Tenders are invited for Consulting Services for the Drinking Water Supply Project for the Towns of Bassila and Allada 3. The services include in general: - review of the preliminary design studies (PDS), - carrying out environmental and social impact assessment, - preparation of tender documents (TDs) for the works and goods, - Attending the session of awarding of contracts of works (AMT), - monitoring and control of works, - administrative management and financial control of works; - monitoring of the Environmental and Social Management Plan; - supervision of the construction works. Specifically, the control and supervision of the work will include: BASSILA Equipment and connection of three boreholes: Supply and installation of hydraulic, electrical and electromechanical equipment; Construction of a water plant (receiving water from the boreholes) including the treatment plant, a 100 m3 storage tank and a pumping station to the water tower and the distribution network. Construction of a 500m3 water tower; Supply and installation of 9 km of raw water conveyance of 160 mm HDPE pipes; Supply and installation of 28 km of treated water delivery and distribution HDPE pipes with diameters ranging from 75 mm to 225 mm Installation of a SCADA for the various sites (borehole sites, water plant and the 500 m3 water tower site); Acquisition of 300 kits for house connections. ALLADA Rehabilitation of the existing 45 m3/h borehole; Construction of four (04) new boreholes with an operating flow rate of 59 m3/h; Construction of a treatment plant with a capacity of at least 600 m3/day; Construction of two (02) new water towers with capacities of 1,500 m3 and 200 m3 Supply and installation of 15 km of 315 mm to 500 mm HDPE water supply pipes Supply and installation of 50 km of HDPE delivery and distribution pipes for treated water with diameters ranging from 75 mm to 250 mm Installation of a SCADA for the various sites Acquisition of 2500 kits for house connections. Expressions of interest must be accompanied by a letter of expression of interest duly signed by the applicant. Expressions of interest must be submitted in two (02) physical copies, one (01) original and one (01) copy as well as an electronic version scanned on a flash drive in PDF format, simultaneously in French to the Secretariat of the Public Contracting Officer, General Management of SONEB, office 112 bis and in English to the Kuwait Fund at the address below, no later than April 24, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. (Cotonou time). Director of Operations, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, P.O. Box 2921, Safat 13030 Kuwait, Tel. +96522999000, Fax +96522999090/1, E-mail: operations@kuwait-fund.org [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.uemoa.int/en/manifestation_d_interet
Contact Information
Secretariat de la Personne Responsable des Marches Publics (bureau 112 Bis) 92 av, du Pape Jean-Paul II
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