Welcome Maintenance And Certain Misc B/R Items At Domestic Area At Af Stn Ambala Under Ge (Af) Ambala; 1 M&L for brooming down surfaces of any description and applying one coat of white wash onold decorated surfaces of walls including preparation of old surfaces & filling cracks and holes etc complete all as specified and directed. 2 M&L for brooming down surfaces of any description and applying one coat of white wash onold decorated surfaces of Ceilingincluding preparation of old surfaces & filling cracks and holes etc complete all as specified and directed. 3 M&L for brooming down surfaces of any description and applying Twocoat of white wash onold decorated surfaces of Ceilingincluding preparation of old surfaces & filling cracks and holes etc complete all as specified and directed. 4 M & L for brooming down surfaces of any description and applying one coat of cement base paint on old wall surfaces, including preparation of old surfaces & filling cracks and holes etc and applying onecoats of cement base paint completeall as specifiedand as directed. 5 M & L for complete removal of existing treatment and applying two coats of cement based paint on old decorated or undecorated wall surfaceincluding preparation of old surfaces & filling cracks and holes etc, complete all as specified and directed. 6 M&L for Preparing the surfaces of old wall surfaces and applying one coat of distemper oil emulsioncomplete all as specified and directed 7 M&L forPreparing the surfaces of old wall surfaces and applying Twocoat of distemper oil emulsioncomplete all as specified and directed 8 M&L for Complete removal of existing treatment and preparing the surfaces of walls plastered or unplastered and applying two coat of distemper oil emulsionover a coat of alkali resistent primer over putty any thickness.complete all as specified and directed Note : Quoted rate shall deemed to include for cost of wall care putty. 9 M&L for preparation of old / new masonry / concrete walls / ceiling treated / untreated surfaces and applying two coats of plastic emulsion paint (of approved tint) over a coat of 1mm thick wall care putty including all necessary staging, scaffolding, safety precautions, etc. as required to work at heights, etc. complete all as specified and as directed 10 M&L for Preparation of old wooden surfaces and applying a coat of synthetic enamel paint over 10 cm width or girthcomplete all as specified and as directed. 11 M & L for painting of old steel surfaces of any description not otherwise described over 10 cm width or girth with onecoats of synthetic enamel paint including preparation of surfaces etc complete all as specified and as directed. 12 M&L for Preparation of oldplastered sufaces of walls and applying one coats of weather-proof antifungal exterior emulsion paint,upto triple storey building, complete all as specified and directed. Note: This item shall be executed upto a height of 15.00mtrs. cost of necessary scaffolding and safety provision of labour shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate. 13 M & L for complete removal of old/existing treatment including preparation of wall/Ceiling sufaces of any description and applying two coats of exterior grade weather proof paint water basedover a coat of primer overany thicknessbirla care putty,on wall surfaces complete all as specified and directed. Note : (i) This item shall be executed upto a height of 12.00mtrs. cost of necessary scaffolding and safety provision of labour shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate. (ii) First the complete removal of existing treatment shall be done and got approved from Engr-in-charge. (iii) Final coat shall be done after getting approval of completion of priming coat from Engr-in-Charge 14 M&L for Obliterating old writing of any description, not exceeding 0.1 sqm, with paint to match existing work, complete all as specified and directed 15 M&L for Writing letters or figures (Block, Roman, Italic or Indian) not exceeding 30 cm height, complete all as specified and directed. 16 Demolition of Brickwork or stone boulder masonry/PCC block masonry, built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars etc, but excluding ashlars facings, dressed stonework & precast concrete articles and disposing off rubbish outside MD land complete all as specified and directed. 17 M&L for brick work with sub class Bbricks, straight or curved on plan exceeding 6 m meanradius , built in cement mortor 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 18 M&L for brick work with sub classB bricks,straight or curved on plan to any radius in half brick thick wall built in CM 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 19 Taking down cement plastering of any thickness on brick, concrete or stone walls, partitions, ceilings etc including raking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water etc, and rmoving debris out side MD land complete all as specified and as directed. 20 M&L for 15 mm thick rendering on brick wall or concrete wallorany surface in cement mortar 1:6 on fair face/other than fair face and finishing the surface with even and smooth without using extra cement all as specified and as directed. 21 M&L for Rendering 15mm thick on fair face/other than fair face of brick work or concrete any surface in CM 1:4 finished even and smooth without using extra cement upto triple storey building, mixing with approved water proofing compound, for roof facia, chajjas, etc.and finishing the surfaces even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and as directed. NOTE:-(i) Note: This item shall be executed upto a height of 12.00mtrs. cost of necessary scaffolding and safety provision of labour shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate. (ii) Supply only WPC will be measured and paid separately under relevant item of BOQ. 22 M&L for 5mm thick rendering on ceilings in cement mortar 1:3 and finishing the surface with even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and as directed. 