Quotation are invited for Clothing Items : Boots Delivery Date: 2025/05/16 Delivery To: Logistics - Ndabeni Store Clothing PH: 021 444 5453 Delivery Address: 1 25 Oude Molen Road, Ndabeni Closing Date: 2025/03/27 Closing Time: 03:00 PM Description: 50 pair x boots;male;stc;blk;6;elect 50 pair x boots;male;stc;blk;8;elect Specification: * REFER TO: GA12500497 BOOTS - GENDER: Male; TOE CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Steel toe cap. Must withstand impact load of 200 joules; COLOUR: Black; UK SIZE: 6; APPLICATION: Electrical; UPPER MATERIAL: 2.0 - 2.2mm Chrome tanned, full grain Lunar Buffalo leather. Leather should be tanned to allow for softer/more comfortable feel. Fully padded collar and padded ½ bellows tongue should give additional comfort and support ankles; SOLE: Must be heat resistant up to 300°C and non-conductive for electrical use, must provide slip resistance, should be suitable for situations where there is a risk of electric shock, boot soles must have been subjected to withstand a voltage of 20kV ac rms for 1 minute (refer Eskom spec 32 - 184). A shank should be reinforced and moulded into the sole to give additional support under the arch of the foot; SPECIFICATIONS: Boot to be extra wide fit to accommodate South African feet, live work on heavy current; STANDARDS: SANS/ISO 20345 /Eskom spec 32-184. Podiatry Association approved; PACKAGING: Boxes are to be identified/marked with content description, size of boots/shoes, quantity of items in the box, CCT material code and the CCT purchase order number; ORIGIN: Made in South Africa. QUOTATION CONDITIONS: CLAUSE - 2.14.1 & 2.15 Provide, on request by the CCT, any other material that has a bearing on the quotation offer, the supplier#s commercial position (including joint venture agreements), preferencing arrangements, or samples of materials, considered necessary by the CCT for the purpose of the evaluation of the quotation. If the Specifications require the supplier to provide samples/technical data sheets, these shall be provided strictly in accordance with the instructions set out in the Specification. If such samples /technical data sheets are not submitted as required in the bid documents or within any further time stipulated by the CCT in writing, then the bid concerned may be declared non-responsive. # NB: The Municipal Bidding Document 6.1 (MBD 6.1) is attached, in order to be eligible for preference points bidders are required to submit a duly completed, current dated MBD 6.1 document with supporting documents with each and every RFQ submission, failure to submit will result in zero point allocation. ",,Wherever reference is made to any particular Trade Mark, Name, Patent, Design, Type, Specific Origin or Producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent" * REFER TO: GA12500497 BOOTS - GENDER: Male; TOE CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Steel toe cap. Must withstand impact load of 200 joules; COLOUR: Black; UK SIZE: 8; APPLICATION: Electrical; UPPER MATERIAL: 2.0 - 2.2mm Chrome tanned, full grain Lunar Buffalo leather. Leather should be tanned to allow for softer/more comfortable feel. Fully padded collar and padded ½ bellows tongue should give additional comfort and support ankles; SOLE: Must be heat resistant up to 300°C and non-conductive for electrical use, must provide slip resistance, should be suitable for situations where there is a risk of electric shock, boot soles must have been subjected to withstand a voltage of 20kV ac rms for 1 minute (refer Eskom spec 32 - 184). A shank should be reinforced and moulded into the sole to give additional support under the arch of the foot; SPECIFICATIONS: Boot to be extra wide fit to accommodate South African feet, live work on heavy current; STANDARDS: SANS/ISO 20345 /Eskom spec 32-184. Podiatry Association approved; PACKAGING: Boxes are to be identified/marked with content description, size of boots/shoes, quantity of items in the box, CCT material code and the CCT purchase order number; ORIGIN: Made in South Africa. Tender Link : http://web1.capetown.gov.za/web1/ProcurementPortal/RFQ/Details/303296