37% Phosphoric Acid For Enamel And Dentin Conditioning For Better Advice Of Restorative Materials To The Tooth. Packaging With 3 Syringes From 2, 2 To 3G Each With 3 Tips., Minesota Fabric Fabric Fabric, Fo9topolimarizable, Mono Component With Dose Nozzle Adhesive Agent; Practicality: Primer And Adhesive In An Only Bottle; Water And Alcohol -Based Solvent Does Not Evaporate As Acetone; High Yield: The 6G Bottle Yields Up To 280 Restorations;, Distilled Water, Suitable For Use In Autoclaves, Protesting And Handicrafts, Glassware Rinse And Instruments, And Others That Need Pure Water -Free Water, Minerals And Volible Salts. Not Injectable, No Sterile Galao 5 Liters, Oxygenated Water 10 Volumes 1000 Ml, 30G Disposable Gingival Needle. Short Needle With Length In The 25Mm International Standard, Smaller Siliconized And Sterile Thickness Wall. Box With 100 Units., 27G Long Disposable Gingival Needle. Siliconized Needle, Tribiselade And With Bevel Indicator. Pre-Rooted, Facilitates Fitting In The Inner Bevel Carpule Allows Several Threads Of The Tubes, Box With 100 Units, Lever Appex No. 301, Lever Appeal No. 302, Lever Appeal No. 303, Adult Flag Lever Set (3 Pieces), Straight Alveolotomo, Anesthesic Artcaine Box With 50 Tubes Of 1, 8 Ml Packed In Sealed Blisters Sealed Blisters With 10 Tubes Each. Methylparaben -Free; Higher Hydrosolubility; Greater Diffusion In Osseos Tissues; Efficiency Of The Unchanged Product During Its Validity., Injectable Anesthesic Cytocaine With Octapressin Box With 50 1, 8 Ml Prilocain Hydrochloride 3% With Octapressim, Injectable Anesthesic To 3% Mepivacaina Hydrochloride Without Vasoconstrictor. Manufactured With Final Sterilization Process. Methylpaben -Free. Co 50 Siliconized Crystal Tubes Internally With Protective Film, Containing 1, 8 Ml Each., Injectable Anesthetic Lidocaine Hydrochloride With 2%Phenylephrine. Box With 50 Tubes Of 1, Topic Anesthesic Benzocaina With Various Flavors - Pot With 12 G., Disposal Drark 2X1, Without Tape Measuring 33X47 Cm Box With 100 Units. Natural., Boca Carbide Fg 0503, Bock Carbide Sphery No. 06, Drink Low Rotation Sphere 02, Bock Low Rotation Sphere Nº 04, Bock Carbide Low Rotation No. 05, Bock Bx Rotation No. 6, Bock Spheric Carbide No. Surgical 701, Surgical Drill 702 C For High Rotation, 3186 Finishing Drill, High Rotation Carbide Or Steel Drill: 3, Low Rotation 4, Low Drill 5, Low Rotation Drill 6, Diamond Drilling 3118, Diamond Drill Hl 1012, Steric Tanning Hl 1014, Drill Diamond Hl 1015, Diamond Drill 1012, Golden Flame Polishing Drill, Golden Policing Drill Pencil Policing, Diamond Tip Drill Fg 1046, High Rotation Zecury Drill, Dental Mirror Cable, Disposable Surgical Field, Cariostatic Bottle With 10 Ml, Reflux Hydroxide Hydroxide Cement - Kit Base Paste Kit 13G + 11G Catalyst Paste, Double -Tip Steel Spoon 14, High Effective Enzymatic Detergent, Designed To Dissolve And Digest Organic Materials (Blood, Pus, Mucus, Body Fabrics) And Others