23 M & L for rough cast plaster incl 15 mm thick CM 1:3 on brick work or concrete surface complete all as specified in SSR Part -1 clause 14.22 complete all as specified . Note:Rough cast plaster finish shall be as follow :- After applying the under coat cement mortar 1:3 and while it is still inplastic state the rough cast mixture consisting of crushed stone or fine gravel aggreagte ( Which is generally of size between 6 to 12 mm depanding on the texture required mixed with coarse sand and cement in the ratio of 1:1:1 shall be applied and finished even . The mix of cement and sand shall be made slightly wetter than normal for rendering to ensure the larger aggregate are throughly covered. Note : i) Area to be plastered may require to be carried out up to height of 15 m, cost of necessary scaffolding and safety provision of labours required shall be deemed to be included in rate quoted against this item. 24 M&L for Preparation of new or previously untreated plastered wall surfaces of any description not otherwise described and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over a coat of alkali resistant primer over and including 1 mm thick wall care putty, complete all as specified and as directed. Note : Quoted rate shall deemed to include for cost of wall care putty. 25 M&L for preparation of new plastered surfaces and applying three coats of white wash on ceilings complete all as specified and directed 26 M&L for Preparation of newly plastered sufaces of walls and applying two coats of weather-proof antifungal exterior emulsion paint over a coat of alkali resistant primer,over wall carePuttyupto triple storey building, complete all as specified and directed. Noted: This item shall be executed upto a height of 15.00m. cost of necessary scaffolding and safety provision of labour shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate. 27 M & L for applying two coats of cement based paint on newly plastered or unplastered wall surface including preparation ofsurfaces, complete all as specified and directed. 28 M&L for carrying out water proofing treatment of sunken floor as under:- (i)The concrete/ wall surface shall be cleaned throughly of all laitance , loose particles, dust , grease etc. any friable unsound area shall be chipped, cleaned and there after pre-welted to a saturated surface dried conditions.(ii) In case of potholes , superficial cracks found , the same shall be repaired with polymer modified mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement and 3 coarse sand )using Dr fixit pidicrete URP 301/Sikka latex or equivalent in Asian paints/ Forsoc as admixture @ 10% of cement content and the same shall be applied on vertical area after removing of plaster upto 2 ft height (iii)On the prepared surface , apply a primer coat of Sika latex / Dr. fixit pidicrete URP 301 or equivalent in Asian paints/ Forsocmodified cement slurry 1:4:8 (1 admixture : 4 water : 8 cement) , after prewetting the substrate @ 2 kg/sqm .(iv)the surface thus prepared shall dampen upto saturation and apply two coats of sika top seal 107 or equivalent in Dr fixit piddilite/Asian paints/forsoc ,acrylic modified water proofing coating on the entire area @1.5 kg/sqm (each coat) Scond coat shall be applied after 6-8 hrs after the first coat and in the direction right angle to the previous coat . the water proofing should be taken to a vertical height of minimum 600 mm above .(v) Apply open woven glass fiber mesh of sika Fab 1 or equivalent in Dr fixit piddilite/Asian paints/forsoc, 150 mm wide strip over the PCC benching (Gola) whilst the first coat is wet and then apply scond coat . cure the hydrosentapplication ( Minimum 6-8 hrs drying) for a minimum 3 to 5 days .(vi)Apply a protection layer of 10 mm thick plaster made of 1:4 cement sand mortar admixed with integral water proofing compound Sika plastocrete plus/ Dr fixit piddilite LW plus or equivalent in asian paints/ forsoc @ 200 ml/bag of cement , applied over the water proofing coating .Note;The rate include the cost of demolition of exiting floor , sub base , PCC/ hardcore filled under floor , removal of debris , removal and replacement of damaged CI/PVC pipes, floor,Nahani traps complete all as specified and directed. Note:- Note:-(i) The water proofing treatment shall be got carried out by the manufacturer or their authorised applicators duly approved by GE in writing. (ii) 5% amount of the total amount of water proofing treatment shall be retained as a guarantee and shall be released after 10 years.However contractor may deposit the FDR of same amount in favour of GE.If contractor fail to rectify the defect pointed out during this period in writting,the defect shall be got rectified at contractors risk and cost and the payment shall be made from the amount kept reserved or by encasing the FDR deposited by the contractor as guarntee.Contractors quoted rate for this item shall deemed to be inclusive of this aspect. . 29 M&L for Plain Cement Concrete (1:5:10) type E2, (using 40 mm graded mechanically curshed stone aggregate as in sunken slab filling, mass concrete etc., complete all as specified and as directed. 