia hybrid 13 Cosmos hybrid 14 Dahlia double 15 Daisy hybrid 16 Dianthus hybrid 17 Gazania hybrid 18 Gerbera hybrid double 19 Lupine hybrid 20 Marigold French Hybrid dwarf 21 Marigold Inca hybrid 22 Nasturtium 23 Nemesia hybrid 24 Pansy hybrid 25 Petunia hybrid 26 Phlox mix colour hybrid 27 Poppy double 28 Salvia 29 Salvia Hybrid different colour 30 Stock double 31 Verbena hybrid 32 Tulip 33 Lilium 34 Providing and stacking summer & rainy F-1 Hybrid seasonal seedlings at site of work well developed and healthy free from disease in per tray and each tray having 100 Nos plants as per direction of the Officer-in-charge) Name of SaplingBalsam seedling 35 Celosia argentea / 36 Celosia crostata Hybrid 37 Cosmos hybrid 38 Gaillardia Double 39 Gomphrena 40 Kochia 41 Portulaca hybrid 42 Sunflower Dwarf 43 Vinca Hybrid 44 Zinnia hybrid 45 Aglaonema Butterfly plant having ht.30 cm. 46 Aglaonema Ice plant ht.25 cm 47 Aglaonema Parrot Jungle plant (three in one), having ht. 30 cm and above 48 Aglaonema Dove variety Plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm 49 Aglaonema Pseudo bractatum plants, having ht. 30 cm and above 50 Aglaonema Sam ht.30 cm 51 Aglaonema Snow White hybrid plant (three in one), having ht. 30 cm & above 52 Aglaonema Silver Queen plant, having 30 cm to 45 cm. ht. 53 Aglaonema ernesto Plant (three in one), having ht. 45 cm & above 54 Aglaonema marentifolium variety plant, having ht. 23 cm to 30 cm 55 Aglaonema modestum plant, having ht. 23 cm to 30 cm 56 Aglaonema nitida plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm 57 Araucaria cookie plant, ht. 45 cm to 60 cm. 58 Araucaria cookie plant, ht. 60 cm to 75 cm, 59 Araucaria cookie ht. 75 cm to 90 cm, 60 Araucaria cookie plant, ht. 90 cm to 1.20 m, 61 Araucaria cookie plant, ht. 1.50 m to 1.80 m 62 Areca Palm plant, ht. 90 cm to 1.05 m 63 Areca Palm plant, having ht. 1.05 m to 1.20 m 64 Areca palm plant, having ht. 1.20 m to 1.50 m 65 Areca Palm plant, having ht. 1.50 m to 1.95 m 66 Areca Palm plant, having ht. 1.95 m to 2.40 m 67 Brassia Variegated plant, having ht. 30 cm. 68 Brassia Variegated plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm 69 Brassia hicolour, ht 30 cm to 45 cm. 70 Chamaedorea elegans palm plant, having ht. 60 cm to 75 cm, 71 Croton Challenger variety plant, having ht. 30cm and above, 72 Croton baby golden variety plant, having ht.30 cm and above, 73 Croton Baby Golden Punctatumaureum plant, having ht. 23 cm to 30 cm 74 Croton Golden plant, having ht. 45 cm to 60 cm 75 Croton Baby Golden plant (three in one), having ht. 30 cm 76 Croton golden (Broad Leaves) plant, having ht. 60 cm to 75 cm 77 Croton Golden specimen plant, having ht. 90 cm to 1.05 cm 78 Croton Duck foot (Elite) plant, having ht. 45 cm and above 79 Croton Duck Foot (Elite) plant, having ht. 60 cm to 75 cm 80 Croton Petra Bangalore variety plant, having ht 30 cm & above 81 Croton Petra plant, having ht. 30 cm & above 82 Croton Petra Bangalore variety plant, having ht. 60 cm to 75 cm 83 Croton Petra Bangalore variety plant, having ht. 60 cm to 75 cm 84 Dieffenbachia Tropic-snow plant, having ht. 45 cm & above 85 Dieffenbachia mosaic plant, having ht. 23 cm to 30 cm 86 Dieffenbachia maculata plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm 87 Dieffenbachia superba, 45 cm to 60 cm ht. 88 Dracaena Song of India plant (three in one), ht. 30 cm and above, 89 Dracaena song of India specimen plant (three in one), having ht. 60 cm & above 90 Dracaena Song of India Green plant (three in one), having ht. 30 cm, 91 Dracaena Song of India