Supply Of Lab Reagents , Lab Items , Ana Elisa , Hbsag Card , Hcv Card , Hav Elisa , Hav Card , Leptospira Igm Elisa , Leptospira Ig Gelisa , Dengueigm Elisa , Dengueig Gelisa , Denguens 1Elisa , Bd Vacutainer Safety Lok Blood Collection Set , Rpr Card , Ana Profileelisa , Brain Heart Infusion Broth , Candida Medium , Cled Agar With Bromothymole Blue , Corn Meal Agar , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar , Fluid Thioglycollate Medium , Glucose Broth , Macconkey Agar Base , Macconkey Agar Withcrystal Violet ,Nacland 0.15% Bile Salt , Macconkey Agar Without Crystalviolet And With0.5%Bile Salt , Macconkeyagarwithout Crystalviolet,Nacl,And With 0.5%Sodium Taurocholate , Macconkey Broth Double Strength With Neutral Red , Macconkey Broth , Mannitolmotility Test Medium , Mr - Vp Medium , Mueller Hinton Agar , Nitrate Broth , Nutrient Agar , Nutrient Broth , Peptone Bacteriological , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar , Selenite F Broth , Simmon Citrate Agar , Soyabean Caseindigest Agar , Ss Agar , Tcbs Agar , Triple Sugar Iron Agar , Urea Broth Base( Urea 40%) , X L D Agar , Agar Powder , Thioglycolate Broth , 5% Sheep Blood Agar Plate , Chocolate Agar Plate , Methylene Blue , Crystal Violet , Safranine , Carbol Fuchin Strong , Carbol Fuchindiluted , Sodium Deoxy Cholate( 10%W/V) , Malachite Green ( 0.5%W/V) , Sodiumchloride , K Oh Pellets , Kovacs Reagent ( Indole) , Methyl Red Indicator , Nitrite Detection Kit , Pyr Reagent , Grams Stain Kit , Lactophenol Cotton Blue , Hydrochloric Acid , Hydrogen Peroxide , Hyrogen Peroxide 3% , Urea Solution 20% , Bromothymole Blue , Phenolred , Alphanaphthol 5% Solution , Sulphanilic Acid , Giemsa Stain , Lactose , Sucrose , Phosphate Buffer , Methyl Violet , Grams Iodine , Acetone , Con.H2so4 , Streptococciidentification Kit , Candida Identification Kit , Salmonella Identification Kit , Anti Sera For Salmonella , Antisera For Shigella , Embedding Ring , Ampicillin 10/25 Mcg , Ampicillin/ Sulbactum , Amoxycillin , Amoxycillin/Clavulanic Acid , Azithromycin , Aztreonam , Cafazolin , Cefepime , Cefixime , Cefoperazone , Cefoperazone/Sulbactum , Cefotaxime , Cefpodoxime , Ceftazidime , Cftizoxime , Ceftriaxone , Cefuroxime , Chloramphenicol , Ciprofloxacin , Clindamycin , Colistin , Cotrimoxazole , Cefoxitin , Doxycycline , Ertapenem , Erythromycin , Fluconazole , Gentamycin , Imipenem , Kanamycin , Levofloxacin , Linezolid , Meropenem , Nalidixic Acid , Netilimycin , Nitrofuratonin , Norfloxacin , Ofloxacin , Oxacillin , Pencillin , Piperacillin , Piperacillin/Tazobactum , Polymyxin - B , Rifampicin , Sparfloxacin , Streptomycin , Teicoplanin , Tetracycline , Ticracillin , Ticracillin/ Clavulanic Acid , Tobramycin , Vancomycin , Bacitracin , Ceftazidime/Clavulanic Acid , Ceftriaxone/Sulbactum , Itraconazole , Ketoconazole , Metronidazole , Novobiocin , Oxidase , Optochin , Voriconozole , E Strip For Vancomycin , E Strip For Pencillin , E Strip Forceftriaxone , Sporestrip For Autoclave , Test Tube12*75 Ml , Testtube 12*100 , Testtube10 Ml , Testtube 15 Ml , Conical Flask 250 ,500, 1000Ml , Measuring Cylinder100,500 , 1000 Ml , Petridish Disposable , Petridish Sterile , Petridish Glass , 1 Micro Litre Inoculation Loops , Thermometermercury , Microcentrifuge Tubes 1.5 Ml , Cotton Swab Sterile , Urine Continer Sterile10,15,25 Ml , Inoculation Loop , Loop Holder , Loop Wire , Disposable Loop , Stainnig Rack , Test Tube Rack , Luer Adapter , Absorbent Cotton , Non Absorbent Cotton , Gas Pak Foranearobic Jar , Spirit Lamp , Vitek Identification Card For Grampositive Bacteria , Vitek Identification Card For Gramnegative Bacteria , Vitek Identification Card For Fungal Isolates , Automated Blood Culture Bottleadult ( Bactalert) , Automated Blood Culture Bottlepediatric ( Bactalert) , Vitek Ast Card For Grampositive , Vitek Ast Card For Gramnegative , Vitek Ast Card For Streptococci , Vitek Card For Anearobic Bacteria , Vitek Ast Card For Anearobic Bacteria , Imipenem Reference Standard Powder , Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent In Tris Hcl Buffer , 1 N Naoh Solution , 10 % Hcl Solution , Microcentrifuge Tubes 1.5 Ml , Vitek Saline , Tellurite Blood Agar , Albert Stain , Neisser Stain , Ponders Stain , Loefflers Medium , Fosfomycin , Tigecycline , Rifampin , Clarithromycin , Daptomycin , Minocycline , Widal Tube Reagent , Widal Slide Reagent , 1%H2 O2 , Bile Aesculin Agar , Dengue Nsi/Igm/Igg Combo Rapid Test Cards , Leptospira Igm Rapid Test Cards , Dengue Nsi Rapid Test Cards , Dengue Igg Rapid Test Cards , Vitek 2 Compacttubes , Dengue Igm Rapid Test Cards , Chromagar Candida , 5N Asetic Acid , 5N Glacial Asetic Acid , Acetic Acid , Glacial Asetic Acid , Alfa Napththalamine , Ethanol , 40%Koh Solution , 40 %Formaldehyde , Harris Haematoxylene , Paraffin Wax With Ceresine , Isopropyl Alcohol - ( Assy 99%) , .Eosin Yellow - Water Soluble , Xylene - Sulphur Free , Cover Slip 22X40 Mm - 22*40Mm , Acetone , . Dpx Mountant , . Sodium Citrate 3.8 % , . Barium Chloride 10 % , . Wbc Diluting Fluid , . Rbc Diluting Fluid , . Retic Reagent , . Semen Diluting Fluid , . N/10 Hcl , . Leishman Stain , . Fouchetes Reagent , . Platelet Diluting Fluid , . Con. H2so4 , . Sulphur Powder , .Randox Qc Level 2 , . Randox Qc Level3 , . Sodium Citrate 3.2 % Vaccumtubes - Polypropylene/Glass , . K2 Edta Vaccum Tubes - Polypropylene/Glass , . Plain Silica Clot Activate Vaccum Tubes - Polypropylene/Glass , . Sodium Fluride Vaccum Tubes - Polypropylene/Glass , . Heparinised Vaccumtubes - Polypropylene/Glass , .Vaccutainer Needle , . Ph+ Specific Gravity Urine Strip , . Glucose + Protein Strip , . Glucose + Ketone Strip , . Pregnency Card , .Blood Grouping Sera Anti A , .Blood Grouping Sera Anti B , .Blood Grouping Sera Anti D , . Fixed Micropippetes 1000 , . Fixed Micropippetes 500 , . Fixed Micropippetes 200 , . Fixed Micropippetes 100 , . Fixed Micropippetes 20 , . Fixed Micropippetes 25 , .Fixed Micropippetes 50 , . Variable Micropippetes 100 - 1000 , . Variable Micropippetes 5 - 50 , . Variable Micropippetes 10 - 100 , . Micropippetes Tips 2 - 200 ( Yellow Tips ) , . Micropippetes Tips 200 - 1000 ( Blue Tips ) , . Lancet , . Cappillary Tubes 100 Nbr , .Cover Slip - (18*18Mm) , . Microslide , . Pasteur Pippetes , . Storage Vial , . Tournicated Rubber , . Hitachi Cups , . R I A Vials , . Bioclean , . Liquid Paraffin , . Cover Slip For Neubaur , . Filter Papper (9Cm/11Cm/46X ) , . Holder For Evaccuated Tubes , .Thymol Crystal , . Scalp Vein Set With Flash , .Glycerol , .Immunoassay Plus Control ( Biorad) , .Bouins Fluid( Histology Fixative) - Histopathology Fixative , Nitric Acid Assay 70% , .Biofix Spray - ( Microanatomy Fixative) , Sterile Surgical Bladesno 21 -( Carbon Steel) , Glass Marker Pen ( Diamond Pencil) , .High Profile Microtome Blades- ( Leica818) , .Glacial Acetic Acid , Cassetes Plastics , Egg Albumin Flakes , Frosted Slide , Distilled Water , Marker Pen (Cd Marker) , Glucose Powder , Heamatology Qc , Sticker (26 X 40 Mm) , Petridish (Glass) , Steel Mould (3.5 Cm X 0.3 Cm X 2.5 Cm) , Transport Cotton Swab(Eto Sterile)(Swab Stick In Pp Tube) , Vitek 2 Compact Gn Id Cards , Vitek 2 Compact N280 Ast Card , Vitek 2 Compact P 628 Ast Card , Vitek 2 Compact Gp Id Card , Vitek 2 Compact Saline , Storage Vial 2 Ml Plastic Eto Sterile (Code Asv -015) , Bact Alert 3D Blood Culture Bottle -Adult , Bact Alert 3D Blood Culture Bottle -Pediatrics , M R Reagent , V P Reagent , Urease Agar Medium