30 M&L for 75mm thick PCC (1:3:6) type C-2 (using 20mm gradedmechanically crushedstone aggregate) as in plinth protection finished even and smooth without using extra cement with & including 10mm wide, 30mm deep joints at the rate of 3.00 mt centre to centre and at every turning & filling the joints with bitumen & sand mixture complete all as specified and as directed. Notes :- (i) The unit rate quoted shall be deemed to include for providing the concrete in alternate bays not exceeding 3 Mtrs length,10 mm wide. (ii)30 mm deep joints between the bays shall be provided which shall be filled with mastic filling with hot bitumen 85/25 grade and 1:2 mix volume. 31 Taking down cement plaster and decayed concrete of any description, upto triple storey of building, from roof projection, chajja etc and making good the decayed portion with cement mortar 1:3 mixed with water proofing compound as per manufacturers instruction or PCC 1:2:4 type B-O (using 12.5mm graded mechanically crushed stone aggregate) including necessary form work and finally finished the surface with 15mm thick cement plaster in CM 1:3, complete all as specified anddirected. Note:(i) WPC shall be measured and paid separately. (ii) This item shall be executed upto height of 12.00 m cost of necessary scaffolding and security provision of labour shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate. (iii)Cost of necessary formwork shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate. 32 Uprooting scrubs/plant/flora & fauna on wall girth not exceeding 100mm from brick wall by cutting holes into masonry/walls for digging out roots and dosing Sulfuric/Phenolic Acid as per manufacturers instruction to burn deep rooted tree roots and making good the disturbed area with cement mortar in CM 1:3 using water proofing compound including necessary scaffolding upto a height of 12 metre complete all as specified and directed.” Note :- cost of WPC, scaffolding shall be deemed to be included rate. 33 Taking down chowkhat or frame without taking off shutterfrom the frame not exceeding 1.50 Sqm each from the frame and removing from site, including cutting holes for taking out hold fasts and making good disturbed portion in cement mortar 1:3, complete all as specified and as directed 34 Taking down chowkhat / frame without taking off shutter exceeding 1.50 Sqm not exceeding 4 Sqm each. from the frame and removing from site, including cutting holes for taking out hold fasts and making good disturbed portion in cement mortar 1:3, complete all as specified and as directed 35 Taking down Shutters of any description exceeding 1 sqm and not exceeding 2 sqm each, complete all as specified and as directed 36 Supply and fixing Factory made solid PVC Chowkhat /Door frame of size 50x47 mm with a wall thickness of 5 mm, made out of extruded 5 mm thick rigid PVC foam sheet coloured, reinforced with 19x19mm MS square tube of 19 gauge including rubber gasket, PVCfasteners, screws, brackets as per SSR Part –II (2020) complete all as specified andas directed. 37 Supply and fixing for Factory Made Solid PVC Moulded Door Shutters 28 to 30 mm thick (stile:),With Wood Free EPS with 2,4 or 6 raised panel design with 2 2mm thick Moulded Prelam PVC Sheet on the front face & 2mm prelam PVC Sheet on back face, supplying & fixing in frame at site as per specification & drawing complete all as specified and directed. 38 Repair/Rescuing, easing and adjusting wooden door shutter of any description without taking off shutter from the frame, area of shutter exceeding 1.00 Sqm but not exceeding 2.00 Sqm each, including making good the disturbed area as per existing, complete all as specified and directed. 39 S & F 35 mm thick plain framed panelledfactory made shutters(two panel) with IInd class hardwood rail and style with lock rail and panel of 12 mm BWP commercial ply with commercial vaneer on both faces.The size of rail and style as per IS - 1003 Part - I , kiln seasoned and chemically pressure treated complete all as specified and as directed. 40 S&F 35mm thickmm thick flush shutter, solid core construction with block board core and ply wood face panels, commercial type on both side, complete all as specified & directed. The rates for flush shutters include for the provision of suitable blocks for taking mortice locks, latches, or other fittings complete all as specifed and directed. 41 S & F 35mm thick IInd class hardwood glazed and skeleton shutters open rebated and prepared to receive gauge (without sash bars)edges of framingplain, chamfered or round fitted with cut and mitred beads for securing wire gauge sizes of members as specified in SSR Part-I section 8 clase 8.24(a) of shutters complete all as specified and as directed. 42 M&L for,Mild steel framed work such as in doors or gates of angle, or tee sections with gusset plates, rails, braces,etc. completely drilled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering, doors etc. to be prepared for hanging or sliding with and including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging doors fittings (includingof steel sheeting or other covering, running rails and guides) and handing also fastening and fixing complete Gde Fe 410 - W (Grade-E- 250) quality-A complete all as specified anddirected. 43 S & F Powder coated aluminium frame/shutterfor doors, windows, ventilators with one or more rebates including joining cleat for fixing, rubber neoprene packing for fixing, including minor fitting like lock, handle, roller for slidingetc. complete all as specified Note :-1. For payment purpose weight of aluminium section shall be only measured. 2. Cost of aluminum mongry, lock, rubber packing, roller for sliding are included in the quoted rate. 3. Sheet glass and wire gauge shall be measured and paid separately. 44 Taking down boards of any description and any size as in shelves complete all as specified and directed. 