200G Sour Cream, Fennel Tea, Chamomile, Dill W/ 10 1G Envelope Each., Crystal Type Sugar, Packed In Polyethylene Bag Cont. 1Kg, Protein Of Be Textured Meat Flavor: 400G Packet., Wheat Flour Without Yeast, 1Kg., 03/20/2025, Carioquinha Beans, Tip 1, Large Whole, S/Impur. 500G., Creamy Margarine W/Salt, 500G, Pack. Pvc., Flock Corn Flain Flock, 500G Package, Soy Oil- Good. Vegetable., White Chicken Egg, Medium Tam - Tray W/ 30Und., Alcohol Vinegar, Bottle, With 500Ml. Emb. In Pvc Bottle Transp., The Corn, Annatto And Soybean Oil, No Salt, 100G., Refined Table Salt, Iodado, First Coffee, Which. C/ Abic Seal, Free From Black-Green Grains Or Ferm. And Raw., S/Amatgor, Toasted And Ground, Aroma And Flavor Characteristic Of Regulating The Intense. Packaging 250G., Parboly Rice Long Fine Class, Type 1, In Packages (First Line Packaging), 1Kg. 150 Days. Popular Sweet, Cornstarch Type 350G, Transf. And Resistant Of Non -Toxic Polyethylene Material, 350G Package., Milk Powder - Prod. Dehydrated, Instantaneous, Integral, Resistant, Metallic, Non -Toxic, Herb. 200G., Condensed Milk, Pack. 395G, Tetra Pack, Containing Whole Milk, Sugar And Lactose., Hot Dog Bread Liquid Weight 400G, Pack. C/ Identif. Of The Product., Full Kg Chicken, Fresh. Firm Appearance., Embal Chicken Breast. In Transparent, Atixic, Clean, Packed Packet., Ground Beef Or Muscle, Packed, Packed Polyethylene Bags. 500G. C/ Inspection Seal., Thigh And Chicken Overcox Packed In Polyethylene Bags, Jammed., Chicken Breast Fillet, Pack. In Polyethylene Bags, Tuscan Type Sausage, Prepared With Pork Meat., Mozzarella Cheese, Piece, Cooled, Derived From Good Quality Cows Milk, Compact Texture, With Mild And Slightly Salty Flavor, Sausage, Good Quality, Exempt Deadives Or Strange Substances Inappropriate For Consumption, Smoked Mortadella - Constituted Killer Of Meats. Beef And Swine And Shredded, Pure And Clean, First Quality Pure, Added, Soda - Specification: Plastic Container; Pet Type: 2 Liters; Good Quality - Minimum Validity Of 180 Days; - Varied Flavors (1 Part Pulp For 4 Parts Water)., Frozen Pulp Without Natural Sugar Of The Fruit, Concentration 1: 4 (1 Part Pulp For 4 Parts Water). Flavor: Cajá., Concentration 1: 4 (1 Part Pulp For 4 Parts Of Water). Flavor: Guava., Concentration 1: 4 (1 Part Pulp For 4 Parts). Flavor: Mango., Powder Chocolate - Student Characteristic: Source Of 7 Vitamins, Iron And Zinc Enrichiocom. 400G., Tomato Extract, Concentrated. Ingredients: Tomatoes, Salt And Sugar. 300G Sachet Packaging, Chicken Broth, 24 Unit Cx Box, 19G Package, 200G Cans Green Corn. Frozen And Cut Into Slats, In The Following Specifications: 7 Cm Wide Each Slap. Validity Of 12 Me