Tender For Provision Of Central Mi Room At Nimu(Job No 01/Nimu Stn/Amwp/2023-24); 1 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "BUILDING WORKS"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-I representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 43 2 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "(SITE CLEARANCE, EXCAVATION & EARTH WORK)"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-II representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 44 3 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "(INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION)"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-III representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 50 4 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "(INTERNAL WATER SUPPLY)"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-IV representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 52 5 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "(ROAD, PATH & HARDSTANDING)"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-V representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 54 6 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "(SEWAGE DISPOSAL)"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-VI representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 55 7 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "(AREA DRAINAGE)"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-VII representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 56 8 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "(SHED FOR DG SET)"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-VIII representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 58 9 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "(HOT WATER SUPPLY)"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-IX representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 59 10 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "(EXTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION)"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-X representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 65 11 Lump sum price worked out by the contractor for "(EXTERNAL WATER SUPLAY)"as listed in Schedule ‘A’ Part-XI representing percentage ( + or - denomination) derived under last column of this schedule above/belowthe lump sum price prepriced by the MES B/F from Sl page No. 66 12 SCH "A PART - XII (MISC B/R & E/M ITEMS) (REFER BOQ)Note: This schedule is not pre-priced by MES and the rate indicated as "Rs 0.00" under Col 5 signifies this fact only 13 INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATIONS&F Double door three phase prewired distribution board vertical DB VTPN 8 way with acrylic door made out of CRCA sheets 1.6 mm thick,phosphatised powder coated with copper Bus Bar 200 Amps, 415 V,IP 43/IK09, Earth Stud, Din Rail, Polymide terminal blocks for incoming and outgoing circuits, inbuilt loose wire box ,ground terminal blocks ,duly prewired with thimbled flame retardant copper conductors and poly layer for protection in and includingMCCB4 pole 63 Amp rating repturing capacity 16 KA.(Note:- Single Phase MCBs are to be measured and paid for seperately) 14 S&F LED building security light, pressure die cast aluminum housing, 20/25 watts capacity, 240V, IP 65 class, with suitable in-built electronic driver complete incld. fixed on a bracket made out of 1.5 mtr long Med grade GI pipe 40 mm dia bend to shape as directed fitted on wall at a height not less than 5 mtr from groundwith MS clamp, nuts and bolts and washers as required at site and incld. connecting luminarie to the nearest ceiling rose/junction box with 1.5 sqmm PVC insulated 3 core wire complete all as directed and specified by Engr-in-Charge.NOTE - Cost of all minor spares and jobs required for fixing of light fixture on wall and for electrical connections are deemed to be included in the quoted rate. 15 S&F new wall mounted fan of approved make and type complete all as specified and as directed. 16 S&F TV Co-axial socket 1 module, complete all as specified and as directed. 