Two -phase medium for hemocultures,Bile bull -shaped dry,Yeast Autoizate (extract),The basis of coal agar for Bordetell (dry),Diagnostic set for the simultaneous detection of mycobacterium of tuberculosis and resistance to rifampicin,A test system for molecular genetic diagnosis of tuberculosis and determining sensitivity to isoniazid, rifampicin, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides/cyclic peptides, low-level cabamycin in real time,A test system for identifying pathogenic fungi and testing to sensitivity to antimycotic,Set of reagents for galactomannan dough for aspergillosis,Nucleic acid extraction set for the Molecision MP-32 automatic station,Corinebacagar,GNN-Agar,The basis of agar for gonococci (ji si),Cultural environments ready on cups with selective additives for cultivating Neisseria Gonorrhoeae and subsequent diagnosis of gonorrhea,Cultural media with growth additives are designed to cultivate Neisseria Gonorrhoeae and subsequent diagnosis of gonorrhea on cups
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