Tenders are invited for Layout of the Piscicole Ponds to the Municipality of Meyomessala, Department of Dja and Lobo, South Region, The physical version of the tender documents can be obtained at the DAO collection point at the SIGAMP mail service by telephone at 697 55 09 57/ 678 62 75 12 upon publication of this notice, against payment of a non-refundable sum of 30,000 (thirty thousand) CFA francs for the DAO purchase costs, payable to the Municipalitys public accountant (the Municipal Receiver). It is also possible to obtain the electronic version of the file by free download at the addresses indicated above for the electronic version. However, submission by physical or electronic means is conditional upon payment of the DAO purchase costs. Each bidder must attach to its administrative documents a security deposit oftender paid by hand and stamped, issued by an organization or financial institution approved by the Minister of Finance to issue guarantees in the field of public procurement, the list of which appears in Exhibit 14 of the DAO, the amount of which is 300,000 (three hundred thousand) for each lot and valid for up to thirty (30) days beyond the initial date of validity of the offers. The absence of the tender guarantee issued by a first-rate bank or a first-class financial institution authorized by the Ministry of Finance to issue guarantees in the context of public procurement, will result in the outright rejection of the offer. A tender guarantee produced, but having no connection with the consultation concerned is considered absent. The tender guarantee presented by a bidder during the bid opening session is inadmissible. Publish On: 19-03-2025 13:34:16 Closing Date: 16-04-2025 Closing Time: 14:00:00 [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://armp.cm/details?type_publication=AO&id_publication=53884
Contact Information
Public Procurement Authority (MINMAP) (SMS or call) Phone numbers: (+237) 673 20 57 25 and 699 37 07 48
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