Empanelment Of The Vendor For Supplying Institutional Fashion Designing Tool And Stationery Item On Rental Basis At Bipard--1 Students Notes 2 Sewing Machine tool kit 3 Dexterity Test Kit 4 Chalk &marker (Chalks & markers of different colours) 5 Tech Pack/ Specification Sheet 6 Trims/Accessory /fabric and embroideries samples/swatch file 7 Measurement Sheet/ Size Chart 8 Buyer Requirement/ comment Sheet 9 Fashion Forecasting Books/Journals/Magazines 10 Pantone Shade Card 11 White /Black Board Marker 12 Blackboard/Whiteboard 13 Magnetic White Board/black board Eraser 14 Punching Machine 15 Cello-Tape (Transparent and Foam Double sided tapes, Single sided tapes) 16 Fabric Glue 17 Glue Stick/Fevicol/Adhesive 18 Stapler (small and big size) 19 Paint Brushes (different sizes) 20 Colour (Poster colour, Water colour, Acrylics, Pastels, fabric printing dyes and colors and materials etc) 21 Carbon paper (A4, yellow, red and white carbon) 22 Tailor’s Chalk 23 Marking Chalk (yellow/pink/ green/ blue coloured) 24 Pinking Shears 25 Scissors (plastic handled scissor for cutting paper 26 Labels & Stickers (Qty may vary as per requirement) 27 Paper (Various quality and sizes) 28 Pattern Drafting Paper 29 Paper Cutter 30 Design Transferring Paper 31 Carbon Paper (Various Colours) 32 Sharpener 33 Note books 34 Eraser 35 Pencil (HB, 2B, H, 2H, 4H,4B, 6B, 8B) 36 Highlighter (quantity may vary as per requirement) 37 Fabric Pins 38 Dress Maker's Pin (quantity may vary as per requirement) 39 Push Pins (quantity may vary as per requirement) 40 Teacher's Chair 41 Teacher's Table 42 Student's Chair (with Table Arm) 43 Stools for cutting 44 Pattern Table /cutting table 45 Boxes and pouches for storing Items 46 Dustbin 47 Pin Cushion (quantity may vary as per requirement) 48 Trim/Accessory buttons, surface embellishments, zippers etc assorted, qnt may vary) 49 Fabric Yardages, surplus fabric, good quality muslin madatory , other optional, qnt may vary) 50 Embroidery frame (various sizes and shapes qnt may vary) 51 Hanger (wooden and plastic material) 52 Bobbin case (qnt may vary) 53 Bobbins (qnt may vary) 54 Sewing Threads (Surplus thread is used. The quantity, thread packaging, variety may vary as per requirement), embroidery thread as per req 55 Hand notcher (pattern notcher) 56 Button hole scissor 57 Attachments for sewing machine (as per req) 58 Machine Needle and hand needles (Various Gauges), embroidery needles 59 Machine oil 60 Machine tool kit (screw driver, screw etc.) 61 Sewing kit (Includes thread clipper/hand trimmer, seam ripper, fabric cutting scissors, tracing wheel, measuring tape etc) 62 Types Of Scales: normal straight big ruler, hip curve, legshaper, pattern master, frenchcurve etc 63 Drawing Board (any size wooden) 64 Garment, Made ups and Home Furnishing Samples (qnt may vary) 65 Machine tool kit 66 Press/iron (any type) with table 67 Embroidery machine with stool and table 68 Cleaning cloth 69 Over lock Machine (5 thread over lock machine) with stool 70 Stools for sewing depending on no. of machines 71 Sewing Machine with tables (domestic or industrial SNLS as per requirement) 72 Mannequin (Male or female , Size M) 73 Printer 74 Design software’s (Coral, photoshop etc) 75 First aid box & Fire Extinguisher 76 Computer & Computer Peripherals 77 Students Notes 78 Sewing Machine tool kit 79 Dexterity Test Kit 80 Chalk &marker (Chalks & markers of different colours) 81 Tech Pack/ Specification Sheet 82 Trims/Accessory /fabric and embroideries samples/swatch file 83 Measurement Sheet/ Size Chart 84 Buyer Requirement/ comment Sheet 85 Fashion Forecasting Books/Journals/Magazines 86 Pantone Shade Card 87 White /Blackboard Marker 88 Blackboard/Whiteboard 89 Magnetic White Board/black board Eraser 90 Punching Machine 91 Cello-Tape (Transparent and Foam Double sided tapes, Single sided tapes) 92 Fabric Glue 93 Glue Stick/Fevicol/Adhesive 94 Stapler (small and big size) 95 Paint Brushes (different sizes) 96 Colour (Poster colour, Water colour, Acrylics, Pastels, fabric printing dyes and colors and materials etc) 97 Carbon paper (A4, yellow, red and white carbon) 98 Tailor’s Chalk 99 Marking Chalk (yellow/pink/ green/ blue coloured) 100 Pinking Shears 101 Scissors (plastic handled scissor for cutting paper) 102 Labels & Stickers (Qty may vary as per requirement) 103 Paper (Various quality and sizes) 104 Pattern Drafting Paper 105 Paper Cutter 106 Design Transferring Paper 107 Carbon Paper ( Various Colours) 108 Sharpener 109 Sharpener 110 Note books 111 Eraser 112 Pencil (HB, 2B, H, 2H, 4H,4B, 6B, 8B) 113 Highlighter (quantity may vary as per requirement) 114 Dress Maker's Pin (quantity may vary as per requirement) 115 Push Pins (quantity may vary as per requirement) 116 Teacher's Chair 117 Teacher's Table 118 Student's Chair (with Table Arm) 119 Stools for cutting 120 Pattern Table /cutting table 121 Boxes and pouches for storing Items 122 Dustbin 123 Pin Cushion (quantity may vary as per requirement) 124 Trim/Accessory buttons, surface embelishments, zippers etc assorted, qnt may vary) 125 Fabric Yardages, surplus fabric, good quality muslin mandatory, other optional, qnt may vary) 126 Embroidery frame (various sizes and shapes qnt may vary) 127 Hanger (wooden and plastic material) 128 Bobbin case (qnt may vary) 129 Bobbins (qnt may vary) 130 Sewing Threads (Surplus thread is used. The quantity, thread packaging, variety may vary as per requirement) , embroidery thread as per req 131 Hand notcher (pattern notcher) 132 Button hole scissor 133 Attachments for sewing machine (as per req) 134 Machine Needle and hand needles (Various Gauges), embroidery needles 135 Machine oil 136 Machine tool kit (screw driver, screw etc.) 137 Sewing kit (Includes thread clipper/hand trimmer, seam ripper, fabric cutting scissors, tracing wheel, measuring tape etc) 138 Types Of Scales: normal straight big ruler, hip curve, leg shaper, pattern master, French curve etc 139 Drawing Board (any size wooden) 140 Drawing Board (any size wooden) 141 Garment, made ups and Home Furnishing Samples ((qnt may vary) 142 Machine tool kit 143 Press/iron (any type) with table 144 Embroidery machine with stool and table 145 Cleaning cloth 146 Over lock Machine (5 thread over lock machine) with stool 147 Stools for sewing depending on no. of machines 148 Sewing Machine with tables (domestic or industrial SNLS as per requirement) 149 Mannequin (Male or female, Size M) 150 Printer 151 Design software’s (Coral, photoshop etc) 152 First aid box & Fire Extinguisher 153 Computer & Computer Peripherals