Nit For The Purchase Of Lab Reagents-N/10) Hydrochloride Solution (Haemoglobin Estimation) 500ml 2 (N/10) Hydrochloride Solution (Haemoglobin Estimation) 100ml 3 Haematology test Reagent for Automated Haematology Analyzer (3 Part) SYSMEX-KX 21 4 Stromatolyser(3 x 500)ml 5 Stromatolyser(3 x 500)ml 6 Tri Level controls (each) 7 Cell pack 20 Ltr 8 Paper roll (53mm) each roll 9 PM kit –KX 21 10 Calibrator for KX-21 11 Haematology test under microscope 12 WBC Diluting Fluid (TLC) 100 ml 13 Total Eosinophil Count Fluid 100 ml 14 RBC Diluting Fluid (Total Blood Cell Count) 100ml 15 Platelet diluting Fluid (Platelet Count) 100ml 16 Distil Water 5 Ltr 17 Blood Grouping (ABO-RH typing)Anti ABD ( 3 x 10 ml) 18 Blood Grouping (ABO-RH typing)ANTI- H 10 ml, ANTI-A1 5 ml, BOVINE Albumin 10 ml, AHG 5ml 19 JSB Stain-I, JSB Stain-II (Malaria Parasite) 500 ml 20 JSB Stain-I, JSB Stain-II (Malaria Parasite) 125 ml 21 Copper Sulfate 500 gm pack 22 3.8% Sodium Citrate Solution (ESR) 500 ml 23 Coombs Reagent (Direct & Indirect) (AHG Anti C3d monoclonal) 10 ml 24 Coombs Reagent (Direct & Indirect) (AHG Anti C3d monoclonal) 5 ml 25 Laboratory Stain (Giema Stain, Leishman Stain) 26 Giema Stain 500 ml 27 Leishman Stain 500 ml 28 Immersion Oil (Microscope) 30 ml 29 Occult Blood Test 30 RPR Card (Syphilis)Each 31 HIV Rapid (Each) 32 HIV Elisa method (Each) 33 Rheumatoid Factor (Rh Typing) 1 x 100 Test 34 ASO (Each Kit) 35 CRP (Each Kit) 36 Urine Analysis Reagent Strip (as per packing) 37 Multistick(10 Parametre)(as per packing) 38 URI Stick (2 Parametre)(as per packing) 39 Pregnancy Kit (pack of 100) 40 Widal Kit (5 x 4 ml) (pack of 100) 41 Malaria Rapid (Each) 42 Dengue NS1 and IgM Combo Kit (Each) 43 Toxoplasma (Rapid) (pack of 50) 44 Hepatitis B Card Test (Tridot) (pack of 100) 45 Hepatitis B Elisa Method (pack of 50) 46 Hepatitis B Card Test (Each Card) 47 Hepatitis C Card Test (Each Card) 48 Hepatitis C Elisa Method (Each ) 49 Troponin-I (pack of 10) 50 H2S Strip (each) 51 BIOCHEMISTRY REAGENTS (FULLY AUTO ANALYZER)ERBA EM-200 52 Blood Sugar (Lab method) (10x44 ml) 53 Blood sugar (Glucometer Strip) (pack of 100) 54 Blood sugar (10 x 44 ml) 55 Blood sugar (Hexo Kinase) each 56 Blood urea (5 x 44 ml) 57 S. Creatinine Jaffe”s Kinetic (5 x 44)ml 58 S. Creatinine Enzymatic(5 x 30 / 5 x 10 ml 59 S.Bilirubin (T) (6 x 44) ml 60 S.Bilirubin (D) (6 x 44) ml 61 SGOT(6 x 44) ml 62 SGPT (6 x 44) ml 63 S.Alkaline Phosphatase (2 x 44) ml 64 S.Alkaline Phosphatase (2 x 22) ml 65 Serum Total Protein (10 x 44) ml 66 Serum Albumin (10 x 44) ml 67 S. Calcium (10 x 12) ml 68 S. Amylase ( 5 x 22) ml 69 S. Uric Acid ( 5 x 44) ml 70 S. Cholesterol (10 x 44) ml 71 S. Triglyceride (5 x44) ml 72 S. Triglyceride (5 x 22) ml 73 LDL-C (Direct) (2 x 30) ml 74 S. HDL (4 x 30) ml 75 S. Lipase (1 x 44) ml 76 LDH (2x44)ml 77 S. Phosphorus 78 ASO Quantitative 79 CRP Quantitative 80 HB AIC XL 81 Magnesium estimation kit 82 Serum IRON 83 UIBC 84 Ferritin 85 CK-MB2.11 ml 86 Micro Albumin 87 Micro Protein (10 x 12) ml 88 ERBA EASYLITE MACHINE (Electrolyte) 89 Sodium Electrode 90 Potassium Electrode 91 Chloride Electrode 92 Membrane Kit 93 Tubing Kit 94 Electrolyte Pack 95 Electrolyte cleaning solution 96 Internal filling solution 97 Reference Electrode 98 Sample detector 99 Wash Solution 100 Trilevel controls 101 OTHER