45 S & F 19 mm thick fire retardant plywood BWR type including cutting, jointing, fixing with screws as in kitchen cabinet box type complete all as specified and as directed 46 S & F Decorative laminate type1, 0.90 to 1mm thick , of surface finish, colour and pattern as approved, fixed with approved adhesive as per manufacturers instructions, complete all as specified and directed. 47 S&F 18/19mm thick one side prelaminated particle board, interior grade, with decorative choice laminate and fixed with screws to steel/timber frame work including provision of 6mm thick teakwood edging etc complete all as specified and directed 48 S & F fancy type stainless steel handle of size 100 mm longcomplete all as specified and as directed 49 S&F 40mm dia, cupboard knobs fixed with nut, screw & washer of mild steel, bright finished, complete all as specified and as directed 50 S&FStainless steel soft close hinges, suitable for modular kitchen complete all as specified and as directed. (Make : Godrej or techno commercial equivalent) 51 S&F steel window (box type) factory fabricated, double shutter (glazed and wire gauzed) with side hung shutters including pintle type hinges, steel handles fabricated type for each leaf duly welded, mild steel barrel tower bolts 150mm size (02Nos for each leaf) duly welded, with glazing bars dovetailed or welded including MS fillets, welding with and including 8mm dia Squareguard bars with one shop coat of red oxide zinc chrome primer overall complete all as specified and as directed Notes: (i) Windows shall be fabricated as per CE Palam drawing No. TD-219 Sh 1/3 to 3/3 dated 02 Jan 2007 (updated up to date) and these drawings shall be referred at the O/o the GE (AF) Ambala (ii) Glazing and wire gauge will be measured and paid separately under respective items herein (iii) Any other sundries, etc. as required at site shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate (iv) Cost of guard bars shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate. 52 M&L for Preparation of newly steel surfaces of any description over 10 cm width or girth & applying two coats synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. 53 Hacking out old broken glass (any thickness, size, quality or description) from metal frame including punching or drilling out old glazing pins/spring clips and remove the debris outside of MD land, complete all as specified and directed 54 S&F 3 mm thick sheet glass ordinary quality not exceeding 0.50 sqm each pane and fixed with oil putty or with wooden beading in square etc complete all as specified and directed. 55 All as per BOQ Item No.54 above but figured glass complete all as specified and directed. 56 S&F Stainless steel wire cloth. 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed with stainless steel wire staples fixed in repair complete all as specified and directed. 57 S&F Stainless steel wire cloth. 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed with stainless steel wire staples fixed complete all as specified and directed. 58 S & F Aluminium anodized barrel tower bolts of extruded section, 150 mm long complete all as specified and as directed. 59 S & F Aluminium anodized cast type handles 150mm long complete all as specified and as directed. 60 S&F SS butt hinges medium weight of size 100 mm complete all as specified and directed. 61 S & Fin door stopper of rubber and aluminium alloy body, 150 mm size fixed complete all as specified and as directed. 62 S&F Continuous (piano) hinges, mild steel, bright finish or electrogalvanised with width of flaps (When open) 30 mm, complete all as specified and as directed. 63 S & F magnetic ball catches of standard type fixed complete all as specified and as directed 64 S&F in repairs 20mm dia fancy type powder coated (tint as approved) mild steel of wall thickness 1mm (min) curtain rods / towel rails, etc. fixed with and including 2Nos. suitable powder coated brackets, holders with funnel at ends complete all as specified and as directed 65 Taking down unserviceable GI tubing, supply and fixing new 15 mm bore Galvanized Iron tubing, medium grade, with all fittings, such as Tee, elbows, sockets, unions, short pieces and application of bituminous paint in concealed portion, fixed to wall/ ceiling or laid on floors, complete all as specified and as directed. Notes: i)Serviceable Taps, valves in any shall be removed before taking down pipe and same shall be re-fixed while providing new pipe, ii) Cutting chases for concealed piping shall be measured and paid separately under respective item. 66 Taking down unserviceable GI tubing, supply and fixing new 20 mm bore Galvanized Iron tubing, medium grade, with all fittings, such as Tee, elbows, sockets, unions, short pieces and application of bituminous paint in concealed portion, fixed to wall/ ceiling or laid on floors, complete all as specified and as directed. Notes: i)Serviceable Taps, valves in any shall be removed before taking down pipe and same shall be re-fixed while providing new pipe, ii) Cutting chases for concealed piping shall be measured and paid separately under respective item. 67 TAking down and Refixing 20mm bore water tubing surface/concealed in same/new location after cleaning and application of bituminous paint on concealed portion of tubingincluding cutting & threading pipe and provision of additional fittings such as socket, tee, elbow, union (if required) complete all as specified and directed.Note : i) Taps, valves if any shall be removed before taking down pipe. ii) Cutting chases and making good shall be measured and paid separately 68 Cutting chases pinning in making good for brick walls to facing where required and pointing in cement mortar 1:3 to ends or edges of concealed water tubing and similar work including making good cutting not exceeding 10CM girth. Complete all as specified and directed. 