Tender For Supply And Installation Of Physics Instruments; 1 C.R.O. Dual trace 40 mhz: 1. Type of input channels- Analog and Digital (Mixed Signal)2. Number of Analog Channels-3. Bandwidth - 300 megaHertz.4. Display Type -colour TFT.5. Minimum Display Size- 10 inch.6. Time Base Accuracy- 2.5 parts per million.7. Sampling Rate Per Digital Channel Simultaneously: 1GS/sec.8.Record Length Per Digital Channel Simultaneously- 8M point. 2 Function generator 0.3 to 3 mhz (scientific 10 mhz to 25 mhz frequency 1 channel function generator) : 1. Frequency bandwidth (sine wave ) 10 mhz to 25 mhz.2. sample rate of arbitrary waveform generator (mega samples/sec)3. amplitude range (at 50 ohm impedance),10mv to 10 v pp. 3 Multiplexers and de-multiplexer with built in power supply :1. Material- ABS2. Display- Digital 4 Verification of de-morgen’s theorem with built in power supply : 1. Type- Digital2. Consisting of Built in Power Supply3. Logic ICs Connected Internally for 1st & 2nd Theorem.4. 2 Logic Input Switches with Indcators.5. 1 Logic Output Indicator.6. 3 Patch chords to connect input and outputs. 5 Encoder and decoder circuit with built in power supply : 1. Material- PVC2. Equipment materials - Glass Epoxy front panel with pvc3. Temperature range- -5 to 45 celsius4. Output voltage(Regulated) : 5VDC (Internally connected) 6 Half adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor with built in power supply:1. Built-in power supply DC +5 V at 500 mA.2. 3 Logic input switches with green LED display.3. 3 Logic output red LED display.4. Two and gates ( 7408 ), one OR gate ( 7432 )Two not gates ( 7404 ) & Two EX-OR gates ( 7486 ) on panel. 7 Hall probe method for measurement of resistivity, complete with hall effect setup, hall probes, digital gauss meter, electromagnet and constant current supply. (complete apparatus) : 1. Hall Probe (Ge Crystal);(b)Hall Probe (InAs).2. Hall Effect Set-up (Digital), DHE-213. Electromagnet,EMU-75orEMU-50V.4. Constant Current Power Supply, DPS-175 or DPS-50.5. Digital Gaussmeter, DGM-102.6. Range- 0-20 mA 8 Apparatus to study characteristics of tunnel diode : 1. Instrument comprises of DC Regulated Power Supply of 0-600mV.1. Two round meter for voltage & current measurement.2. Circuit diagram is printing on front panel & important connections brought out on front panel.3. With Well illustrated Instruction Manual 9 Photo diode characteristic apparatus : 1. Material- MS2. Frequency- 50Hz 10 Photo transistor characteristic apparatus : 1. Instrument type- analog2. Input Voltage - 220 V3. Frequency - 50-60 Hz 11 Solar cell characteristic apparatus (complete apparatus) : 1. Analog Voltmeter: 12. Analog Ammeter: 13. Solar panel/Photovoltaic cell/solar cell to study characteristics: 14. Range of DC Voltmeter (in volt): 305. Range of DC Ammeter (in milli Ampere): 506. Necessary patch cords for interconnection7. Along with instruction manual and demonstration 12 Apparatus to study charging and discharging of a capacitor : 1. Built in power supply : +12V variable & -12V, variable DC2. Mains : 230V AC 13 LDR characteristics apparatus. : 1. Voltage- 220 V2. Apparatus type- Analog3. Temperature range- 50-60degree 14 Plancks constant using solar cell : 1. Instrument type- digital 2. Built in power supply : +12V variable & -12V3. Necessary patch cords for interconnection
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PMCOE Shri Neelkantheshwar Government PG College, Khandwa (M.P.)
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