CONSUMABLES 102 Glass Slide (Grease free) 50ml (Pack of 50) 103 Micro Tips (Yellow/ Blue) (Each) 104 Urine Contrainer 50 ml (Each) 105 NVERTA K3 2ml Vccume Contanier (Each) 106 NVEDTA K2 2ml Vccume Contanier (Each) 107 Plain Vial vaccume contanier (Each) 108 Yellow Gel tube 4 x 5 ml (or 5ml) (Each) 109 Sodium Citrate tubesvaccume contanier (Each) 110 Test Tube (Big) 12 x100 (Each) 111 Test Tube (Glass) 18 x 150 (Each) 112 Test Tube (Small) 12 x 75 (Each) 113 Test Tube Stand (Each) 114 Test tube holder (Each) 115 Clotting Vialvaccume contanier (Each) 116 ESR Stand (Each) 117 ESR Tube disposable (Each) 118 Micro Pipette(10-200) (Each) 119 Micro Pipette(5-50) (Each) 120 Micro Pipette(10-100) (Each) 121 Micro Pipette(100-1000) (Each) 122 Tissue paper roll (Each) 123 Fluoride vial Vccume Contanier (Each) 124 Spirit Lamp (Each) 125 Disposable Wintrobe tubes for ESR (Each) 126 Capillary Tubes (Each) 127 Cover slips(24 x60 mm) (Each) 128 Sprit (pack of 5 Ltrs) 129 Reagents to be used on Standard F200POCT IMMUNDASSAY ANALYSER 130 Stool occult blood Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 131 LH Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 132 FSH Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 133 Prolactin Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 134 T3 Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 135 T4 Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 136 TSH Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 137 Prolactin Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 138 CK MB Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 139 HCG_beta Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 140 CK MB Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 141 Troponin I Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 142 Hb Al C Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 143 FT3 Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 144 FT4 Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 145 Dengue NS1 Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 146 Chikunguniya Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 147 Urine Albumin Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 148 CRP Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 149 High Senstive CRP Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 150 Pro BNP Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 151 D Dimer Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 152 RSV Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 153 Strep-A Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 154 Legonella Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 155 S.Pneumaonia Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 156 i-FOB Card Test compatible with F-200 Machine 157 Cartridge for RP 500(750 test) for Rapid Point 500 ABG Machine 158 Cartridge for RP 500 (400 test) for Rapid Point 500 ABG Machine 159 Cartridge for RP 500 (250 test) for Rapid Point 500 ABG Machine 160 Wash Waste (4 Cartridge kit) for Rapid Point 500 ABG Machine 161 Paper Roll for Rapid Point 500 ABG Machine 162 Cartridge for RP-500 (100 tests) for rapid point 500 ABG Analyser 163 Reagents to be used on Erba H 560, Hematology Analyser 164 Erba H560 Lyse 1( 4x 200ml) 165 Erba H560 Lyse 2 (3 x 200 ml ) 166 Diluent H560 20 ltr 167 