Supply Of Laboratory Material For Biology Laboratory -Wire gauge 2 Test Tube holder 3 Test Tube Stand 31 PLACE 4 Glass Slide Box blank 5 Petri Dish 3"/4" 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 51. No. 1 2 3 Measuring cylinder 10ml + MAGNUS MagMaster Monocular Microscope Model: SM-100 (4x, 10x, 40% & 100x Objective) with LED & Battery Backup (4x, 10x, 40x & 100x Objective), WITH MECHANICAL STAGE Compound Light Microscope 10x, 40x & 100x Objective) with LED & Battery Backup (4x, 10x, 40x & 100x Objective), WITH MECHENICAL STAGE Model: DNA Specimens/slides/Models-Bacteria (Slide & Model), Spirogyra (Slide), Rhizopus (Slide), Yeast (Slide), One monocotyledonous plant (Specimen/Model/Slides) and One dicotyledonous plant (Specimen/Model/Slide), One Lichen (Specimen), Different types of inflorescence of Racemose and Cymose (Model), Echinus (Specimen), Sea-Pen (Specimen), Hammer Headed Fish (Specimen). Slides of Amoeba, Hydra, Human Blood and Toad Blood Mitosis in Onion root tip cells and animal cells (Grasshopper) from permanent slides Study the plant population density by Quadrant method and study the plant population frequency by Quadrant method Prepare a temporary mount to observe Pollen germination, T.S. of mammalian blastula Permanent Slides: T.S, of mammallan Testis, T.S. of mammallon Overy, T.S. of mammalian Blastula, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Ring Worm, Ascaris Models/Specimen showing symbolic association in root nodules of leguminous plant, Cuscuta on host, Lichens Flash card models showing example of homologous and analogous organs Name of the Charts T.S. of Root, Stem, Leaf In Monocot and Dicot Plant Animal Cell, Bacteria Cell Food Chain in Forest/Grassland/Waterland Different Systems of Toad-Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory, Excretory, Reproductive Different System of Man-Digestive, Reproductive 4 5 6 Heart Cycle Sl. No. Name of the Reagent 1 Ablumin Bovin Fraction V 2 Boric Acid 3 Cobalt Chloride 4 Dextrose 5 Glycerin 6 Hydrochloric Acid 7 Ethanol 8 Labolene 9 Conc. Nitric Acid 10 Phenol Red 11 Sodium Chloride 12 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets 13 Starch Reagent 14 Urease Powder (Jack Bean Meal) 15 Conc. H2SO4 Solution 16 Chloroform