variegated plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm 92 Dracaena Kedarnath plant, having ht. 30 cm & above, 93 Dracaena margineta plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm 94 Dracaena mahatma plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm, 95 Dracaena pendanus, having 6 to 8 suckers 96 Dracaena rosea plant, having ht. 30 cm & above 97 Dracaena Victoria plant, having ht. 30 cm & above 98 Dracaena fragrans”Massangeana’’ plant, ht. 30 cm & above 99 Dracaena waraneckii plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm 100 Livistona palm plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm, 101 Livistona palm plant, having ht. 60 cm to 75 cm, 102 Monestaria plant mounted on moss stick 90 cm ht. 103 Money Plant Broad Leaves mounted on moss stick 75 cm ht. 104 Money Plant Broad Leaves mounted on moss stick 0.90 m ht. 105 Money Plant Golden leaves mounted on moss stick 90cm ht. 106 Philodendron Burgundy plant mounted on moss stick 90 cm ht. 107 Philodendron emerald red colour plant, mounted on moss stick 90 cm ht. 108 Philodendron Envy plant, mounted on moss stick 90 cm ht. 109 Philodendron Oxicodium plant, mounted on moss stick 90 cm ht. 110 Philodendron Oxicodium Golden Colour plant, Mounted on moss stick 90 cm ht. 111 Philodendron Oxicodium Golden Colour plant, Mounted on moss stick 1.20 m ht. 112 Philodendron Oxicodium plant, mounted on moss stick 1.20 m ht. 113 Philodendron selloum plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm 114 Philodendron selloum plant, having ht. 45 cm to 60 cm 115 Philodendron ceylon gold plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm 116 Philodendron Xanadu plant, having 15 to 20 leaves 117 Philodendron moonlight plant, having ht. 30 cm to 45 cm 118 Phoenix palm plant, having ht. 75 cm to 90 cm 119 Raphes palm plant, having ht. 45 cm to 60 cm 120 Rhapis Excelsa Palm plant, having ht. 75 cm to 90 cm 121 Rhapis Palm plant, having ht. 75 cm to 90 cm 122 Rhapis palm specimen plant, having ht. 1.50 m to 1.65 m 123 Rubber plant black variety, well developed, having 45 to 60 cm height 124 Rubber plant variegated, having 45 to 60 cm height 125 Seaforthia Palm plant, having ht. 90cm to 1.20 m 126 Seaforthia Palm plant, having ht. 1.20 cm to 1.50 cm 127 Seaforthia Palm plant, having ht. 1.50 m to 1.80 m 128 Sanchezia Nobili’s plant, having ht. 30 cm & above 129 Schefflera high colour plant, having ht. 25 cm to 30 cm 130 Schefflera green, having 45 cm to 60 cm ht. 131 Schefflera high colour plant (three in one), having ht. 25 cm to 30 cm, 132 Schefflera Green plant (three in one), mounted on moss stick 90 cm, 133 Schefflera Varieged plant, mounted on moss stick 90 cm ht. 134 Spathiphyllum (peace Lilly), having 15 cm to 25 cm ht. 135 Syngonium golden plant, mounted on moss stick 90 cm ht. 136 Syngonium Varieged plant, mounted on moss stick 90 cm ht 137 Acalypha different colour 30 to 45 cm ht. in 15 cm size of Earthen /Plastic Pot 138 Acalypha green 30 to 45 cm ht. in 15 cm size EarthenPlastic Pot 139 Acalypha red 30 to 45 cm ht. in 15 cm size Earthen /Plastic Pot 140 Acalypha twisted 30 cm ht. in 15 cm size Earthen /Plastic Pot 141 Adenium Obesum grafted 30 to 60 cm ht. in 25 cm size Earthen /Plastic Pot 142 Adenium Obesum well 60 to 75 cm ht. in 40 cm size Earthen /Plastic Pot 143 Bamboo Buddha valley 75 to 90 cm ht. in 30 cm size Earthen /Plastic Pot 144 Bamboo Buddha vally variety with umbrella shape, 120 to 135 ht. in 40 cm Cement pot 145 Bamboo Buddha Valley 1.80 m to 2.10m ht. in 50 cm Cement Pot 146 Bird of paradise 