Tender For Provision Of Otm Accommodation Ph-I At Military Station Samba.; 1 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Buildings works as listed in Schedule A Part-I. 2 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Earth Work, Site Clearance & Site Developmentas listed in Schedule A Part-II. 3 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Internal Water Supply Works listed in Schedule A Part-III 4 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Internal Electrification Works as listed in Schedule A Part-IV. 5 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Protective works as listed in Schedule A Part-V. 6 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Road, Path & Culvert as listed in Schedule A Part-VI. 7 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Sewage Disposal Works as listed in Schedule A Part-VII. 8 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Area Drainage works as listed in Schedule A Part-VIII. 9 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Summer Appliances Works as listed in Schedule A Part-IX. 10 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Hot Water Supply works as listed in Schedule A Part-X. 11 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for External water supply as listed in Schedule A Part-XI. 12 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for External Electrification as listed in Schedule A Part-XII. 13 Lumpsum price worked out by the contractor for Demolition and Dismantling of Building Works as listed in Schedule A Part-XIII. 14 RCC Septic tank designed to carry sewage and sullage water, excavation in any type of soil, PCC 1:4:8 below foundation, RCC M-30 Design Mix in Walls , Base Slab , Baffle walls and Roof Slab including beams etc with Vent shaft , manhole openings with cover connection etc.complete with effective depth of 1.5 meter and overall depth of 3 meter for 100 User With UPFLOW FILTER complete all as specified and directed. 15 Soakage well excavation in ordinary soil foundation on PPC 1:3:6 walls of honeycombed and solid in M25 concreteincluding intercepting chambers, screen chambers, brick work in CM , RCC cover slab in M25 /RR masonry /filling with brick bats complete of size 3.0 M dia X 3.0 M effective depth complete all as specified and directed. 16 Sheet metal enclosures distribution boards, double door VTPN, 415 volts 4 waysuitable for fixing MCCB as incomer and MCBs as out going (One incoming three phase & eightoutgoings single phase ) for MCCB & MCBs comprising three phase four wire copper strip bus bar of appropriatee capacity complete all as specified and directed . Note: (i) The DB shall be VTPN series. (ii) The DB shall be flush fixedand making good the distrubed surface matchingwith existing specifications shall be part of work no extra cost. (iii) Connection of the MCCBs and MCBs with cable shall be made through appropriate sie pin/bottle type thimble properly crimped. (iv) All the vacant holes of the DB shall be provided with blank plates of appropriate size. (v) Double continuous earth wire shall be provided for each three phase DB from earthing mains dolly. (vi) MCCB and MCB rate considered in separate item of schedule. 17 Earthing with galvanished steel earth plate electrode 600 x600 x 6.0 mm thick buried directly in ground pit not less than 3.25 mtr deep below ground level with top edge of plate not less than 1.5 mtr below normal ground level connected to 4.00 mm dia GI wire & PVC insulated solid copper condutctor of size 4 mm by means of nuts and GI washers including PCC pit in PCC 1:2:4 type B-1 RCC Cover , 20 mm dia (MG) GI watering pipe with funnel wire mesh and protection pipe of GI of 15 mm dia up to 7.5 Mtr length including charcoal black cotton soil as required at site to achieve the earthing result and common salt , excavation earth work etc in any type of strata complete all as shown in electrical plate No 3 of MES SSR Part 1 as specified. GI wire & 4 mm dia solid conductor pvc insulated for continuity earth wire from test point to main distribution board and all as specified and as directed. Note: Rate for achieving required depth by compressor machine if requiered is deemed to be included on the quoted unit rate. 18 LED bulb 12 watt inverter type, base type B-22lumen output 1200, 6500 K, complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 19 Supply Installation , Testing and commissioning of various capacity, Axial fan type, 100 mm thick Honeycomb pads, evaporating ductable Air cooling system for FA for 101 ORS 22000 CFM (Combination of 11000cfm x 2 Nos) all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 20 Supply Installation , Testing and commissioning of various capacity, Axial fan type, 100 mm thick Honeycomb pads, evaporating ductable Air cooling system for FA For common Room , Study room & store room 10000 CFM all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 21 Supply installation, testing and commissioning of flexible connection with material Canavass all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 22 Supply installation testing and commissioning of site fabricated GI sheet rectangular ducting with required Hardware sheet 22 Gauge all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 23 Supply installation testing and commissioning of site fabricated GI sheet rectangular ducting with required Hardware sheet 24 Gauge all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 24 Supply, install testing and commissioning of duct acoustic lining with 24 Kg Density & 25 mm thick fiber glass wool covered with 28 Kg perforated Aluminium sheet all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 25 Supply install testing and commissioningof Thermal Duct insulation with 6 mm thick aluminium foil faced XLPE pasted on duct with rubber adhessive all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 26 Supply install testing and commissioning of supply air aluminum powder coated linear Grill / Diffusers with M. S. volume control duct damper all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 27 Supply install testing and commissioning site Fabricated MS Angle Iron stand for Ductable Air cooling Unit with Black enamel paint including lifting and placing of air washers all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 28 Supply and laying testing and commissioning of 2.5 Sq mm x 4 Copper cabling all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 29 Supply installation testing and commissioing of water connection with 2000 Ltrs tank & required accessories for evaporating ductable air cooling unit all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 30 Supply, installation and commissioning of voltage stablizer for automatic operation,single phase naturally air cooled indoor type and designed for in put variation between 90 v to 280 v with out put voltage stablizer at 230 v with accuracy of (-) or (+) 2.5% and of capacity 2 KVA including all connection complete all as specified and directed. 