Special Repairs To Bldg No P 24 Of Asc Centre And College Under Ge Central Bangalore-- 1 Taking down cement plaster of any description including racking out joints, hacking for key scrubbing down with water etcandremoval of entire debris as ordered outside MD land complete all as directed. 2 Demolition of cement concrete (un-reinforced) in ground floor and paving not exc 15 cm thick above or below ground level and removalof entire debris as ordered outside MD land complete all as directed. 3 Demolition of reinforced cement concrete as in roofs, floors (other than ground floors), beams, staircases, landing, chaj-jas and similar sus-pended work (reinforcement cut as required to facilitate demolition)including removing of debris as ordered outside MD land complete all as directed. 4 Demolition of brickwork , block masonryor stone/boulder masonry, built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars, etc and removal of debris as ordered outside MD land complete all as directed. 5 Dismantling structural steel work incl gates, doors but excluding framed truss etc complete all as directed. 6 Dismantling of plain or corrugated steel sheeting any gauge thickness incl Nanital or similar pattern as in roof coverings and stacking at site where directed . 7 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling inluding cement mortar bedding (but not backing), stackingserviceable tiles at site andremoval of entire debris as ordered outside MD land complete all as directed. 8 Taking down chowkats or frames not exc 1.5 sqm each with shutters (without taking off shutters from frame) and stacking at site where directed. 9 All as per item 8here-in-above but exceeding 1.5 Sqm but not exceeding 4 Sqm each 10 Excavation in trenches and not exe. 1.5 m wide and not exe. 1.5 m in depth for foundation of drain, man hole , laying of UG cablesetc. not exe. 10 Sq. m on plan and not exe. 1.5 m depth and getting out in soft / loosesoil complete all as specified and directed. 11 Returning filling in trenches including spreading, leveling,watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25 cm thick in soft rock complete all as specified and directed 12 Removing excavated surplus soil to a distance not exceeding 50 mtsand depositing where directed .at a level not exceeding1.5 M above the starting point complete all as directed. 13 M & L for Hard core of broken hard stone or boulders of guage not exceeding 63 mm , deposited spread as subbase to inter locking tilesin layers n.exc 15cm thick , watered & well rammedto true surface complete all as specified and directed. 14 M&L factory made pre cast PCC 1:3:6, type C1 (using 20 mm graded granite aggregate) as in block masonry with solid blocks, exceeding 10 cm in width and setting in CM 1:4 complete all as specified. 15 All sameas per itemNo 14 here-in-above but solid blocks not exceeding 10 cm thick -do- 16 Providing precast ce- ment concrete Type B1 1:2 :4 using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate in window or door cills, lintels, bressumers, steps, quoin blocks (for use with masonry),string courses, copings. kneelers, apex stones, pier caps, columns, posts , boundary pillars, bed plates, pintle blocks, ancho-rage blocks, bonders (for stone wallin). corbels, brackets,etc. (of any section indicated), with plain fair faces, including chamfers, weatherings, throat- ing etc. and setting in mortar complete with joints to match Set in cement mortar 1:4 completeall as directed. 17 M&L for precast RCC 1:2:4type B1 using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in landings, cover slabs (for man holes, drains etc.) chullah hoods, chajjas, water troughs, mangers, shelves and similar articles with plain faces including placing in position and set in CM (1:6) complete all as specified & as directed 18 Supply onlyIntegral Water Proofing Compound (ISI Marked) of Make : CICO,Acco Proof, Impermo, Aqua flex as approved. 19 Cutting holes of size Exc. half brick but not exc. one brick in brick walls in brick walls built in cement mortar or cement lime mortar and stone walls built in lime mortarfor insertingholdfasts and making good dismantled portion in cement mortar 1:3 or cement concrete 1:2:4 TypeB-1 as required including making good as per its original specification with out any extra costcomplete all as directed. 