17 S&F Single pole and neutral enclosure with a two pin and earth plug and socket complete with one double pole MCB 20 Amps 18 INTERNAL WATER SUPPLYS&F single piece Vitreous china wash down water closet pan "Pedestal Pattern" white, with seat white closed pattern with flat bottom and cover mild steel chromium plated or aluminized hinging deviced including flushing system , pipe and joint etc and connection to drain, flushing, pipe, anti-syphonage pipe, and fixing arrangements with fixing bolts etc including making good the disturbed portion of floor in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-0, as in repairs complete all as spd & directed complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in charge.. 19 S&F CP Grating including jointing to waste pipe fixed in cement concrete type B-1 (1:2:4) dia of outlet is 100 mm complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in charge. 20 S&F hand shower (health faucet ) with 8mm dia and 1 meter long CP flexible tube and wall hookcomplete all as specified Make: Cera, Jaquar , Marc & Hindware as per Sample and directed by Engr -in Charge 21 S&F Soap dish (S/S), any type, fixed to plugs with chromium plated brass screws, all as specified and directed by Engr-in charge. 22 ROAD, PATH & HARD STANDINGM&L for wet mix macadam (WMM) for 150mm thick (compacted thickness) laid in two layers of 75mm each grading as per table 400-13 of MoRTH (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways) specification of Road and Bridge works 2013. Manufactured in WMM plant, material comprising of clean, crushed, graded aggregate and granular material premixed with water to a dense mass, spreading with sensor paver and rolling with vibratory roller of capacity 80-100 KN static weight and conslidating required gradient and camber. The finished surface tolerance to be as per table 900-1 of MoRTH specification for road and bridge works 2013 complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 23 M&L for applying thermoplastic paint marking 2.5mm thick centerline ,stop line,dashes,arrows etc and n exc 10cm wide on roads pavements with hot applied thermoplastic road marking paint ofapproved colour confirming to BS 3262-1989 with special applicater machine all as per manufacturers instructionof any colour on road surfaceincluding cleaning with gunny bags removing all loose dirt/dust complete all as specified and directed. 24 M&L for RCC Septic tank designed to carry sewage and sullage water, excavation in any type of soil, PCC 1:4:8 below foundation, RCC M-30 Design Mix in Walls , Base Slab , Baffle walls and Roof Slab including beams etc with Vent shaft , manhole openings with cover connection etc, complete with effective depth of 1.5 meter and overall depth of 3 meter for 100 users. 25 M&L for Soakage wells excavation, in any type of soil, foundation in PCC 1:3:6, walls of honey combed masonry with top ring of M25 concrete including intercepting chamber and screen chamber made of Brick masonary in CM, RCC cover slab in M25/ SFRC cover, interconnecting pipes of RCC/DWC complete filled with brick bats of size 3M Dia and 3 M Depth. 26 S&F PVC junction boxes IP 65 protection of size 0.200 x 0.250 x 0.155 m complete with 1 Nos MCB SP 2.5 Amp & 4 way industrial connector including clamp made out of MS flat 30x5mm connection from junction box to street light fitting with three single core PVC insulated, PVC sheathed wire 2.5 Sqmm copper & PVC conduit 20 mm dia complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 27 Excavation in trenches by cutting of road crossing/PCC hard standing, under boundary wallfor laying of pipe/cable including making good the existing surface with same finish to match the original finish complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 28 S&FHT/LT MS cable route indicator 4" dia fixed with two Nos of nut, bolt and washers and provision of PCC 1 : 4 : 8 type D-2 using 40 mm grade stone aggregate of not less than 0.018 cum in each at base buried under the groundincl necessary earth work complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 29 Supply, installation, testing and commissinoning LT panel board suitable for working on 3 phase ,4 wire ,415 volts, AC ,50Hz indoortype, cubicle, floor mounted, free standing, dust and vermin proof, air ventilation factory fabricated made out of 2 mm thick CRCA sheetduly powder coated and shall be CPRI approved and as approved by GE. The Panel shall have front and rear opening, locking arrangement, cable alleys, bus bar chamber and switch gear compartment, hinged door