69 S & F in repair15 mm CP cast copper alloy bib taps fancy type screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule including taking down old bib taps complete all as specified and as directed. 70 S & F 15 mm pillar taps, cast copper alloy fancy type , chromium plated screwed down high pressure, with or without lettered ‘Hot’ or ‘Cold’with long screwed shanksand fly nuts, screwed for iron pipe including taking down old pillar taps complete all as specified and as directed. 71 S & F in repairs CP fancy type angle cock, cast copper alloy, screwed down, high pressure, with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions and fixed complete all as specified and as directed. 72 S&F in repair chromium plated overhead shower rose 125mm dia with swivel joints with and including overhead shower arm 230mm with wall flange , complete all as specified and directed by GE. 73 S & F 15 mm Supply and fix in repairs, Stop valves (concealed), fancy type with CP wall flanges, chromium plated, cast copper alloy with long shank and exposed part kit with fittings sleeve, operating lever concealed part screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions, including making good the disturbed portion matching with adjacent surfaces,complete all as specified and as directed 74 S&F in repair, Chromium plated Wall mixer with bend pipe for overhead shower with built-in non return valve with CP wall flanges, fixed in repair complete all as specified and directed by GE 75 S&F in repair Centre hole wash basin mixer for wash hand basinmake complete all as specified and directed 76 S&F in repair health faucet (ABS Body) mild steel chromium plated suitable for 15 mm dia pipe with 1.25 mtr tube & hook (braded Tube) and ABS valve including making connection and fixed in position complete all as specified and directed. 77 S&F in repair Single towel rail brass chromium plated 600mm long fixed with chromium plated screw and PVC cleat etc complete all as specified and directed. 78 S & F in repair PVC connecting pipe 600mm long 15 mm dia both end having brass coupling nut and PVC washer all as specified and as directed. 79 S&F Vitreous china white wash down water closet pan (pedestal pattern) with PP soft closing seat cover, hinges, fixing accessories set(excluding flushing cistern and flush pipe), including UPVC (SWR) ‘P’ or ‘S’ trap and connection to drain (or outgoing pipe) and to flush pipe, antisyphonic pipe fixed in repair including dismantling existing water closet etc complete all as specified and directed by GE” 80 S&F Vitreous china White Squatting Orissa Pattern pan of size 580x440mm, including UPVC ‘P’ or ‘S’ trap, front or back inlet andintegral foot rests and makingconnection to trap and to flushing pipe, anti syphonic pipe, fixed in repair including dismantling existing squatting pan and making good to disturbed floor,complete all as specified and directed. 81 S& FVitreous China wash basin, white, flat back, size 550x400mm excluding waste, chain and plug and porcelain stopper but including brackets, including Waste coupling of PTMT(half or full threaded) (Minimum weight 32mm-45gms/40mm-60 gms)with 32mmbore PVC waste pipe minimum 800mm longwith inlet and outlet screwed for pipe or connections including necessary packing, union and cap and fixed in repairs complete all as specified and as directed. 82 S&F in repairs, PVC valve less, syphonic action type, white colour flushing cistern, 10 litres capacity, low level, white, with inlet, ball valve, float and handle including jointing with new PVC long / short flush bend and making good to the disturbed surfacescomplete all as specified and as directed. 83 S & F in repairs Plain looking mirror of size 600x450 mm with bevelled edge selected quality glass mounted on 6mm thick commercial plywood and fixed with chromium plated brass screw and cup washers complete all as specified and as directed. 84 S & F in repair stainless steel sink with draining board, made out of 1.00 mm thick sheet for kitchen with plugs, waste pipe and washer’sincluding cast iron cantilever brackets, connecting union etc over all size 915 mm x 460 mm with bowl size 410 x 330 x 160 mm including taking down old steel sink complete all as specified and as directed. 85 S&F stainless steel plate rack of 0.63mm thick sheet, size 24x30x10 complete all as specified and as directed including taking down of old unserviceable kitchen plate rack. 86 S&F in repair PVC waste pipe 32/40mm bore not less than 800mm long complete all as specified and direceted 87 Dismantling of water tanks of 1000 litres capacity from roof top and supply and fixing Rotational moulded polyethylene water storage tanks (triple layered) of 1000 Litres capacity with ISI mark embossed on it, (cylindrical, vertical with closed top) hoisted and fixed in position complete all as specified and as directed. 88 Dismantling of water tanks of 500 litres capacity from roof top and supply and fixing Rotational moulded polyethylene water storage tanks (triple layered) of 500 Litres capacity with ISI mark embossed on it, (cylindrical, vertical with closed top) hoisted and fixed in position complete all as specified and as directed. 89 S&F in repair Ball valves high pressure PTMT with epoxy coated aluminium rod and high density plastic ball scrured for iron pipe of dia 20 mm bore complete all as specified and directed . 90 S&F in repair for 15 mm dia Gun-metal, golbe or gate valves/, with iron wheel head, screwed both end for iron pipe and fixed, complete all as specified and directed . 