Tender For Annual Rate Contract For Construction And Repair Of Cc Block Road In Ward 1 To 15 Various Places In City Nagaur - Earth work in excavation for roadway, including trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirement of line, grades and cross sections, including disposal of surplus material with all lift and lead upto 1000 metre as per MoRT&H specification clause 301. In all type of soil 2 Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantledmaterials up to a lead of 50 metres as directed by Enginee Bituminous courses 3 Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantledmaterials up to a lead of 50 metres as directed by Engineer Granular courses 4 Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retainingwalls, CC road and other structure comprising of masonry, cementconcrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffoldingwherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal ofunserviceable material and stacking the serviceab Cement Concrete Grade M-15 and above and PCC blocks 5 Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retainingwalls, CC road and other structure comprising of masonry, cementconcrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffoldingwherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal ofunserviceable material and stacking the serviceabLime Concrete, cement concrete grade M-10 (1:5:10) and below 6 Carriage of earth upto 1 Km lead 7 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centring and shuttering - All work upto plinth level : 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stoneaggregate 20 mm nominal size). 8 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centring and shuttering - All work upto plinth level : 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 9 Supply and fixing Jodhpur sand stone Machine cut Kerb stone (10cm wide 40 cm. height) fixed in white cement sand mortar 1:4 with pigment including EarthWor 10 Providing and fixing of precast concrete interlocking tiles of desiredshape of M 30 grade manufactured from fully computerizedautomatic stationery hydraulic vibrio pressed machine and fullycomputerized automatic batching plant of class A1/A2 as per BS6717:2001. The CC interlocking paving blocks be laid on average50mm. thick bed of coarse sand and the joint is to be filled with finesand. Laying procedure on compacted sub-base as defined. Complete job is to be executed as per the instruction of Engineer in charge. The rates to be inclusive of all lead & Lifts etc. complete asper specifications. Tensile splitting strength, abrasion and brakingload etc. as per BS 6717:2001, Grey cement. 80mm thick 11 Providing and fixing of 60mm thick precast cement concrete interlocking paver block casted with rubber moulds in approved reflective colour and design having minimum compressive strength of 300 kg/ sq cm. The CC paving blocks be laid on average 50mm thick bed of coarse sand and the joint is to be filled with fine sand. Laying procedure on compacted sub-base as defined. Complete job is to be executed as per the instruction of Engineer in-charge. The rates to be inclusive of all lead & Lifts etc. complete as per specifications. 12 Raising circular inspection chamber with circular cover 450mm dia and frame slab to required level including dismantling existing slab, taking out the existing CI frame & cover of inspection chamber and raising it upto ground/ road level, refixing of frame and cover in M15 (1:2:4) concrete all around the frame, including making good the damage, form work, curing, complete as directed by Engineer. (Brick/ concrete work of raising depth of manhole to be paid separately) 13 Raising precast circular manhole cover and frame by taking outexisting precast frame and cover, providing and fixing precast SFRC circular spacer of required height, re-fixing existing manhole cover frame and cover with cement sand mortar (1:3), including making good the damage, complete as directed by Engineer.