Tender For DepositWork - Utility Shifting as part of road widening Vavarambalam to Pothencode under Electrical Section, Pothencode-- 1 Labour 2 Insertion of one LT PSC pole in existing Sph OH line incl. digging & back filling pit, fitting cross arm, insulator, binding etc. 3 Dismantling one section fuse 4 Conversion of one km LT Sph 2 wire to 3ph 4 wire line incl. dismantling existing 2 conductors, stringing 3 Rabbit & 1 Weasel incl. conveyance. 5 Transferring LT 3ph 4/5 wire OH line to newly erected HT/LT pole and refitting allitems to the new pole. 6 Re-joining snapped one LT conductor after removing damaged portion incl.Reshackling and conveyanceof all materials complete. 7 Transferring LT Sph 2/3 wire OH line to newly erected HT/LT pole and refitting all items to the new pole. 8 Providing Strut using LT PSC pole incl. digging & back filling pit. 9 Insertion of one LT PSC pole in existing 3ph OH line incl. digging & back filling pit, fitting cross arm, insulator, binding etc. 10 Stringing one km LT 3ph 4 wire line (Rabbit for Ph, Weasel for N) incl. fitting cross arm etc. removing touchings and conveyance of materials. 11 Renewal of existing damaged/old LT stay with new stay in place and refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials. 12 Renewal of existing damaged/broken old LT stay with existing stay rod. 13 Stringing of 1.1 kV Ariel bunched cable XLPE insulated of size 3 x 70(For Phase)+ 1 x 50 (insulated messenger nuetral) + 1X16 (street light) sqmm 14 Erection of Anchor clamp / dead end clamp for LT ABC of any size 15 Erection of suspension clamp for LT ABC of any size 16 Loading LT PSC pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transport by vehicle). 17 Loading HT PSC pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transport by vehicle). 18 Loading LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transport by vehicle). 19 Loading HT A type pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transport by vehicle). 20 Transporting poles by hired vehicle to a distance upto 5km and carrying upto 4 poles excluding loading & unloading. 21 Dismantling (without damage) one km 11kV line (3 conductors), cross arm, insulators, disc, rolling the conductor and stacking. 22 Dismantling (without damage) one km LT 3ph 4 wire OH line, cross arms, insulators and stacking the conductors in rolls. 23 Dismantling (without damage) one km LT additional conductor line, cross arms, insulators and stacking the conductors in rolls. 24 Dismantling (without damage) one km LT Sph 2 wire OH line, cross arms, insulators and stacking the conductors in rolls. 25 Dismantling one damaged LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole after disconnecting stays, strut etc. and stacking the same. 26 Dismantling (without damage) one LT PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays, strut etc. and stacking the same. 27 Dismantling one damaged LT PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays, strut etc. and stacking the same. 28 Dismantling (without damage) one 11kV PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays, strut etc. and stacking the same. 29 Dismantling one damaged 11kV PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays, strut etc. and stacking the same. 30 Dismantling (without damage) one LT PSC/RCC Strut pole incl. removal of clamps and stacking. 31 Dismantling (without damage) one HT stay incl. back filling, and bringing back to section store. 32 Erecting one LT PSC Pole in position incl. digging & back filling pit. 33 Fitting and erecting one HT PSC Pole in position incl. fitting cross arm, digging & back filling pit, drawing earth leads. 34 Fitting and providing one HT Stay for 11kV pole incl. digging & back filling pit. 35 Providing Stay for LT poles incl. digging & back filling pit. 36 Fitting and providing one Strut using HT PSC pole incl. digging & back filling pit. 37 Stringing one km LT 3ph 5 wire line (Rabbit for Ph and Weasel for N&St.main) incl. fitting cross arm etc. removing touchings and conveyance of materials. 38 Stringing one km LT Sph 2 wire line (Rabbit) incl. fitting cross arm etc. removing touchings and conveyance of materials. 39 Stringing one km LT Sph 3 wire line (Rabbit for Ph&N, Weasel for St.main) incl. fitting cross arm etc. removing touchings and conveyance of materials. 40 Fitting and erecting one HT A type Pole in position incl. fitting cross arm, digging & back filling pit, drawing earth leads. 41 Providing concrete muffing (0.45x0.45x1.5m) inclusive of cost of all material (as per specification). 42 Fitting one No. Section fuse on LT line with dropping cables, crimping sockets, connecting with bolt&nut etc. 43 Providing WP support with PSC pole incl. digging & back filling pit. 44 Drilling hole of various sizes on existing Channel/Cross Arm. 45 Additional rate for refitting/redoing one Shackle set and reshackling one span while renewing any type of pole. 46 Providing one Coil Earth using GI earth wire, digging separate pit at standard distance away from the pole/structure & backfilling. 47 Fitting one LT 2 line cross arm on HT or LT existing poles incl. fitting insulators and binding the same with LT Line. 48 Fitting and providing one HT Fly stay for 11kV pole using HT PSC pole incl. digging & back filling pits. 49 Fitting one LT 4 line cross arm on HT or LT existing poles incl. fitting insulators and binding the same with LT Line. 50 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/HT Stay in Laterite. 51 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/HTStay in Hard Laterite. 52 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for LT Pole/LT Stay in Hard Laterite. 53 Additional rate for excavation of Pit for A type pole in Hard Laterite. 54 Fitting one Additional 75x40mm, 1.8m Channel cross arm in existing single pole incl. conveyance of materials. 55 Providing/Inserting 2 line spacer on the existing LT OH line. 56 Providing/Inserting 3 line spacer on the existing LT OH line. 57 Dismantling and reconnecting Sph service connection from the OH line incl. lowering down the WP portion. 58 Dismantling and reconnecting 3ph service connection from the OH line incl. lowering down the WP portion. 59 Dismantling one ordinarystreet light/CFL/LED fitting from existing pole and refitting the same on newly erected pole and reconnecting.