91 M & Lin repair Gun metal Gate valves 20 mm dia with iron wheel head, screwed both ends for iron pipe and fixed including cutting the old pipes as in repair complete all as specified and directed 92 S&F in repairCornerglass self assembly consisting of 5.5mm thick sheet glass self 25cm wide with chromium plated bracket guard and fixed with CP screws and wood cleats with wall complete all as specified and directed. 93 S&F in repair glass self assembly consisting of 5.5mm thick sheet glass self 12cm wide with chromium plated bracket guard and rail 60cm long and fixed with CP screws and wood cleats with wall complete all as specified and directed. 94 Taking down eaves gutters, soil / waste / vent pipes / rain water pipes (any size or pattern), including all fittings, heads, shoes, bends, swan-necks, etc.and Supply and fix, UPVC (SWR) pipes 110 mm dia, type B (conforming to IS 13592) single socketedin any length with solvent cement joints laid under floor or on walls fixed as soil / waste / vent pipes with Stack clamps made out of 50 mm by 5 mm flat iron and 16mm dia round iron stays, including bolts and nuts and securing ends of stays to wall complete all as specified and as directed. Note :- Provision of necessary scaffolding for replacing defective pipes and safety provision of labours shall be deemed to be included in quoted rates, and nothing extra will be admissible in this regards. 95 Taking down eaves gutters, soil / waste / vent pipes / rain water pipes (any size or pattern), including all fittings, heads, shoes, bends, swan-necks, etc. and Supply and fix, UPVC (SWR) pipes 75 mm dia, type B (conforming to IS 13592) single socketedin any length with solvent cement joints laid under floor or on walls fixed as soil / waste / vent pipes with Stack clamps made out of 50 mm by 5 mm flat iron and 16mm dia round iron stays, including bolts and nuts and securing ends of stays to wall complete all as specified and as directed. Note :- Provision of necessary scaffolding for replacing defective pipes and safety provision of labours shall be deemed to be included in quoted rates, and nothing extra will be admissible in this regards. 96 S & F PVC (SWR) bends any radius 75 mm dia of bore with access door, including taking down old bends complete all as specified and as directed. 97 S & F PVC (SWR) branch piece single (single T)equal of bore 75 mm dia with access doorin repairs complete all as specified and as directed 98 S & F PVC (SWR) branch piece single (single T) equal or unequal of bore 110 mm dia, with access door in repairs complete all as specified and as directed 99 S&F UPVC (SWR) bends any radius, 110mm bore with / without access door, complete all asspecified and directed. 100 S & F PVC (SWR) multi-floor trap, plain with chromium plated grating including jointing with solvent cement, 75mm dia, including dismantling the damaged trap, complete all as specified and directed. 101 S&F in repair PVC floor trap/Nahani Trap with plain/single hole CP grating including jointing to waste pipe in cement joint, of outlet 75 mm.dia, complete all as specified and directed 102 M & L for welding in repairs to steel windows / doors exceeding 2.5 cm but not exceeding 5.00 cm in length and thickness of metal to be welded not exceeding 6mm complete all as specified and as directed. 103 Demolitionof cement concrete in ground floor and paving not exceeding 15cm below or above ground level removing debris outside MD landcomplete all as specified and directed 104 Demolition of cement concrete of any description and any position not otherwise specifically provided for. and disposing off debris to outside the MOD land all as specified and as directed. 105 Demolition offloor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (including backing), removing serviceable tiles and disposing off debris to outside the MOD land all as specified and as directed. 106 Supply onlyliquid water proofing compound, complete all as specified and directed 107 M&L for Non-skid joint free coloured ceramic tiles 7 to 8 mm thick, area of each tile exceeding 0.11 sqm but not exceeding 0.18sqm, as in floor set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white cement mixed with colouring pigment to match colour of tiles over and including 15mm thick screed bed of CM 1:6 complete all as specified and as directed. 108 S & F glazed ceramic coloured printed tiles of size 450 x 300X 7mm as in dado set andjointedin neat cement slurry & pointedin white cement mixed with pigment to match with color of tiles over and including10 mm thick rendering in cement motor 1:3 completeall as specified and as directed. 109 M&L for Vitrified tiles flooring with Light shade 10 mm thick (Square / rectangular), tiles, area of each tile exceeding 0.18 sqm but not exceeding 0.36 sqm, set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match colour of tiles over and including 15 mm thick screed bed in CM (1:6) complete all as specified and as directed. 110 M&L, for Vitrified tile, skirting/dado, light shade with 10 mm thick tiles of area of each tile exceeding 0.18 sqm but not exceeding 0.36 sqm, on vertical rates as in skirting, dado, etc., set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match colour of tiles over and including backing coat of 10 mm thick CM 1:3 complete all as specified and as directed. 