Wall-Type Boiler Smoke Chimney And Set Of 115 Kw, Wall-Type Boiler Smoke Chimney And Seti 90 Kw, Wall-Type Boiler Smoke Chimney And Set Of 65 Kw, 44-46 Kwh Together With A Combi Smoke Chimney And Set (Kept), 30-33 Kw (Knee) With A Combi Smoke Chimney And Set, 44-46 Kw Together With A Combi Electric Set, 30-33 Kw Together With A Combi Electric Set, 23-24 Kw Together With A Combi Electric Set, Boyler - 1000 L, Extension Tank - 1000 L, Extension Tank - 500 L, Turnover Pump Q = 18.0 M³ / H, H = 16.8 M (For Heating System), Turnover Pump Q = 14.4 M³ / H, H = 17.3 M (For Heating System), Turnover Pump Q = 12.0 M³ / H, H = 17.5 M (For Heating System), Turnover Pump Q = 9.6 M³ / H, H = 17.7 M (For Heating System)
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Vüqar Abbasov
Parlament prospekti 3
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