with rubber gasket, bottom cable entry holes for incoming and out going cables, earthing terminals, affix danger notice plate, glands, copper bus bar duly covered with heat shrink sleeves colour coaded duly fixed onDMC/SMC insulators, housed in a separate bus bar chamber and control wiring with copper conductor cables of adequate size and length, incoming and outgoing MCCBs shall have extended bus bar links and mounted on 50x50x5mm sizeMS angle iron frame duly painted including PCC 1:2:4 Type B1 (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate ) in foundation design subject to approved of AGE (I) Nimu to sent the site requirementcomplete all as specified and directed including comprising of following :- 30 (a) MCCB 400 Amps, FP, 36 KA, 415 volts, 50Hz - 01 No (I/C)(b) MCCB 200 Amps, FP, 25 KA, 415 volts, 50Hz - 02 No ( CHS)(c) MCCB 125 Amps, FP, 18 KA, 415 volts, 50Hz - 04 Nos (APFC, TPN DB -02, Spare )(d) MCB SPN 40 Amps, 10 KA, 220 volts, 50Hz - 03 Nos (Garage,Street light, Spare-1)(e) On load Chengeover 630 Amps 4 pole -01 No (f)Digital voltmeter, with VSS - 01set(g) Digital Ammeter, with CTs & ASS - 01 set(h) LED phase indication lamps RYB - 01 set(j)Single phase Rotary Automatic Light controller Nature switch with voltage range 120-440V,AC,20 Amps,IP-65,50HZ-01 Nos(k) Copper bus bar TPN 600 Amps rating - 01 set 31 Labour for boring underground upto 100 mm bore for road crossing 3 mtr to 10 mtr not exceeding 1.5 mtr in depth for laying of electric cable and GI tubing in soft/loose soil complete all as specified. 32 M&Lfor cutting existing GI pipes and insertion of new Tee branches of suitable size to take branch connection of 50mm dia PP-R.Note : Suitable size of Tee branch is deemed to be included in the quoted rate. 33 Construction of stone masonary valve pit chamber of size 90cm x 90 cm x 90 cm (internal dimension) including all necessary excavation and earthwork in hard / dense soil and disposal of surplus soil to a distance not exceeding 50 meters & deposting the same as directed includingPCC in foundation of the mixture (1:4:8) D-2 stone masonary in cement motor 1:4 rendering 15mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 internally finished even and fair and pointing flush externally as the work proceeds in the same mortar as of stone masonary including mild steelframe (made out ofangle in 40x40x6mm) MS steel cover 3.15 mm thick with handle and locking arrangement with ginges angle iron flat as requiredat site including painting of all posed MS work with two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer and painting all the steel surfaces embedded in PCC with two coats of black bituminuos paint andall other relevant work complete . 34 M&L for providing tracer/anti freezing cable required to keep the pipe warm upto avoiding freezing all as specified including electrical wiring cable for connection of suitable size 35 (CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEM)Electric Hot Water Generator : Supply, installation, testing and commissioning ofpackage type electric Hot Water generator constructed out of MS sheet having top open-able cover for easy access and removal of heaters. The HWG shall be suitable for indoor mounting. The generator shall be provided with 50mm thick fibre glass insulation 32 kg density finished with 0.8mm / 22G aluminium cladding sheet. The generator shall have electrical capacity of 50 kW. The heater shall be electrical resistance type, copper tube with chromium plating. The generator shall be complete with float valve, pressure gauge with ball valve, master and bank thermostats, etc. The generator shall be suitable for 3 phase, 415+ 10% Volts, 50 Hz. AC supply. The generator shall complete with self-contained incoming isolation, ammeter, voltmeter, contactors for heater banks in three steps complete with manual/auto rotary switches. 36 Notes:- (i) Allneccassary accessories required for the proper fucntioning of Hot Water Genearator are included in price.(ii) The prices should include lifting, shifting and positioning of units at Site.(iii) Hot Water Genearator installation to done as per Manufacturer recommendation with all installation requirements i.e Foundation, Vibration Isolator,Insulationetc as recommended by Manufacturer for the Ambient Temperature of Site. ODU installation is included in ODU price which includes the Civil Struture, Mechanical Structureetc as recommended byManufacturer.