20 Cutting grooves in brick wall, 75mm wide and 65mm deep and shaping horizontal face of groove with cement mortar 1:3 as required including making good as per its original specification with out any extra costcomplete all as directed. 21 S&F factory made solid PVC door frame of size 50mm x 47mm made out of 5mm plain colour single piece extruded PVC profile reinforced with MS square tube in opening as per specifications completeall as directed. 22 S&F factory made pressed steel frames of size 125x60mm for doors with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strike plate etc, mild steel sheet of 1.25 mm thickness includingfillingthe hollow section of steelframe withPCC 1:2;4 typeBo using 12.5 mm graded crushed stoneaggregrate tothe entire hollow section tothe satisfaction ofEngineer-in-charge , complete as specified & as directed. 23 S&F Second class hard wood factory made kiln - seasoned, plain, solid, straight chowkats and frames , wrought, framed, rebated on the solid, rounded or chamfered , put togetherwith glue, pinned at joints and fixed in position complete all as directed. 24 S &F35 mm thick second class hard wood factory made glazed and skeleton shutter open rebated and prepared to receive glass, guage etc edge of framing plain chamfered or rounded fitted with cut and mitred beads for securing guage etc size of members of shutter as specified in SSR Part I Section 8 clause 8.24 (a) supplied and fitted to chowkats. 25 S&F 30 mm thick Flush shutters, solid core construction, with block coard core & plywood face panels commercial type on both side conforming to IS 2202 (Part- I) -1999, including internal liping beading all round fixed as in Door Shutter,Cup board shutter & Kitchen rack allas specified. 26 S&F factory made solid panel PVC door shutter 30mm thick (style) consisting of frame made out of MS tubes for top and bottom rails. MS frame shall be covered with plain colour single piece extruded PVC profile ‘C’ channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20mm width stuck inside with solvent cement for styles and plain colour single piece extruded PVC profile for top rail lock rail bottom rail on either side and as gap insert for Top rail and bottom rail paneling of plain colour PVC sheet to fitted on the MS frame welded/sealed to the styles and rails with suitable PVC sheet beading and joined together with solvent cement. 27 S&F 19mm thick MDF Board both side finished as in wardrobe no of compartments & Drawersallas specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 28 S&F Powder coated aluminium sliding window (three way) frame & shutter with glazed shutter and without miremesh shutter /skeleton section with & including the following:-(i) Aluminium frame section 116x36.50x1.80mm.(ii) Aluminium shutter glazed/skeleton section 50x20x1.50mm thick.(iii) Aluminium grill size 50mmx50mm and 4 to 5mm thick bars complete all as specified.(iv) Fixing arrangements legs in hold fast in walls incl PCC (1:3:6) making goog distributed surfaces complete in originally shape.(v) 4mm thick glass orinary quality and fixed with rubber gasket for with glazed shutter etc.(vi) Stainless steelwire mesh 0.36mm nominal dia avg aperature 1.14mm and fixed with rubber gasket for without glazed shutter etc.(vii) Aluminium disc /bow hanle and locking system complete 29 S&F Powder coated aluminium Ventilator (partially fixed glazing and Partially louvered glazing) with & include the following:-(i) Aluminium frame section 45x25x1.80mm.(ii) Fixing arrangements legs in hold fast in walls incl PCC (1:3:6) making goog distributed surfaces complete in originally shape.(v) 4mm thick frosted glass orinary quality (partially fixed glazing and Partially louvered glazing) and fixed with rubber gasket for with glazed shutter etc. 30 S & F150 mm long aluminium, anodised , barrel tower bolt (ISI marked) of extruded section and fixed. 31 S&F 100mm size butt hinges, medium weight stainless steeland fixed . 32 S&F 100 mm size aluminium alloy handles (ISI Marked) fabricated type anodisedand fixed. 33 S&F300 mm long aluminium alloy, anodised sliding door bolt (ISI Marked) with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing clip of sheet cast or extruded section and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded section or cast aluminium alloy and fixed. 34 S&F Mild steel powder coatedbodydoor stopper with hard drawn steel spring, 150mm size fixed to door all as directed. 