Item Rate Contract Tender Of Pmksy Wdc 2.0 Project No.- 01, Village Name - Paneli Moti; 1 Excavation in all sort of strata and formation incl. depositing the unuseful excavated stuff as and where direted incl sorting and stacking useful materials as directed upto 200 mt lead and all lift etc. completed incl. dewatering.(A) IN OVERBURDEN INCL HARD MURRUM (B) Soft Rock Irrigation SOR 2023-24 Chapter No.5, Check Dam, Item No.1(A) Page No.20 (A) Hard Murrum CM. 1.00 74.00 74.00 (B) Soft Rock CM. 1.00 165.00 165.00 (C) Hard Rock CM. 1.00 543.00 543.00 2 Prov. & Laying in position cement concrete using cement, sand and crushed metal coares aggregate by mass and machine mix for PCC/RCC including necessary formworks compaction by vibrator curing as directed with all lead & lift etc complete. (Excluding cost of steel)FOR BODY WALL, APRON, TRAINING,WALL, SIDE WALL, SPLAY WALL, KEY WALL, CUT OF WALL ETC.4/a Concrete (1:3:6) and MSA-40mm (cement level 220 kg/cum) Irrigation SOR 2023-24, Chapter No.5, Check Dam, Item No.4,4/a, Page No.20 CM. 1.00 2853.00 2853.00 3 Earthwork for embankment from borrow pit in all sort of soil and soft murrum or other suitable strata as directed including braking clods and dressing to the design sec with lead as under and all lift incl. site clearance etc complete.For all Canal capacity & without rolling and watering 200 to 1000 mt lead. Irrigation SOR 2023-24,Chapter No.6, Canal, Item No.4, Page No.23 4 Dry rolling of earth work with light rollers of upto 2.0 tones capacity as directed with all lift etc complete. Irrigation SOR-2023-24 Chapter No.6, Canal, It No.6, Page No.24 CM. 1.00 6.20 6.20 5 Extra rate for watering the earth work in embankment at OMC as directed etc complete. Irrigation SOR-2023- 24 Chapter No.6, Canal, It No.7, Page No.24 CM. 1.00 8.20 8.20 6 Prov. & Laying in position cement concrete using cement, sand and crushed metal coares aggregate by mass and machine mix for PCC/RCC including necessary formworks compaction by vibrator curing as directed with all lead & lift etc complete. (Excluding cost of steel)FOR BODY WALL, APRON, TRAINING,WALL, SIDE WALL, SPLAY WALL, KEY WALL, CUT OF WALL ETC4/E) "NOMINAL MIX" Conc. grade 1:2:4 and MSA-40mm Irrigation SOR 2023-24, Chapter No.5, Check Dam, Item No.4,4/E, Page No.20 CM. 1.00 3367.00 3367.00 7 Providing, cutting, bending, binding and fixing in position as per drawing .TMT BAR, reinforcement for R.C.C. works and anchor bars incl cost of black annealed 16 to 18 BWG M.S. Wire etc. Complete with all lead and lift. Irrigation SOR 2023-24, Chapter No.5, Check Dam, Item No.R-1 Page No.21 MT 1.00 76303.0 0 76303.0 0 8 Earthwork / Back filling with selected earth brought from out side borrow area or from excavated useful material incl. watering ramming, Compaction with pneumatic temping and all lead and lift etc complete.Irrigation SOR 2023-24, Chapter No.5, Check Dam, Item No.13, Page No.21 Cum. 1.00 132.00 132.00 9 Providing and fixing in position 100/110 mm dia PVC Pipe weep holes in the retaining walls/sidewall/abt etc Irrigation SOR-2023-24 Chapter No.5, Check Dam, Item No.12, Page No.21 RMT 1.00 355.00 355.00 10 Providing and laying 15cm thick STONE SOLING below apron using stone weighing not less than 20 Kg or as specified as per design and drawing incl hand packing etc complete with all lead and lift.(Irri. SOR 2023-24 CH-5 page no-22,Item NO,14) Sq.Mt 1.00 161.00 161.00 11 Prov. & Laying in position "NOMINAL MIX' cement concrete using cement, sand and crushed aggregate by mass and machine mix for C.C. work incl. necessary formworks centering scaffolding compaction by mechanical vibrator,curing as directed with all lead & lift etc complete.FOR GENERAL PURPOSE ( irri SOR 2023-24 CH-6 page no-24,Item NO,12E Cum. 1.00 4352.00 4352.00 12 Item No.6 Providing and laying dry rubble pitching with 20 cms gravel/metal and 20 cms sand layers as base of inverted graded filter and without header stone but incl.hand packing trimming & dressing of slopes etc complete. A) 30 cms thick stone pitching Irrigation SOR 2023-24, Chapter No.1,EARTHEN Dam, Item No.14(A) Page No.2 Sq.Mt 1.00 522.00 522.0 13 Prov.&Laying in position Nominal Mix cement concrete using cement,sand,H.B METAL by mass machine mix PCC incl. necessory formworks, compaction, ramming, curing, as directed with all lead and lift etc comp.Irri.sor. 2023-24 Concrete (1:3:6) Metal Size- 63mm (cement level 220 kg/cum) Cum. 1.00 2758.00 2758.00 14 Providing, supplying at site, laying and fixing in position under ground, R.C.C Hume pipe of NP-2 class of BIS standard incl filling the joints with cement mortar 1:1 with providing necessary collars etc complete with inclusive of testing with working pressure and all lead and lift.(C) 300mm dia. (irigaction SOR 2023-24 CH-6 page no-32, Item NO,45E) RMT 1.00 1335.00 1335.00 15 Providing and fixing in position white marble plate of size 45x45x1.8 cm incl. ingraving the letters as drawing/as directed etc. complete .Irrigation SOR 2023-24 Chapter No.5, Check Dam, Item No.17, Page No.22 NO. 1.00 1350.00 1350.00