(iv) The Contractor/OEM will shall submit the Hot Water Generator capacity/Burner Capacity conforming to relevant IS Code(v) OEM should submit the Installation and Maintenance Schedule/ Manual for the Boiler. 37 GLYCOL CIRCULATION CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of PN16 ratedAxial Split Coupled Vertical Inline water pump set with CI casing, Bronze Impeller, SS Shaft and externally flushed outside type balanced mechanical seal and non overloading motor, as per specifications and drawings. with Suitable HP, TEFC squirrel cage induction motor with IE3 type class "F" insulation, Motor shall be rating of IP 55, operating on 415 ±10% volts, 3 phase, 50Hz AC Supply. The external flush line must be used for the purpose of heat dissipation from the mechanical seal.Pumps with performance characteristics as given below:The internal components of pumps including mechanical seal shall be suitable to sustain a fluid temperature of -25 Degree Celcius to 120 Degree Celcius. Vendor shall be provide antivibration arrangement for pumps . 38 The scope also shall include following below mentioned:(i) Electrical by pass starter for pump setas recommended by OEM. (ii) 25 mm thick polyviny nitrile rubber insulation duly cladded between aluminium sheets of 0.5mm thickness and properly clamped to pump.(iii) Pressure gauges 150 mm dia -03 Nos (iv) Mounting frame with antivibration pads (In case pumps are inline, anti vibration system shall be as per Manufacturers recommendation) (v) RCC/Cement concrete foundation for the pump unit. (In case pumps are inline, foundation shall be as per Manufacturers recommendation).Pump capacity are as under:Capacityand pump headnot less than flow 25 USGPM , Head 20 mtr (Refernce Model No. : Armstrong : Series 4300 - 40-150 - 2p - 1.5 kW) each including the Triple duty valve and End Suction guide. 39 EXPANSION TANK and Pressurisation Unit:Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of INSULATED PRESSURISED CLOSED WATER EXPANSION TANK suitable for total volume ofGlycol - Water Solution, circuit along with necessary accessories such as along with necessary accessories such as 2 Nos pumps (1working +1standby) with Pressure Transmitter andinterconnecting Pipe & Isolating Valve complete with piping connections, safety relief valve, drain valve, pressure gauge, automatic air purging arrangement, etc.with Pressure Transmitter andinterconnecting Pipe & Isolating Valve complete with piping connections, safety relief valve, drain valve, pressure gauge, automatic air purging arrangement, etc. The tank shall be pre-charged. Expansion tank Shall be with replaceable heavy duty butyl rubber bladder. The tankconnection"s should be as per OEM recommendationsand 20 mm drain and charging valve connection to facilitate the on site charging of nitrogen in the tank.The tank shall be fitted with lifting rings and a floor mounting skirt for vertical installation. The tank must be constructed in accordance with IS-STANDARD 2825-1969 (withlates Revision)and Rated at PN 16 . The complete system shall be sourced from single manufacturer and supplied and installed with all accessories and safety fixtures required for proper functioning of the complete hydronic system.The tank shall be duly painted in approved colour shall be complete with pressure switches and power distribution and control panelIP55 Control Panel, Pressure Transmitter, interconnecting piping & wiring. (Tank capacity 500 Ltrs). Hot Glycol - Water closed vessel pressurized expansion tank as described above shall be duly Insulated with 50 mm thick PUF/Nitrile Rubber insulating material or Equivalent U valueInsulating Material and cladded with aluminium Sheet (20G). Electrical by pass starter for pump setas recommended by OEM. 40 Expansion Tank of 500 Lts capacity 41 PRESSURIZATION UNIT: for Pump Set -03 Nos with Control Panel and accessories. 