35 S & F mild steel 300mm ordinary rat rail rod pattern spring including roller and roller plate fixed to door all as directed. 36 S&F continuous (piano) hinges, mild steel, bright finish or electro galvanized width of flaps 40mm (when open) fixed with CP steel screws complete all as specified and as directed. 37 S&F in repair 25mm dia aluminium anodised decorative type curtain rods. fixed with CP steel screws complete all as specified and as directed. 38 S&F in repair decorative type curtain rod brackets. 39 S&F in Repairs Tubular Towel Rail of 20mm dia of 60cm in length, D shaped, with brass chromium platedbrackets all as specified and directed. 40 Supply onlystainless steelwire cloth, 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mmand fixed with stainless steel wire staples for steelwindow . 41 S & F 10 mm dia and over TMTbarscut to length bent to shape required cranking including bending , hooking ends etc and binding with mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9 mm dia complete all as specified and directed. 42 S&F Mildsteel iron framed work as in doors or gates of angle or other section with gusset plates, rails, braces, etc., complete, drilled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering. Doors, etc. to be prepared for hanging or sliding with and including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging door fit-tings (exclusive of steel sheeting or other cover-ing, running rails and guides) and hanging; al-so fastening and fixing complete all as directed . Steel conforming to Fe 410 -W (Gde E- 250 QualityA) 43 S&F pre-painted galvalume (zincalume) aluminium zinc coating GI based corrugated steel sheet 0.50 mm thick of any colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof coverings/cladding to walls fixed with self tapping screws as specified. 44 Roughening surfaces of old concrete floor by picking, sweeping clean and washing down with water to remove dust, etc. andbrushing thesamewith neat cement slurry with 3.0 Kg ofcement perSqm completeall asdirected. 45 Material and labourcleaning ofsurface with wire brushes and water removing of unsolvent materials and depositing of the same as directed outside MoD land andprovide 10 mm thick screed bed/ bedding layer in CM 1:3 mixed with Water Proofing Compound (WPC) as per manufacturer instructions, including finishing the surface fair and even on RCC roof/ parapet once bedding layer of concrete is completely dried and apply oil bound bituminous primer @ 0.30 Kg/Sqm and providing 4mm thick APP modified water proofing membrane weighing not less than 4.00 Kg/Sqm reinforced with non woven polyster matt weighing not less than 160 gms/Sqm including minimum 10 cm side over laps and 15 cmend lap torch sealed and bonded as per detailed procedure as directed and finally finished the top surface with two coats of thermal resistant paint complete all as specified and as directed.Note: (i) The quoted rate is deemed to be inclusive cleaningthe entire surfacetosatisfaction ofEnginner-in-charge & removal of debris , 10 mm thick 1:3 screed & complete APP treatment. (ii) WPC will be paid seperately (iii)The work shall be carried out only through manufacturer or their authorised applicator and a written guarantee for work shall be submitted by the manufacturer for the effectiveness of WPT (iv) Care shall be taken to avoid wrinkle and air gaps while sticking membrane to the bitumen applied surface. 46 M&L for 25 mm thick plain cement concrete 1:2:4 type B0 using 12.5mm graded crushed stone aggregate as inpadding over roof / chajja finished even & smooth without using extra cement complete all as directed. 47 M & L for 25 mm thick plain cement concrete 1:2:4 type Bo using12.5 mm graded crushedstone aggregate as insub base offloor and finished the surface complete all as directed. 48 M & L for 75 mm thick plain cement concrete 1:4:8 type D2 using40mm graded crushedstone aggregate as insub base offloor/ foot path etc and finished the surface complete all as directed. 49 M & L for 75 mm thick plain cement conctere 1: 3 : 6type C2 using 40 mm graded crushedstone aggregateas in plinth protection finished the surface fairand even complete all as directed. 50 M & L non-skid coloured joint freeceramic tiles 7 to 8 mm thick (square/rectangular), area of each tile exceeding 0.06 sqm but not exceeding 0.11 sqm in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match with tiles laid over and including 15 mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:6 complete all directed and specified. 