The chair is soft for the meeting, Armchair, Table, Closet, Table, Furniture set, Closet, Table, Book cabinet, Swim, Cigilious, HDMI amplifier, Camera, Camera, Multifunctional device (MFP-printer), Personal computer, Flag, Banner slogan, Coat of arms of the RT, Picture leader of the nation, Stand of the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan, Latin textbook, Ecology textbook, Pharmaceutical Technology Textbook, Pharmacognosy textbook, Plant anatomy textbook and physiology, Textbook of the basics of sanitary work on going through patients, Working textbook with families, Textbook of the basics of sanitary work in family medicine, Office paper, Drama-cartridge (photo bank) Black, Cartridge for jet plotter or printer and MFP, School chalk, Gum (eraser), Folder-heifer folder, Folder-heifer folder, Folder-heifer folder, Flash memory, Lower file, The stapler bracket, Pencils, Spit, Glue, Ballpen, Seat of flowers, Air conditioner, Air conditioner, Legustrum, Nitroammofoska, Trees seedlings, Trees seedlings, Trees seedlings, Switch, Electric wire, Battery battery, Seedlings of a rose flower, Fritical, Generator, Refrigerator, Carpet, Carpet, Saughty tree of the tree, Sahenian of the tree Kiparis, Saughty wood of Oleandra, Arizon Kip, Thuja golden, Trees seedlings, Seat of flowers, Current transformer, Computer keyboard, The car is classic