Quotation are invited for Supply and Installation of Bp 1032500457 Supply and installation of BP chanrging line B10- P1-G desal. manu.vkurian@dewa.gov.ae 0521014948 1 ITEM-00001 SCOPE OF WORKTHE INTERESTED BIDDERS SHALL VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OFTENDER/BID. SUBMISSION OF TENDER/BID SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE CONSIDEREDTHE SITE CONDITIONS CONSIDERED AFTER NECESSARY SITE VISIT. VISIT TO SITECAN BE ARRANGED DURING NORMAL WORKING HOUR S I.E. 07:30 A.M. TO 02:30P.M. BETWEEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY ON PRIOR ARRANGEMENTYOU CAN CONTACT MR. MANU.V.KURIAN -0521014948CONTRACTO R SHOULD SUPPLY 4" CHARGING LINE ON B10: BLENDING PLANT ALONGWITH VALVE REPLACEMENT.PAINTING OF ENTIRE LINE, ALL NUT BOLTS (SS) & GA SKETS NEED TO REPLACE BYCONTRACTOR.NO ADDITIONAL PO FOR THE JOBIF ANY DAMAGE OCCURS ON THE EQUIPMENTS OR FOR THE PIPELINE BY THECON TRACTOR, THEN THEY SHOULD REPAIR IT BY FREE.DEWA WILL SUPPLY CRANE, FORKLIFT, SCAFFOLDING, POWER SUPPLY, AIR ANDWATER AS PER THE REQ UEST 1 EA STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS 1) Prices should be DDP delivery duty paid at DEWA stores. 2) Quotation to be submitted only in local currency U.A.E Dirhams 3) DEWA Standard payment terms is 30 days credit from the date of acceptance of material 4) No DEWA staff or his or her relatives up to third degree should have ownership or partnership in your company, and your participation in DEWA tenders / RFQs should not constitute a Conflict or perceived Conflict of Interest. Supplier Registration: https://srm.dewa.gov.ae/irj/portal/anonymous/regis Tender Link : https://srm.dewa.gov.ae/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZSRM_RFX_REG_BID_SRV/AttachmentSet(2412500490)/$value
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