51 All same as per item No 50here - in - above but each tile exceeding 0.18 Sqm butnotexceeding 0.36Sqm-do- 52 All same as per item No 50here - in - above but as in dado & skirting with10 mm thick 1 : 4 cement mortar screed - do - 53 M&L glazed ceramic coloured tiles of size 350mm x 250mmx 7mm / 450mmx350mmx7mm thick, on verticals surfaces, set and jointed inneat cement slurry including 10 mm thick back coat in CM 1:4 set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to matchcompleteall directed.(Note for item Nos 50 to 53 : i) Quoted rateis deemed to be inclusive of cement screed. ii) Colour of tiles shall be got appproved before incorporation in the work) 54 M&L for 18-20mm thick Sadherhali stone slab flooring, steps, jambs, pillars, window- cills, cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granit laid over andincluding15 mm thick screed bedding in cement mortar 1 : 4includingRounding to edges complete. 55 All same as per item No 74here - in - above but as in dado & skirting with10 mm thick 1 : 3 cement mortar screed - do -(Note for item No 54 & 55 : i) Quoted rateis deemed to be inclusive of cement screed.) 56 M&L M-35 grade, 60 mm thick machine pressed, PVC moulded precast cement concrete interlocking paver blocks any shape and size with grey cement and pigment confirming to IS: 15658-2006, laid over and including 50 mm thick compacted sand cushion complete complete all as specified.(Note ; Quoted rate is deemed tobe inclusive of 50 mm thick compactedsand cushoning). 57 M&L for rendering 15 mm thick in CM 1:6 on brick or concrete surfaces or surface other than fair faces brick work, finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified. 58 All as per item No 57 here-in-above but 5mm thick in CM 1:3 on ceiling,chajja,roof projection etc. 59 M & L for Dubbing out average 10mm thick on irregular face of stone walls of external surface in CM 1:6complete all as specified and directed. 60 M&L forrendering 15 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 on fair faces of brick work/ stone work or concrete surfaces mixed with WPC as per manufacturer instruction, and finished the surface fair and even complete all as specified and directed.(Note: WPC shall be measured and paid separately). 61 Racking out joints / points in cement mortar torandom rubble or polygonal rubble uncoursed or brought upto coursesin cementor cement lime mortar completeall asdirected. 62 Three coats of white wash on newly plastered surface of ceiling after necessary preparation of surfacecomplete all as directed. 63 All asper item No. 62 here-in-above buttwocoats on old treated surface ofwalls- do - 64 M&L preparing new plastered wall surfaces and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over a coat of alkali resistant primer over a coat of 3 mm thick white cement based wall care putty as ordered complete all as specified. 65 Complete removalofany type ofexixtingtreatment from wallssurfaces and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over a coat of alkali resistant primer over a coat of 3 mm thick white cement based wall care putty as ordered complete all as specified. 66 Complete removalofany type ofexixtingtreatment from wallssurfaces & applying two or more coats of 100% premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50gm/litre and UV resisitance as per IS 15489:2004, alkali & fungal resistance dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade (company depot tinted) with silicon additives @ 1.43 litre/ 10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 litre/ 10 sqm over new or old surfaces complete all as specified. 67 Material & Labour for applying two or more coats of 100% premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50gm/litre and UV resisitance as per IS 15489:2004, alkali & fungal resistance dirt resistance exterior paint (Apex -Ultima Protek) of required shade (company depot tinted) with silicon additives @ 1.43 litre/ 10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 litre/ 10 sqm over newsurfaces applied by mechanicalmeans i.e Airless spray including filing undulations with white cement based putty mixed with multi purpose mixer complete all as directed. 