111 Demolition of Stone slabs & tiles of any description or thickness in floors, aprons etc. Laid, bedded & pointed in any mortar and removing debris outside MD land complete all as specified and directed 112 M&L for 20mm thick Granite work (of any type) (table rubbed and premirror polished) in single piece in steps, jambs, pillars, window-cills, cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in cement white (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match the shade of granite, including making hole for gas pipe including half rounding the edges of granite, laid over and including 15mm thick screed bed in CM 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 113 M&L for Machine cut Kota stone slab flooring not less than 18 to 20 mm thick (size of stone shall not less than 55cm x 55cm), 75mm wide white marble border around, laid over & including 15mm thick screed base in CM 1:6 jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing, grinding and polishing to yield mirrior finish with machine, complete all as specified anddirected. 114 M&L for Machine cut Kota stone slab not less than 18 to 20mm thick as in riser of steps, skirting, dado and pillar laid over & including 10mm thick backing coat in CM 1:4 and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing, grinding and polishing to yield mirror finish with machine, complete all as specified anddirected. 115 S& FGI spout40 mm dia medium grade to be embeded in sunken floor complete all as specified and directed. 116 M & L for Rendering 10mm thick in CM 1 : 3 onconcrete surface even and smooth on roof surface incl water proof liquidfinished when concrete is green complete all as specified and directed. NOTE:- Water proofing compound shall be measured and paid separately under respective item of this Schedule. 117 M&L for 60mm thick machine pressed rubber mouldedprecast concreteM-35 interlocking colouredpaver block any shape and size conforming to IS-15658-2006 withgrey cement and pigmentall as specified as directed. 118 M&L for Sand filling under floorsincluding watering and consolidation complete all as specified as directed. 119 M&L for Chequered cement concrete commercial Tiles 30cm x 30cm x 20 to 22mm thick of with grey cement andpigmentsetjointed and pointed in neat cement slurry in floors and cut and polished laid and over 15mm Screed in CM 1:4 all as specified and as directed. 120 M&L 75mm thick PCC type D-2, (1:4:8) using 40mm graded stone aggregate as in sub base of paving/Inter Locking , Hard standing Etccomplete all as specified and Dircected By Engr-in Charge . 121 M&L 25 mm thick PCC 1 : 2 : 4 type B0 (using 12.50 mm graded mechanically crushed stone aggregate) as floor roughto received tile screed/bedding layercomplete all as specified and directed 122 M&L for roof treatment as follows:- Cleaning of dust Removal fo all loose existing bituminious material manually and with heat torch gun to get smooth plain finished surface including removing of vegetation/plantation with no loose material on surface. Repair all joints and cracks with Highly elastic Bituminous cold applied putty of Tarplasic having penetration after setting upto 8mm. Levelling of surface to give proper slope will be done as per site requirements with Shalipatch or equivalent make of approved by GE cold applied, Bituminous Mortar & Cold Emulsion cum waterproofing Liquid ofShalikote-T-10 or equivalent make of approved by GE, Created SSD condition on surface with water. Prime the surface with Tarfelt LM or equivalent make of approved by GE mixed with portable water in the ration of 1 :1 and apply @400gm per Sqm (As per Surface Conditions). . Apply first coat of Tarfelt LM or equivalent make of approved by GE having elongation 200% conforming to ASTM-C-412 & having crack bridging of 8mm confirming to ASTM-C-836 with tensile strength after 7 days 0.50 mm conforming to ASTM-C-412 with no diluation of water on primed surface while the surface is still tacky with consumption of 700gm per Sqm. . Lay Geotex of 45 GSM/ Fibre mesh simultaneously and paste it properly with overlap of 50mm. . Allow the first coat to dry for 10 to 12 Hrs. .Apply 2nd coat on cured first coat with consumption @ 700gm per Sqm in opposite direction of first coat by Brush or Roller. . Allow it to dry for 10-12 hrs after apply 3rd coat with consumption @ 700gm per Sqm. Ensure final curing time of 36 hrs before allowing/ carrying out any further work. Conduct ponding test after min 7 day applying two coats of U V Resistand Elastomeric Exterior Axcrylic Weather resistant water proof coatingof Shalicryl-215 or equivalent make of approved by GE having elongation of 300% after curing of 14 days confirming to ASTM D- 6083-- for U V Protection of Bituminous Elastomeric Acrylic Emulsified Liquid Membranc of Tarfelt LM or equivalent make of approved by GE to give long life and prevent its deterioration from sunlight. Note:- Note:-(i) The water proofing treatment shall be got carried out by the manufacturer or their authorised applicators duly approved by GE in writing. (ii) 5% amount of the total amount of water proofing treatment shall be retained as a guarantee and shall be released after 10 years.However contractor may deposit the FDR of same amount in favour of GE.If contractor fail to rectify the defect pointed out during this period in writting,the defect shall be got rectified at contractors risk and cost and the payment shall be made from the amount kept reserved or by encasing the FDR deposited by the contractor as guarntee.Contractors quoted rate for this item shall deemed to be inclusive of this aspect. 123 Dismantling Asbestos cement (corrugated, semicorrugated, etc.) sheets in roof coverings, complete all as specified and directed 124 M & L for Rendering /screed bed 15 mm thick in CM 1 : 3 onconcrete surface even and smooth on roof surface, Wall surfaceincl water proof liquidfinished when concrete is green complete all as specified and directed. NOTE:- Water proofing compound shall be measured and paid separately under respective item of this Schedule. 