Cell Clean (1x50ml) 168 Control (3x3ml) 169 Reagents to be used on Coagulation Analyzer Model ECL 105- ERBA 170 Erba Protime LS 2x5ml 171 Erba Protime LS 10x5ml 172 Erba Actime 6x5ml 173 Erba Calcium Chloride10x10ml 174 Erba Thrombin Reagent 5x2ml 175 Erba DDimer R 1x7ml 176 Erba DDimer Calibrator 1x1ml 177 Erba DDimer Control N+P 5x1ml, 5x1ml 178 Erba Standard Plasma 5x1ml 179 Erba Control N 10x1ml 180 Erba Control P 10x1ml 181 Erba Owrens Veronal Buffer 6x25ml 182 Erba Single Reaction Cuvettes SRC10 for ECL 105, ECL 412 183 EM-200 Automatic Biochemistry Analyser 184 Multical ERBA (4x 3) ml 185 ERBA Norm (4x 5) ml 186 ERBA Path(4x 5) ml 187 Auto Wash (10 x 100 ml) 188 Sample cups for EM-200 Auto Analyser (2ml) 189 EppendorfPCR tubes (2 ml) 190 PM Kit for EM-200 Auto Analyser 191 T3 ELISA Kits 1 x 96 192 T4 ELISA Kits 1 x 96 193 TSH ELISA Kits 1 x 96 194 Consumable for TULIP Elyte 3i Electrolyte Analyser W-100 195 Electrodes K 196 Electrodes Na 197 Electrodes CI 198 Reference Electrodes 199 Reagent Pack 200 Pump Tubing 201 Conditioning Solution 202 Electrode filler 203 Reference Electrode filler 204 Daily CleaningSolution 205 Trilevel Control 206 Probe tie-in 207 PAP Staining 208 Hematoxylin (Harris Hematoxylin Readymade) 1 ml 209 Glacial Acetic acid Solution ( Harris Hematoxylin Readymade)1 ml 210 Eosin dye (1% Water Solution) (each) 211 OG-6 (Readymade Solution)(Each) 212 DPX mountain ( Xylene) (Each) 213 FNAC 214 Dispovan syringe 10mm 215 Giemsa stain (pack of 100gm) 216 Giemsa Powder (Pack of 100 gm) 217 Buffer capsules or Solution (PH=6.8 to 7.0) 218 Copplin Jars (Polyethylene) 219 Ethanol (Absolute ) Solution (Pack of 100 ml) 220 Glycrole 98% HCL absolute (500 ml) 221 Methanol (Absolute) Solution (500ml) 222 Sterile Cotton Swab(In Polypropylene tube, cotton bud with polypropylene stick, size 150mm, packed in 12mm diameter tube) 223 BIOPLAN-XL MICROSCOPE OBJECTIVE LENSES 224 Power 10x 225 Power 40x 226 Power 100x 227 Semen diluting fluid (in ml) 228 Neubauer’s chamber (Improved) Depth 0.1mm (each) 229 Ammonium oxalate solution (1%) for manual platelet count 230 Meglumi 800 231 T4 Kits (100 test) 232 T3 kits (100 test) 233 TSH Kits (100 test) 234 Anti TPO Kits (100 test) 235 Fertility 236 Serum FSH (100 Test) 237 Serum LH (100 Test) 238 Serum Prolectin (100 Test) 239 Beta HCG (100 Test) 240 Free Beta HCG (100 Test) 241 DHEA-5(100 Test) 242 Serum Ferritin (100 Test) 243 Total PSA (100 Test) 244 CA-125 (100 Test) 245 Metabolism 246 25 OH Vitamin D (100 Test) 247 Vitamin B 12 (100 Test) 248 Cortisol (100 test) 249 Motion Monit 250 CK MB Kit (100 test) 251 Troponin I kits (100 Kits) 252 CRP kit (100 Test) 253 D Dimer kit (100 Test) 254 Tious Diseases 255 Toxo lgg kit (100 Test) 256 Toxo lgm kit (100 Test) 257 Rubella lgg kit (100 Test) 258 Rubella lgm kit (100 Test) 259 Autoimmune 260 ANA kit (100 Test) 261 Anti CCP kit (100 Test) 262 Consumables 263 Reaction module cuvette (2304 tests) 100 test pack 264 Starter Kit 230 ml 265 Wash System 714ml 266 Light Check 267 System Tubing (714ml) 268 Clening Soluation 269 Scrub Typhus 270 Blood Bags (350 ml)
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Sr. Medical Superintendent Zonal Hospital D/shala
Zonal Hospital D/shala Tehsil D/shala District Kangra (HP)
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