68 M & L Two coats of 1st quality synthetic enamel paint over a coat of pink primer on new wooden surface of any description over 10 cm in width or girth including necessary preparation of new wooden surface complete all as directed. 69 M & L Two coats of 1st quality synthetic enemal paint over a coat of zinc chromate primer over any description of new steel surface over 10 cm in width or girth including necessary preparation ofnew steel surface complete all as directed. 70 Taking down old rusted / wornout 25 mm bore GI tubing after necessary disconnection & S&F25 mm boreGI water tubingmedium grade (ISI marked) withfittings such as bends, tees, elbows, nipples, unions, short pieces etc laid in trenches making necessary connection and testing on completionall as specified anddirected.. 71 All sameas per itemNo 70 here-in-above but laid floors / wall / underroad crossing etc -do - 72 S&F40 mm boreGI water tubinglight grade (ISI marked) fixed on pole withsuitable size ofMS clamps , laid on floor etc as cable protection complete all as specified anddirected.. 73 Taking up or down steel tubing for 15mm dia pipe and connections including cleaning for re-fixing or removal to store.all asdirected . 74 Taking up or down steel tubing for 20mm dia pipe and connections including cleaning for re-fixing or removal to store.all as directed. 75 S&F 16 mm outer dia CPVC Pipe (ISI Marked) SDR II & plain CPVC SDR II fittings fixed on wall, celing or floors complete ass as specified. 76 S&F 20mm outer dia CPVC Pipe (ISI Marked) fixed complete to wall, celing or floors including taking up or down 15mm boresteel tubing complete all as specified. 77 S&F in repairs 15 mm bore CPbib tap, cast copper alloy, with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule 78 Supply and fixingin repair Angle valve cast copper alloy cromium Plated (CP)15mm dia screwed down high pressure with crutch or butter fly handles screwed both and iron pipe or forunions and fixed completeall as directed. 79 S&F soap dish, vitreous china, white, approximate size 160x160x90mm fixed to plugs with chromium plated (CP) brass screws 80 Supply and fixingin repair PVC Shower Rose swivel typesuitable for 15mm dial pipe (as per sample approved by Engineer-in-Charge complete all as directed. 81 S&F in repairs PVC connection 600 mm long suitable for 15 mm bore GI pipe including PTMT nuts on both sides complete all as specified. 82 S&F in repair Gun metalglobe or gate valves with iron wheelhead screwed box and both ends for iron pipe for 25 mm bore of pipe or union complete all as directed 83 S&F in repair Gun metalglobe or gate valves with iron wheelhead screwed box and both ends for iron pipe for 40 mm bore of pipe or union complete all as directed 84 S & F 110 mm bore PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed in any length with rubber rings joints fixed to wallin repars complete all as directed. 85 S & F 75 mm bore PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed in any length with rubber rings joints fixed to wallin repars complete all as directed. 86 S&F in repair 75 mm size PVC (SWR) floor trap with grating including jonting the same with solvent cement complete all as directed. 87 S & F75 mmbore size PVC (SWR) bends any radius with access door including jointing the same with solvent cement complete all as directed. 88 S & F110 mmbore size PVC (SWR) bends any radius with access door including jointing the same with solvent cement complete all as directed. 89 S&F110 mmbore size PVC (SWR)junction single(single T)equal or unequal with access doorincluding jointing the same with solvent cement complete all as directed. 90 All as per item No 109here -in -above but 75mm bore. 91 S&F 550 mm X 400 mm size white flat backvitreous china wash hand basin including chromium plated pillar tap cap stain head suitable for 15 mm bore of pipe , PVC connection 15 mm dia 45 cm long with chromium plated nuts and bolts and suitablewashers, PVC waste 32 bore CP waste coupling chain and plug , porcelain stopper including CI bracket fixed in repair complete all as diirected. 92 S&F in repairs 600mm x 450mm looking mirror of selected quality glass not less than 5.5mm thick, mounted on 6mm thick AC building board or commercial plywood including aluminium framing and fixed to PVC rawl plugs with chromium plated brass screws and cup washers complete all as specified. 