125 S&F Pre- painted galvalume aluminum zinc coating GI based corrugated steel sheet 0.50mm thick of any colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering/cladding to wall, fixed with self tapping screws complete all as specifeid and directed. 126 Pre painted galvalume aluminium zinc coating GI basedPlain steel sheet 0.50 mm thick of an colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering/ cladding to wall,gulley gutter and ridgesfixed with self tapping screws complete all as specifeid and directed. 127 Dismantling wrought iron of mild steel work of any description not otherwise provided forcomplete all as specified and and directed. 128 M&L for Roof trusses (framed), trussed,purlins, crane gantries, rails and fastenings and heavy bracket framing (Beam, tee, angle, channel or flat sections) including distance pieces, cleats etc. Fe-290(Gde E-165), complete all as specifeid and directed. 129 M&L for posts and struts in wall fencing including cutting tops to shape as directed, drilling holes, notching for wire, etc.; flat iron fillets (for securing wire mesh etc.) including all necessary drilling, bolting or riveting, etc., and similar work conforming to Fe 410-0 or Fe 310-0 complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge 130 M&L for providing cement concretein roof, kerbs, interlocking tiles or roundedor chamfered on edged type B-1 1:2:4( 20 mm graded mechanically crushed stone aggregate) ,complete all as specified and directed. 131 M&L For PCC 1:3:6type C-2 (using 40 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) ,Cement concrete in foundations, filling and mass-concrete complete all as spd and directed . 132 Demolition ofRCC of any description & in any position (reinforcement cut as required to facilitate demolition) and disposing off rubbish outside MD land complete all as specified and directed. 133 M&L for mild steel TMT bars10mm dia and over, cut to length, bent toshape required including cranking, bending spirally or hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and incl mild Steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and directed 134 M&L Precast RCC 1:2:4 type B1 (using 20mm mechanically crushed stone aggregate) as in cover slab of drain, culvert and the like set in CM 1:4 complete all as specifeid and directed. 135 M&L for RCC 1:2:4 type B-1,nominal mix (using 20 mm graded mechanically crushed stone aggregates) as,slab, shelvesin fins, fascia louvers, parapetand railingcomplete all as specified and as directed. 136 M&L for granular textured homogenous wall finishing system consisting of twocomponet system of dry granules (25 Kgs Pack ) Madeof 92% silica particlescoated with fade resistant pigments ,100% arcylic polymer bondringagent(5KG pack)with the applied thickness of thecoating being between 0.8mm to 1.2 mm to be applied on curved ,smoothlevel plastered surface , as per direction /supervision of Engr-in charge , all complete , abovetextured coating should confirm to surface spread of flame class of BS 476 Part 7 :1971 and pull of strength of the coatingto meet JISE6909 all as specified and as manufacture specification /instruction . 137 Disconnecting existing PVC water tank of capacity not exceeding 500 ltrfixed on roof by setting aside (or lowering, if required) for cleaning and removing all scale and dirt from tanks and from mouths of circulating pipes etc and hoisting/refixing/reconnecting in same/new position including writing date of cleaning on each tank with white paint, height/size of letters/figures not less than 10cm in height, and refixing existing serviceable ball valves complete all as specified and directed.” 138 Disconnecting existing PVC water tank of capacity exc 500 ltr but not exceeding 1000 ltr fixed on roof by setting aside (or lowering, if required) for cleaning and removing all scale and dirt from tanks and from mouths of circulating pipes etc and hoisting/refixing/reconnecting in same/new position including writing date of cleaning on each tank with white paint, height/size of letters/figures not less than 10cm in height, and refixing existing serviceable ball valves complete all as specified and directed.” 139 Taking down old water tank cover and Supply and fixing Polyethylene water storage tank covers circular or any other typewith hinges suitable for 500Ltrs/1000 ltrscapacity tankscomplete all as specified and as directed. 140 M & L forproviding and injecting chemical emulsion for post constructional antitermite treatment along external wall where the apron is not provided using chemical emulsion at the rate of 7.50 Ltrs per Sqm of the vertical surfaces of the sub-structure to a depth of 300 mm including excavating channel along the wall and rodding etc. complete all as specified and directed. 141 M & L forantitermite treatment along the external wall below concrete or masonry apron using chemical emulsion @ 2.25 Ltres per linear metre including drilling and plugging holes etc. in apron complete all as specified and directed. 142 M&L for Anti-termite treatment of soil under existing floors using emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300mm apart including drilling and pluging 12mm dia hloles with cement mortar 1:2(1cement:2 coarse sand) to match the existing floors, complete all as specifeid and directed. 143 M&L for Anti-termite treatment at point of contract of wood work by chemical emulsion(in oil and kerosene based solution) @ 0.5 litre per hole by drilling 6mm dia hloles at a downward angle of 45 degree at 150mm centre to centre and sealing the same. with cement mortar 1:2(1cement:2 coarse sand) to match the existing floors, complete all as specifeid and directed.