31 Cutting of existing DI pipe two cut ofdia 150mm in position for intersection of new MS sec of 150 x 100 x 100mm dia tee for branch connection complete with all fitting complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge.Note:- CI/DI fittings, excavation and earth work, lead joint/Flanged joint etc shall be measured and paid separately.complete all as specified and directed. 32 Construction of brick masonary valve chamber of internal dimensions 900 x 900 x 900 mm, bottom floor of the pit shall be constructed in PCC (1:3:6) 15 cm thick with 20 mm stone aggregate, inner and exposed surfaces and bottom floor of the pit should be plastered in CM (1:4) 15 mm thick. The top cover of the pit shall be made out of MS sheet min 3 mm thick with angle iron frame made out of MS angle 40 mm x 40 mm x 6 mm with 02 nossteel hinges and locking arrangements duly painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide primer all as specified and as directed 33 Supply and fix Air release valve 40 mm dia with two air outlets and fixing up in GI water supplymains complete all as specified and directed. 34 Pole mounting junction box of size 300mmx200mmx100mm fabricated out of 2mm thick MS sheet, front openable door with hinges, weather proof duly painted with two coats of aluminium paint internally and externally over a coat red oxide primer suitable to house andincluding 04 Nosaluminium bus barof 63 Amps capacity mounted on suitable insulators, one No MCB SP 6A mounted on dinrail, internally wired with suitable size of copper conductor cable, provision of bottom cable entry with cable glands includingmounting on steel tubular poles with two Nos FI clamps 25mmx3mm withnuts, bolts and washers complete including making connection with 1.5 sqmm copper conductor PVC insulated 3 Core cable from junction box to security lights fittings duly laid inside the steel tubular pole and bracket complete allas specified and directed. 35 Bracket fixing forstreet /building light fittings bend to shape, made out of40 mm dia GI pipe medium grade upto 1.5 mtr long fixed with and including two sets of MS clamp made out of Flat iron of size 50mmx6 mm, fabricated to shape and fixed with nuts, bolts & washers & two coats of aluminum paint over a coat of red oxide primercomplete all as specified and directed.Note : MS clamps including nuts, bolts and washers shall be measured and paid for separately under respective items 36 Supply ,Installation ,testing & commisioning of totally enclosedfeeder piller box outdoor type(IP-65) fabricated out of 3.15 mm thick CRCA sheet angled frameddust and vermin proof powdercoated double door type (independent cabin including locking arrangementforeach MCCBs , bus bar chamber (enclosed) including locking arrangement complete suitable for operating on 415 Volt50 Hz AC, supply internally wired with copper conductor , TPN bus bar of aluminium strip (4 Nos) insulated by heat shrinkable sleaves & clips made out of 65x65x6 mm angle iron grouted on brick masonary plateform upto 30 cms .Brick masonary plateform should be 60 cms abovethe Ground Level.Comprising the following:- (i) The panel shall be front operated with cable entry from the bottem with cable glands. (ii) Fabrication of feeder piller box to be approved by CPRI width of the panel not less than 60cmsMain LT Panel No 01 ( Pocket -I, Ph-I) Aluminium bus bar electrolytic grade rectangular 300 Amps full for phase and half for neutral mounted on epoxy insulators with colour coding PVC sleeves - 01 job(a)MCCB 250 amps , 35KA ,FP, 415 volt 50 Hz- 01 Nos (for Incoming)(b) MCCB 3 pole,75 A, 415 volt 50HZ with thermal setting 70% to 100% and rupturing capacity not less than 16 KA - 01 No (for out going).(c) MCCB 3 pole,100 A, 415 volt 50HZ with thermal setting 70% to 100% and rupturing capacity not less than 16 KA - 01 No (for out going).(d) MCCB 3 pole, 16A, 415 volt 50HZ with thermal setting 70% to 100% and rupturing capacity not less than 16 KA - 01 Nos (for out going).(e) MCBSPN 6-32 Amp, 230 volt 50HZ- 01 Nos (for out going). (f) Digital Ammeter 0 to 1000 Amp with selector switch & suitable range of CTs - 01 No.(g) Digital Voltmeter 0 to 500 V with selector switch - 01 No.(h) LED phase indicating lamp (Set of three)- 03 Nos (RYB)(j) For outgoing250Apms blank space for future connection -01 Nos(k) astronomical street light timer switch , 3 phase, 415 volt, 50 Hz, outdoor type range upto 6 KW conforms to IS/IEC 60947-4-1, IP 54 including contactor 32A TP and MCB 40 Amp TPN, inbuilt short circuit protection, all connections -01 No(l)Cost for construction of plateform for panel of brick masonary work in CM 1:6 with foundationPCC 1:4:8 type D-2including plaster work ,PCC copping 1:2:4 (40 mm thick stone aggerate ) ,deemed to be included in the item rate .No extra payment will be made. 37 Construction of platform of size 3000 x 2500 x 1200 mm for transformer withPCC (1:4:8)in foundation andPCC 1:2:4 type B1, 100 mm thicknessat top portion of platform , brick work with cement mortar (1:4) and complete plaster work of 15 mm thick to exposed surfacein CM (1:4) including necessary MS work ( i.e. MS jali/fencing/MS angle ) on the top of platform around transformer up to height 90 cm and one coat of white wash on plastered surface complete all as shown on drawing No CEPZ/C-TD/002/13 Dated 2/5 and all as specified . 38 Note: The schedule of credit has been attached in tender in Pdf format and amount of credit schedule i.e. Rs 40,997.00 shall be deducted from the total amount of BOQ to arrive at the contract sum.