93 S&F in repairs vitreous china squatting pan (Orissa pattern) water closet (white) of size 580x440mm with integral foot rests, ‘P’ or ‘S’ trap, including connection to trap and flushing pipe, antisyphonage pipe etcincluding provision of PCC (1:5:10) type E2 in filling, making good to floor, complete all as specified 94 S & F in repairs, vitreous China wash down water closet pan (pedestal pattern), white, including connection to outgoing drain and 32mm dia flush pipe,flushing pipe, anti syphonic pipe with and including white PVC seat and cover closed pattern with flat bottom and MS chromium plated hinging device including provision of 10 ltr capacity low levelPVC Flushing cistern, PVC connection pipe, 15 mm dia, 600 mm long complete including making good damaged/disturbed surfaces complete all as specified and directed. Make of Pan CERA Cat No S1053101/S1053102 and of cistern B1010109 or equivelent of Parryware/Hindware/Prayag 95 S&F in repairs PVC valveless symphonic action type low level flushing cistern (ISI marked) of 10 litre capacity including32 mm dia PVC flush pipeconnected to water closet with inlet, ball valve, float and handle complete all as specified 96 Dismantling of existing any type & any capacity water storage tank fixed in any description and stacking at site andS&F new 1000 litres capacity (white colour) rotational moulded polythene water storage tank, (cylindrical verticalwith close top) triple layer colour white both inside and outside with top cover including PVC float valve high pressure suitable for 20 mm bore of pipe with polythene float, fixture hoisted and fixed in position where orderedand making necessary connection and testing complete all as directed. 97 M&L for cutting existing GI water main pipe line in position of 40 mm bore and making connection toexisting pipe line of 25mm bore with & including insertion of new GI Tee (ISI marked) of size 40mm x 40mm x 25mm including excavation & earth work in any type of soil complete all as directed. 98 E&M : Taking down carefully copper/ aluminium point wiring (light, fan, socket or power) complete, (fittings such as switches, ceiling roses, pendants, regulators, sockets etc. to be measured separately), removing taken down materials to a place where ordered for crediting includingmaking good disturbed surfaces of walls, floors, etc to match with the existing surface complete all as directed.. 99 Point wiring with PVC insulated and unsheathed FRLS cable single core multistranded copper conductor 1.5 sqmm size, 1100 volts grade cable conforming to IS-694 1990 drawn in and including PVC rigid non metalicconduit (Medium Grade) on Surface conduite conforming to IS-9537 with all accessories including fabricated MS terminal boxes fixed flush with wall surface with 3mm thicklaminated sheet top cover fixed with brass screw for mounting switches, sockets, regulator etc including 1.5 sqmm single core PVC insulated and unsheathed copper conductor earth continuity conductor to common earth and connecting to earth dolly all as specified for :-(a) One light / Fan / bellpoint controlled by one 5 Amps switch one way 100 (d) One light point contrlled by two, two way switchs , single pole 101 (b) One 3 pin socket point 5 Amp on independent board 102 (c) One 3 pin socket point 5 Amp on same board with other switches.(to be provide new point as ordered atsite) 103 All as per item No. 99 here-in-above but with 2.5sqmm ( Nominal area ) cable with 2.5 Sqmm size copper earth continuity conductor for 3 pin 15 A socket outlet on independent board complete all as specified and directed. 104 Supply and fix Switch piano, flush button single pole, 5 Amps one way. 105 Supply and fix Switch piano, flush button single pole, 5 Amps two way. 106 Supply and fix Switch sokcet combination flush type 5 Amp ,2-in-1muliti purpose 107 Supply and fix Switch socket combination flush type 5/16 Amps , 5-in-1universal multipurpose 108 Supply and fix bell push, flush button single pole, 5 Amps one way. 109 Supply and fix bell ding dong, 230 V ACsingle pole,, 5 Amps one way. 110 Ceiling rose surface bakelite 65x50mm three terminals including supply and fix PVC square blocks. 