90 to 120 cm ht. in 30 cm Earthen /Plastic Pot 147 Bismarckia Palm 115 to 180 cm ht. in 40 cm Cement Pot 148 Bougainvillea named variety, Sobhra, Thima, Marry palmar, Cherry Blossom etc. 75 to 90 cm ht. in 35 cm Cement Pot 149 Cycus cirsnallis in 40 cm Cement Pot 150 Cycus revoluta in 35 cm challi, specimen plant, having 30 to 40 with fresh and healthy, leaves having 25cm to 30cm circumference of base stem 151 Cycus revoluta specimen plant, having 45 to 50 fresh and healthy, leaves having 30cm to 35cm circumference of base stem well developed in 40 cm challi 152 Cyprus Golden 30 to 45 cm ht. in 30 cm Earthen Pots 153 Cyprus golden 60 to 75 cm ht in 35 cm Earthen Pots 154 Euphorbia milli hybrid variety 30 to 45 cm ht. in 35 cm Cement Pots 155 Ficus black vivion piller Topiary (cylinder type) 180 to 210 cm ht in 40 cm Cement Pot 156 Ficus Long Island Topiary 120 to 150 cm ht in 40 cm Cement Pot 157 Ficus Nuda Topiary 180 to 210cm ht in 40 cm Cement Pot 158 Ficus Nuda 75 to 90 cm ht. in 35 cm Cement Pot 159 Ficus Retusa Topiary 180 to 210 cm ht in 40 cm Cement Pot 160 Ficus reginold 105 to 120 cm ht. in 35 cm Cement Pot 161 Ficus resnold piller type Topiary 210 to 240 cm ht in 40 cm Cement Pot 162 Ficus resnold Topiary 210 to 240 cm ht in 50 cm Cement Pot 163 Ficus Starlight 75 to 90 cm ht. in 35 cm Cement Pot 164 Fishtail palm of ht 180to 190 cm in 35 cm Cement Pot 165 Foxtail palm of ht. 210 to 240 cm in 40 cm Cement Pot 166 Furcaira variegated in 30 cm Earthen Pot 167 Furcaria Variegated hybrid in 35 cm Cement Pot 168 Golden Bottle brush Topiary 115 to 180 cm ht in 40 cm Cement Pot 169 Zamia palm 120 cm ht in 35 cm cement pot 170 Latania Rubra Palm 150 to 180 cm ht. in 35 cm Cement Pot 171 Mascarena palm 180 to 210 cm ht in 40 cm Cement Pot 172 Phoenix roebelenii palm 90 to 135 cm ht. in 35 cm Cement Pot 173 Topiary plant of Ficus Bush King, 210 to 225 cm ht., in 35 cm Cement Tray/Cement Pot 174 Ficus Nuda, 195 to 210 cm ht. in 35 cm Cement Tray /Cement Pot 175 Topiary plant of Ficus Panda, 150 to 165 cm ht., in 35 cm Cement Tray /Cement Pot 176 Topiary planted Casuarina plant 195 to 210 cm ht. in 40 cm Cement Pot 177 Travellers palm 150 to 180 cm ht. in 35 cm Cement Pot 178 Travellers palm 210 to 240 cm ht in 40 cm Cement Pot 179 Washingtonia filifea palm ht. 90 cm to 105 cm ht in 35 cm Cement Pot 180 Acacia auriculiformis of height 150-165 cm 181 Adansonia digitata (kalp vricksh) of height 150-165 cm 182 Albizzia lebbek of height 150-165 cm 183 Alstonia scholaris of height 150-165 cm 184 Azadirachta indica ( Neem ) of ht 120-130 cm 185 Bassia latifolia (Mahua) of ht 90-105 cm 186 Bauhinia blakeana (Kachnar) of ht 120-150 cm 187 Bauhinia purpurea (Kachnar) of ht 150-165 cm 188 Bombax ceiba of ht 150-165 cm 189 Bottle palm of ht. 120-150 cm 190 Bottle palm of ht. 210-240 cm 191 Bottle palm of ht. 270-300 cm 192 Butea frondosa (Flame of Forest) of ht 60-65 cm 193 Callistemon lanceolatus of ht 150-165 cm 194 Casuarina equisetifolia of ht 150-165 cm 195 Cassia fistula (Amaltash) of ht 120-135 cm 196 Cassia siamea of ht 150-165 cm 197 Cassia javanica of ht 120-150 cm 198 Cassia nodosa of ht 120- 150 cm 199 Ceiba pentandra of ht 150-165 cm 200 Chorisia speciosa of ht 150-165 cm 201 Chukrassia tabularis of ht 150-165 cm 202 Dalbergia sissoo (Seasam) of ht 120-135 cm 203 Delonix regia (Gulmohar) of ht 150-165 cm 204 Erythrina indica of ht 150-165 cm 205 Ficus benjamina (green) of ht. 120-135 cm 206 Ficus benjamina (green) of ht. 150-165 cm 207 Ficus bengalensis (Bargad) of ht. 120-135 cm 208 Ficus bengalensis (varigated) of ht. 75-90 cm 209 Ficus bengalensis krishna of ht. 75- 90 cm 210 Ficus elastica Decora (Rubber ) of ht. 45-60 cm 211 Ficus infectoria (Pilkhan) of ht. 150-165 cm 212 Ficus lyrata of ht. 45-60 cm 213 Ficus nuda of ht. 120-135 cm 214 Ficus nuda of ht.150-165 cm 215 Ficus religiosa (Peepal) of ht. 150-165 cm 216 Ficus retusa of ht 120-135 cm 217 Ficus shiela of ht 150-165 cm 218 Fishtail palm of ht. 150-165 cm 219 Fishtail palm of ht. 210-240 cm 220 Fishtail palm of ht. 270-300 cm 221 Foxtail palm of ht. 120-150 cm 222 Foxtail palm of ht. 180-210 cm 223 Foxtail palm of ht. 240-270 cm 224 Grevillea robusta (Silver Oak) of ht. 150-165 cm 225 Heterophragma adenophyllum (Marore fali) of height 150-165 cm 226 Ingla dulcis (Jungle Jalebi) of height 150-165 cm 227 Jacaranda mimosifolia of height 150-165 cm 228 Kigelia pinnata of height 150-165 cm 229 Lagerstroemia flosreginae of height 150-165 cm 230 Lagerstroemia thorelli of height 150-165 cm 231 Magnolia grandiflora of height 150-165 cm 232 Mangifera indica (Mango) of height 60-75cm 233 Melia azedarach of height 120-135 cm 234 Michelia champa (Golden Champa) of height 90-105 cm 235 Milletia ovalifolia of height 120-135 cm 236 Millingtonia hortensis of height 150-165 cm 237 Mimusops elengi (Maulsri) of height 150-165 cm 238 Mimusops elengi (Maulsri) of height 180-195 cm 239 Nauclea cadamba (Kadam) of height 150-165 cm 240 Parkinsonia species of height 120-135 cm 241 Peltophorum species of height 150165 cm 242 Phoenix sylvestris Roxb. (Wild date palm/khajur) of height 150-165 cm 243 Phyllanthus emblica (Amla) of height 150-165 cm 244 Pinus longifolia (Pinus) of height 90-105 cm 245 Plumeria acutifolia of height 120-135 cm 246 Plumeria acutifolia of height 150-165 cm 247 Plumeria alba of height 120-135 cm 248 Plumeria alba of height 165-180 cm 249 Plumeria alba dwarf of height 90-105 cm 250 Plumeria Rubra of height 120-150 cm 251 Pongamia glabra of ht 120-135 cm 252 Polyalthia longifolia (Ashok) of height 150-165 cm 253 Polyalthia longifolia (Ashok) of height 180-195 cm 254 Polyalthia pendula (Ashok Pendula) of height 150-165 cm 255 Polyalthia pendula (Ashok Pendula) of height 180-195 cm 256 Pterospermum acerifolium (Kanak Champa) of ht 150-165 cm 257 Putranjiva roxburghii of height 90-105 cm 258 Saraca indica (Sita Ashok) of height 105-120 cm 259 Schleichera trijuga (Kusum) of height 150-165 cm 260 Spathodea campanulata of height 150-165 cm 261 Eugenia jambolana (Jamun) of height 150-165 cm 262 Tabebuia sp. of height 150-165 cm 263 Tamarindus indica (Imli) of height 120-150 cm 264 Tecoma argentea of height 120-135 cm 265 Tectona grandis (Teak) of height 150-165 cm 266 Terminalia arjuna of height 150-165 cm 267 Washingtonia filifea palm stem ht. 90-105 cm 268 Washingtonia filifea palm stem ht. 120-135 cm 269 Allamanda cathartica Hight 30-45cm 270 Allamanda violacea Hight 30-45cm 271 Bigonia venusta Hight 30-45cm 272 Bougainvillea (Variety Butiana, Lady Mary Baring, Mahara, Mohan, Scarlet Queen, Variegated, Glabra Formosa, Peruviana Odissi, Paratha, Subhra, Thimma, Spectabilis L.N Birla, Refulgens) Hight 30-45cm 273 Clerodendrum splendens Hight 30-45cm 274 Clerodendrum thomsoniae Hight 30-45cm 275 Ipomoea purpurea (Morning glory) Hight 30-45cm 276 Jasmine grandiflorum (Chameli) Hight 30-45cm 277 Jasmine humile (Yellow) Hight 30-45cm 278 Passiflora caerulea (Rakhi bel) Hight 30-45cm 279 Petra volubilis Hight 30-45cm 280 Quisqualis indicia Hight 30-45cm 281 Tecoma grandiflora Hight 30-45cm 282 Vernonia elaegnifolia (Curtain creeper) Hight 30-45cm