Tender For Work Of Tenting And Barricading Etc. In District Bareilly For The Possible Arrival/Programs Of Vvip. - Providing &LayingofGermanhangerPandalmadeoftoughened aluminiumalloycasted into sectionsjoint togetherto form a V shape Structurewithspeciallydesigned3 layeredweather/waterproofPVC Fabric of white color which are fire retared and heat tig 2 Providing & Fixing of Mojo-Barricading on self standing frames and MS pipe embedding a( 9-10 mtrs equidistance joint together with nut & bolt all in aluminium paint finish as per requirement of the Program/Event onRental/Hire Basis. 3 Provding and fixing of False ceiling in colors approved by the Engineer in Charge for decorating the area from top in an elegant manner with high quality textile frills in pandal fastened with strong metal wires and fixtureson rental/ hire basis. 4 Providing & Fixing of Pipe structure Tent covering on height of 18ft with center Gangway30ft wide span free with ultrawhite cloth coveringto protect guests & audience from direct sunlight on Rental/Hire basis. 5 Providing & Fixing of Security Wire Mesh one inch square wire on a iron angle frames designed in a way such that they can be joined together to Provide security for the VIP area on Rental/Hire basisas per direction of Engineer in Charge. 6 Providing& Fixing of SecurityView CutterWall Mounted on MS Pipe Structureforrestricting directviewofWIP totheaudienceon Rental/Hire Basisas per direction of Engineer in Charge. 7 Providing & Laying of used Good Quality Non- Woven Synthetic Carpe to protectthepandalareafromdustandgrassforentirepandal& requiredareaonRental/HireBasisasperdirectionofEngineerin Charge 8 Providing & Laying of used Good Quality Non- Woven Synthetic Carpe to protectthepandalareafromdustandgrassforentirepandal& requiredareaonRental/HireBasisasperdirectionofEngineerin Charge 9 Sdupply andfixingofL-Shapestairsheight8"(feet) alongwithSS handrailside of stairs onboth side stage. 10 Providing and fixing of gloss SSrailing on 3 sides of WIP stage with 2.5 (feet) height at front and 4" (feet) height at sides on rental/hire basis. 11 Providing & Fixing of Chairs with cushioned Back & Base for VIP(s) laid into Blocks of row & columns in the foremost part of pandal as per the direction of responsible in charge authority/official present at the venueon rental/Hire Basis. 12 Providing& Fixing of Moulded Polymer Chairs for guest(s) & Audience laid into Blocks of row & columns in the foremost part of pandal as per thedirectionofresponsibleinchargeauthority/official presentatthe venue on fental/Hire Basis. 13 Providing& Fixing of T-ironfoldingtables with wooden top for various purposeinside pandalas perthe directionof responsible in charge authority/oPicial present at the venue on rental/Hire Basis. 14 Providing and fixing of stage furniture with WIP sofa, WIP office chairs kaleen,WIPcenter(able(s),Execu(ivechairs,towel(s) andhand towel(s), arrangement of cotton batti„ ghee andlighting candle etc. required forLlghtlng of Lamp by VIP(s) 15 Providingand Fixing of Ladies frisking box near DFMDs on rental/hire basisasperthedirectionofresponsibleinchargeauthority/official present at the venue. 16 Providing & fixing of Executive office Chalrs with cushioned Back & Base and towels for VVIP(s) on Rental/Hlre Basls. 17 Providing& Fixingof GompleteSwiss Cottage speciallydesignedwith WaterproofHeatproofPVCFabric,Insideofwhichis partitionedwith both side teak finish bothside laminated ply for an elegent look to VVIP room, complete with all accessories, ultra 18 Providing & Fixing of Main Slage on Scaffolding heavy iron base above MS channel reinforcem,ent in an horizontal stripe arrangement to provide strength ensure smooth single levelling in entirety of stage; withheavy Ply Platform on the top, on Rental/Hire 19 Providing Flower Decoration work on main stage, Ramp & staircase with Bouqets, cut flowers & seasonal decorative flower in front of main stage ramp,staircase,podium& backdrop,cenfretableetc on Rental/Hirebasis 20 Providing & Fixing of 3 Tier Stage for electronic Media in order to proyide view to all camaras placed on the each ramp of the stage equipped with various plug points & Sockets etc. and isolated from general audience on Rental/Hire Basis. 21 Providing and fixing of riser for Doordarshan / Videographar Live Broadcasting Team on rental/ hire basis. 22 Applying/Spraying offire redardentsolutionfor the whole programas and wherever required including material, labour etc. all complete. 23 Barricading of three rows withwooden baliies of height of 5 to 6 feets above the ground level & diameter 10 to 15 cm which is embedded 45 below the ground level. (Pakka) 24 ErectionofCheckBarrierswithBallies12mlengthoperationable including digging holes for fixingvertical poast and bindingwith nariyal rope all complete as per requirement.Height of vertical post should not be less than 1.8 m above ground level and it should be minimum 0.45 m belowground level. Thejobworkincludeserection&dismantlingof barriers and also inclueds reffilling of dugged holes after dismantling of bafriers. 25 Supply Of Centertable(deluxe)includingcartageandremovalaftert as per direction of Engineer in Charge. 26 Providing&Fixingof9inchesraisedplatformonwoodenboards mountedonironframesand framesmountedonironbasetocover unleveledgroundoverand provideflat platformunderentireareaofSwiss cottage on Rental/Hire Basis, 27 Providing of Electronic Media Stage in Pandal Area as per (he direction of responsible In charge authority/official present at the venue. 28 OtherTentrelateditemslikeaTable,DuStbin,TableCover,Glass, ElectricCatel,PacTableFlaskinsufficientnumber,Sanitizer,Stage Water, Mask, Labelling of Blocks (J-48), Women Checking Booth, Pad, Pen, Paper & Name SIip. 29 ProvidingofSofa(twoseater)for VIP,Media,other guests in Panda includingcartage,Ioading , unloadingetc.,forprogram on Rental/Hire Basis. 30 SITC of LED Wall 31 SITC of Tower AC 32 SITC of Cooler Commercial 33 SITC of Loud Speaker with Amlifire and Microphone 34 SITC of Speech Desk 35 SITC of Loud Speaker 36 SITC of Sound System (Microphone, Amplifire Complete Set) 37 SITC of Fan Pedestial 38 SITC of Generator Set 6.2 Kva including Change Over (Without Diesel) 39 Complete Electric wiring work in Pandal, Munch, Public Address and Helipad safe house Etc 40 Complete Generator Fuel at site 41 Earthing work complete electrical safety as per VIP security instruction 42 Pannel board installation and operation on complete programme 43 Videography and Photography and complete line video on LED Wall