111 Supply and fix Fan regulator electronic, step & socket type 230 volt, suitable for 1200/1400mm sweep ceiling fan. 112 Taking down existinglight fittings fixed in any descriptionand S&F new 10 Watt , 6000K, 230 Volt,2ft Batten surface and wall mounted LED batten with polycarbonate housing with PVChousing & integrated electronic driver complete with all fixing accessories such as 2 nos of PVC square/round boxes, screws, etc and connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of size 24/0.20 sqmm complete fixed as per manufacturers instructions and making necessary electricalconnections and testing on completion complete all as directed. . Make : Havells/wipro/surya/ Philips 113 Taking down existinglight fittings fixed in any descriptionand S&F new 20 Watt , 6000K, 230 Volt,4ft Batten surface and wall mounted LED batten with polycarbonate housing with PVC housing & integrated electronic driver complete with all fixing accessories such as 2 nos of PVC square/round boxes, screws, etc and connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of size 24/0.20 sqmm complete fixed as per manufacturers instructions and making necessary electricalconnections and testing on completion complete all as directed. . Make : Havells/wipro/surya/ Philips 114 S&F bldg security light light fittings 1x 35 Watt Ac 230v out door typeLED street light with high pressuredie cast aluminium and heat ressistent complete with driver ,lamp bracket with impact and corrosion resistentincluding thermal managment in multiple optics complete, IP65/66 and wired with all accessories and including connection up with twine core twisted flexible copper conductor cable with 1.5 M long suitable size all as specified and directed. Make : Crompton Greaves/Bajaj/ Philips 115 S&F steet light bracket made out of 25 mm bore GI Light grade 1.00 M long to required shape as in bracket for steet light fittings fixed with two pair of MS flat iron clamp of size50mm X 6 mm thickness of required shape with nuts, bolts and washers suitable for steel tubular pole including painting of mild steel flate iron surface with two coates of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. 116 S&Fin repair Sheet metal enclosure (ISI marked) distribution board for 415 volts, TPN 04 way Vertical type, doubledoor, triplepole and neutral with 200 Amps rated neutral copper bus bar for housing MCB and fixed flush in wall surface, and tested on completion complete all as directed. 117 S&Fin repair Sheet metal enclosure (ISI marked) distribution board for 240 volts, SPN 8 way Vertical type, doubledoor, singlepole and neutral with 200 Amps rated neutral copper bus bar for housing MCB and fixed flush in wall surface, and tested on completion complete all as directed. 118 S&Fin repair Sheet metal enclosure (ISI marked) distribution board for 240 volts, SPN 4 way Vertical type, doubledoor, singlepole and neutral with 200 Amps rated neutral copper bus bar for housing MCB and fixed flush in wall surface, and tested on completion complete all as directed. 119 S & Fin repair MCB single pole 6 to 32 Amps 240 volts, 10 kA rupturing capacity providing in DB completeall as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 120 S & F in repairMCB single pole & neutral 40 Amps 240 volts, 10 kA rupturing capacity providing in DB completeall as specified. 121 S & F MCCB TP&N 100 Amps 415 volts, C Series 16 kA rupturing capacity providing in DB completeall as specified. 122 Taking down old existing sub main wiring and provide new submain wiring with 2 runs of 4 Sqmm single core PVC insulated, unsheathed, multi strandedcopper conductor and one single core 4 Sqmm PVC insulated , unsheathed , multi strandedcopper cable as earthing lead as per IS : 694 / 1990 drawn through and includingnon-metallic PVC rigid conduit/casing caping of size as orderedin walls / ceilings etc with all accessories such as Tees, Elbows, junction box, reducers etc and connecting to existing main switch board / distribution board of each building / qtr as ordered and testing on completion complete all as specified and directed. (Note :- 2 runs 4 Sqmm cable , one run4 Sqmmcableand one run of PVC Conduit /Casing caping shallbe measured as oneunit length) . 