Short Weld Pvc Adapter With Bag And Thread, 25 Mm X 3/4, For Cold Water, 32 Mm X 1, 50 Mm X1 1/2, Welding Pvc Adapter, With Flange And Seal Ring, For Water Tank, 17/03/2025, 50 Mm X 1 1/2, Pvc Plastic Adhesive, 175 Gr Vial And Stabilizer 2Nd Liters Settlement And Plaster Mortars - Price / L = R $ 8, 24, Plasticizer Additive And Stabilizer For Settlement And Plastering Mortars 3, 6 Liters - Price / L = R $ 8, 1.80M Lever, Alleviate (Garrison) L = 7Cm Cedrinho / Angelim Commercial / Tauri / Curipixa / Cumaru Or Equivalent Of The Region (Game Complete 2 Sides), Analize / Guard / Smooth Sight Of Massive Wood, For Door, E = * 1 * Cm, L = * 5 * Cm, Cedrinho / Angelim Commercial / Tauri / Curupixa / Peroba / Cumaru Or Equivalent Of The Region (Full Game 2 Sides = 10, 00 M) Price / M = R $ 6, 36, Outer Fingerprint - 30 Elements, 15 X Wire 17 (45, 7 Kg, 700 Kgf), Roll 1000 M - Price/ Kg = R $ 30, 62, Oval Fear 15 X 17 (700 Kgf), Roll 500 M, Galvanized Barbed Wire, 16 Bwg (1, 65 Mm), Class 250, Roll 500 M - Price/ M = R $ 1, 42, River Washed Sand (Thin). Exclusive Me/Epp, River Washed (Thick), River Washed Sand (Thick). Exclusive Me/Epp, River Washed Sand (Media), River Sand (Media). Exclusive Me/Epp, Mortar Ac Iii (20Kg Package) Price/Kg = R $ 2, 46, Aci Mortar (Packet 20Kg) Price/Kg = R $ 0, 80, Adi Mortar - Acii (Package 20Kg) Price/Kg = 1, 49, 1/2 X 3/16 - 6 Mts (Kg/M = 0, 47 Weight/Br = 2, 82Kg) Price/Kg = $ 9, 70, Boring Bar 1/4X1 -6 Mts (Kg/M = 1, 27 Weight/Br = 7, 62Kg) Price/Kg = $ 9, Threaded Bar 3/8, 5/16, Registration Base 3/4 With Finishing Registration With Finishing, Multipurpose Foam Block * 23 X 13 X 8 * Cm, Me/Epp, Gravel 1, Gravel 1. Exclusive Me/Epp, Rg 6 95%Coaxial Cable, 1/2 Wire Rope, 750V Anti -Flame Cable - 2, 5 Mm²: Flexible Naked Copper Conductor, Class 4 Or Class 5, Pvc/A 70 ° C Insulation In Accordance With Nbr7288: 1994. The Manufacturer Must Have Compulsory Certificate In Inmetro And Present A Catalog That Proves The Specifications Of The Item. Roll With 100 Meters - Price/M = R $ 2, 41, 41. Exclusive Me/Epp, Flexible Cable Anti -Flame 750V - 4, 0 Mm²: Flexible Copper Conductor, In Accordance With Nbr7288: 1994. The Manufacturer Must Have Compulsory Certificate In Inmetro And Present A Catalog That Proves The Specifications Of The Item. Roll With 100 Meters - Price/M = R $ 3, 99, Cable Flexible Cable 750V - 6, In Accordance With Nbr7288: 1994. The Manufacturer Must Have Compulsory Certificate In Inmetro And Present A Catalog That Proves The Specifications Of The Item. Roll With 100 Meters - Price/M = R $ 5, 73, Parallel Flexible Cable 2 X 2, 5 Mm2, Pp 2 X 2, 5 Mm² Cable, No -Tone Cable * 5 X 6 * Cm, In Macaranduba/Massaranduba, Angelim Or Right Equivalent - Gross, Dagua/Reservoir In Polyethylene, 1000 Liters, 500 Liters, Pass Box Pvc, 4 X 2, For 4 X 4 Corrugated Flexible Conduit, Pvc Siphoned Box, 150 X 150 X 50 Mm, With White Square Grid, 150 X 150 X 75 Mm, Siphoned Box, Pvc, 150 X 175 X 50 Mm, With Square Grid, Singer 2X1/8 - 6 Mts, Singer 1 1/2X 1/8 - 6 Mts, Singer 1/8 - 6 Mts, Singer 5/8X 1/8 - 6 Mts, Singer 7/8 X 1/8 - 6 Mts, 3, 25 X 8 Plate 14, Hand Cart 3, 25 X 8 Plate 18, Carrin