Quotation are invited for Tools & Machinery Delivery Date: 2025/06/30 Delivery To: Water Services - E&AM MAINTENANCE PLANT Delivery Address: 12 HERTZOG BLVD, CIVIC CENTRE - CAPE TOWN Closing Date: 2025/04/02 Closing Time: 04:00 PM Description: 2 each x fluke 177 true-rms digital multi-meter: 2 each x fluke 323 clamp meter 1 each x cable and pipe locator Specification: * Contact Person: Busi Moyikwa Contact No: 021 400 3019 Email: BusisiweBongeka.Moyikwa@capetown.gov.za SPECS: 1. Fluke 177 True-RMS Digital Multi-meter: 1.1 Features and capabilities: # True-RMS measurements for accurate readings on non-linear loads # Voltage measurements up to 1000V AC/DC # Current measurements up to 10A AC/DC # Resistance measurements up to 50M ohms # Capacitance measurements up to 10,000uF # Frequency measurement up to 100 kHz # Continuity and diode testing with audible beep for continuity # Large backlit digital display with analog bar graph 1.2 Accessories: # User manual # 9V battery (pre-installed) # Protective holster # Standard test leads (Fluke TL75 or equivalent) 1.3 Usage requirements: # Used for electrical diagnostics, troubleshooting and maintenance # Suitable for industrial, commercial and residential electrical work # Required for voltage, current, resistance and continuity checks 1.4 Compliance and Safety: # Safety rating: CAT III 1000V/ CAT IV 600V # Must comply with IEC 61010-1 safety standards * Contact Person: Busi Moyikwa Contact No: 021 400 3019 Email: BusisiweBongeka.Moyikwa@capetown.gov.za Specs: 2. Fluke 323 clamp meter 2.1 Features and capabilities: # True-RMS measurements for accurate reading on non-linear loads # AC current measurements 0 to 400A # AC/DC voltage measurements 0 to 600V # Resistance measurements up to 4kohms with continuity testing # Jaw opening: 30mm # Digital LCD with backlight for visibility in low light conditions. 2.2 Accessories # User manual # 2x AAA batteries ( pre-installed) # Soft carrying case # Standard test lead 2.3 Usage requirements # Suitable for electricians and maintenance teams for current and voltage diagnotics # Designed for commercial and industrial electrical trouble shooting # Ideal for measuring AC current without breaking the circuit 2.4 Compliance and safety # Safety rating : CAT III 600V/ CAT IV 300V # Must comply with IEC 61010-1 safety standards * REF GD12500774 QUOTATION CONDITIONS NB PLEASE SUBMIT SAMPLE PICURE OR SPESIFICATION SHEET, IF NOT RECEIVED YOU MAY BE DEEMED NON COMPLIANT CLAUSE - 2.14.1 & 2.15 Provide, on request by the CCT, any other material that has a bearing on the quotation offer, the supplier#s commercial position (including joint venture agreements), preferencing arrangements, or samples of materials, considered necessary by the CCT for the purpose of the evaluation of the quotation. If the Specifications require the supplier to provide samples/technical data sheets, these shall be provided strictly in accordance with the instructions set out in the Specification. If such samples /technical data sheets are not submitted as required in the bid documents or within any further time stipulated by the CCT in writing, then the bid concerned may be declared non-responsive. #Wherever reference is made to any particular Trade Mark, Name, Patent, Design, Type, Specific Origin or Producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent" #NB: The Municipal Bidding Document 6.1 (MBD 6.1) is attached, in order to be eligible for preference points bidders are required to submit a duly completed, current dated MBD 6.1 document with supporting documents with each and every RFQ submission, failure to submit will result in zero point allocation. *** PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL REQUIRED INSURANCES SUCH AS YOUR PUBLIC LIABILITY, EMPLOYERS LIABILITY OR COIDA AND MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE ARE ATTACHED AND THAT THEY ARE UP-TO-DATE. IF YOU UTILISE COURIERS AND DO NOT HAVE MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE, THEN PLEASE MENTION THIS. ALSO ENSURE THAT YOUR UPDATED DECLARATION OF INTEREST AND BBBEE IS ATTACHED AT ALL TIMES*** Contact Person: Busi Moyikwa Contact No: 021 400 3019 Email: BusisiweBongeka.Moyikwa@capetown.gov.za Specs: 3. RD8200G Kit- Receiver (BT&GPS) Tx-5w Transmitter, Connection leads, Soft Carry Bag 3.1 Features and capabilities: # Multi-frequency operation in Hz (512,570,577,640,760,870,920,940,1090 ,1450,4096,8k,8440,9820,33k,65k,82k,131k,and 200k) # Depth and current measurements # Integrated Bluetooth connectivity for data transfer # Backlit LCD display for visibility in low-light conditions. # GPS and data logging 3.2 Accessories: # Tx-10 Signal Transmitter # Rechargeable battery park and charger # Carry case for portability # Direct connection leads 3.3 Usage requirements: # To be used for detecting underground utilities such as power cables, water pipes, gas pipes and telecom lines # Suitable for both active and passive locating # Required for field surveys, excavation safety and infrastructure mapping. 3.4 Compliance and Safety: # Must comply with industry standards for underground utility detection. 4. Universal key- panel door key, material: die cast zinc 5. Allen key set- 7 piece set, ballpoint, plastic holder Tender Link : http://web1.capetown.gov.za/web1/ProcurementPortal/RFQ/Details/303271