123 Allas per itemNo 122 here-in-above but 2 runs with 6 Sqmm single core cable and 6 Sqmm single core as earth contunity wire -do-. (Note :- 2 runs 6 Sqmm cable , one run6 Sqmmcable and one run of PVC Conduit shallbe measured as oneunit length) 124 M&L for taking down and dismantling of ceiling fan 1200mm/1400mm sweep 230 Volt 50 C/S AC of any make or model by opening the cover, separating down rod, rotor and stator assembly, locating the fault and making the fan fully in serviceable condition with & including replacing the bearing withsimilar type of exisitng one, worn out screws of the cover, split pin, twin core flexible copper wire of size 23/0.0076, locking nuts & machine screws with spring washer for ceiling fan blades, oiling and greasing including rewinding of ceiling fan by removing of burnt winding from stator and rewinding the same with super enamelled copper winding wire of same gauge, same weight & turns including varnishing of winding etc &finally painting the ceiling fan with one coat of spray painting with white DUCO Paint & lettering & Numbering the same as per existing ,reassembling , refixingthe same in same or different location asordered & finallytesting the fan ,complete all as directed.Note : (i) Spare Parts/accessories found unserviceable includingbearings , rewinding etc which are required to makethe fan functional shall be providsed by thecontractorwithout any extra cost toGovt as quoted rate isdeemed tobe inclusive forthesame .(ii) Quoted rate isdeemed tobe inclusive ofpainting . 125 Supply & fixing and testing exhaust fan of 200mm sweep heavy duty, double ball bearing, 1400 RPM, PVCbody , suitable for SP 230 / 250 volt, 50 Hz AC supply complete with louver shutter including fixing / grouting of frame in any type of masonry wall tosize by corecutting using core cutting machine& connecting with & including 3 Nos 1.5 sqmm single core, PVC insulated but unsheathed FRLS 1100 volts grade cable with multi-stranded copper conductor from ceiling rose to fanfinally making good the disturbued surface ofwalls both internal& externaltoits originalspecifications tothe satisfaction ofEnginner-in-charge complete all as directed. Make : Bajaj/ CG / Orient / Usha as approved (Note: Quoted rate isdeemed tobe inclusive ofcore cutting towall , including finishing the wall surface toits originalspecifications) 126 S&F in repair of sheet metal enclosure of size 1500 x 1000 x 300 mm grouted on wall/floor in PCCwith nuts and bolts made out of 2.0 mm thick CRCA sheet, having 13 Nos chamber for housing of 13 energy meters and SPN MCB with Peepingglass fixed PVC frame and one MCB SPN with fixing rail and suitable busbar chamber for fixing 05 Nos aluminium strips 300 Amp capacity each making holes for fixing aluminium lugs, complete internal wiring with 6 sqmm multistranded copper cable FRLSH, epoxy based bakelite sheet of suitable size for fixingof energy meters & MCBs, including indl chamber locking system & testingon completion completeall as directed. (Note: The quoted rate includes the cost of 13 nos MCB SPN 32 Amp complete). 127 Material and labour for earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode 60cmx60cmx6mm thick burried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 m deep below ground level) with top edge of plate not less than 1.5 m deep below normal ground level and connected to and including galvanized iron earth wire 6 mm dia by means of GI nuts, bolts, check nuts, washers thimbles, etc as shown in electrical plate No 3 of SSR Part-I and connection to main switch board/Test point/panel/equipment and testing on completion including excavation and earth work in any type of soil, returning filling in, and removal of surplus spoil to a distance not exc 50 metre,charcoal and salt in alternate layer 15 cm thick all around the earth plate electrode, MS funnel with wire mesh, GI pipe medium grade 20 mm bore for watering and 15 mm bore 3.00 metre long GI pipe light grade for earth wire protection fixed with poles with two clamps, made from MS flat 25 mmx3mm, bolts, nuts and washers,PCCchamber (1:3:6) type C1, 40mm thick precast RCC cover 1:2:4 type B1 shall be provided on CI frame etc complete all as specified & as directed 128 M&L for Sand cushioning/sand coveringfor underground cable protection complete all as specified.Note: Punned thickness only will be measured and paid. 129 Supply and layingreinforced precast concrete cable cover, classClass LV, Type I, flat, size 250 mm x 150mm x 40mm at right angle laid along alignment of cable as protection to cable in trenches complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge 130 Supply, fixing ,Teting and commissioning XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables ( heavy duty) with stranded aluminum conductor, 1100Volt grade on walls with fixing acessories of35 Sqmm 3.5 Core all as specified and directed.