42 Make Up TANK: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of factory made Make up Water Tank, Rectangular/Circular shape, of 4 mm thick MS sheet (IS 2062), of capacity of 550 litres complete with inlet, outlet, overflow, drain pipe of MS and vent with flame arrestor. Tank will be provided with supports made out of minimum 50mm angle iron duly painted, to keep tank base at minimum (1000mm) above FFL. Service platform shall be provided as per recommendations of OEM. The tank shall be provided with remote indication of levels provided level switches for on-off operation of tranfer pump. Extra high level and extra low level alarm shall be provided. Tank and structure shall be painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed.Make up Water tank as describedabove should beduly Insulated with 50 mm thick PUF/Nitrile Rubber insulating material and cladded with aluminium Sheet (20G). 43 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning ofSteel plate Radiator( Wall Mounted) confirming EN- 442 , working pressurerange from 10-13 bar having workinh temparture of 110°C, complete with top grill side cover as standard along with inlet ,outlet valve, Air purge valve andwith threaded plug, flow regulator as per OEM.The below desired capacity should be calculated at Altitude of 3600 mts above sea level. Capacity calculation sheet to be provided to Engineer in Charge. The below mentioned capacity is at INLET TEMP: 75 Degree Celcius , OUTLET TEMP: 65 Degree Celcius. Referemcwe Model Series. 44 1.5 kW, Type: 33- DKEK, Length is 1000 mm and Height is 600 mm of Radiator. 45 2.5 kW, Type: 33- DKEK, Length is 1000 mm and Height is 600 mm of Radiator. 46 3.5 kW,Type: 33- DKEK, Length is 1600 mm and Height is 600 mm of Radiator. 47 5 kW,Type: 33- DKEK, Length is 1600 mm and Height is 900 mm of Radiator. 48 5 kW,Type: 33- DKEK, Length is 2000 mm and Height is 600 mm of Radiator 49 M & L for Pre-insulated MS pipe,Class "C" havingminimum thicknes of PUF insulation as mentioned below and of density 36 Kg/Cum and 26 gauge AL cladding complete suitable for above ground as per sizes shown.The pipes should be insulated with closed cell puf of density 36±2 Kg/Cum of below mentioned thickness. The Pipe should be workable in the temp. range of-50 Degree Celciusto120 Degreec Celcius. Note:-The Pipes size 150mm & below shall be M.S. ‘C’ class as per IS : 1239 50 80 mm with 36 mm PUF thicknes and 26 Gauge Al Cladding. 51 50 mm with 36 mm PUF thicknes and 26 Gauge Al Cladding. 52 50 mm with 36 mm PUF thicknes and 26 Gauge Al Cladding. 53 40 mm with 36 mm PUF thicknes and 26 Gauge Al Cladding. 54 20 mm with 36 mm PUF thicknes and 26 Gauge Al Cladding. 55 Buried under ground/Exposed to Ambient:80 mm with 50 mm PUF thicknes and HDPE Cladding, 26 Gauge Al Cladding. 56 Cabel Tray :-Supplying and installing following size of perforated painted with powder coating M.S. cable trays with perforation not more than 17.5%, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling/Ground/wall with M.S. suspenders as per IS code including bolts & nuts, painting suspenders etc. as required of size 150 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness 57 Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of following diameter valves (PN-16 Rating) (Complete with Flanges integral or welded, fittings, Nuts, Bolts & Gaskets (PN-16 Rating), strainers (Complete with flanges integral or welded, fittings, Nuts, Bolts & Gaskets (PN-16 Rating), gauges etc for condenser water circulation as per specifications. Insulation thickness ofvalves should be equal to the Insulation of PUF and GI Cladding of Pipe Section as specified. Butterfly Valve ( Insulated Valves) with CI body SS disc nitrile sheet & O ring, Complete with fittings, Nuts, Bolts & Gaskets.Butterfly Valve ( Insulated Valves) with CI body SS disc nitrile sheet & O ring, Complete with fittings, Nuts, Bolts & Gaskets. 58 80 mm dia Butterfly Valve 59 65 mm dia Butterfly Valve 60 50 mm dia Butterfly Valve 61 Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of Y-STRAINER (Insulated Valves) of Ductile CI Body flanged ends with stainless steel strainer forhot water circulation including Insulation thickness ofvalves should be equal to the Insulation of PUF and GI Cladding of Pipe Section as specified of size 50 mm dia Y strainer. 62 Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of NON - RETURN VALVE (Insulated Valves) with duel plate of CI body SS plates vulcanized NBR seal flanged end & PN 16 pressure rating forhot water circulation includingInsulation thickness ofvalves should be equal to the Insulation of PUF and GI Cladding of Pipe Section as sepcified of size 50 mm dia NRV. 63 Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of Automatic Air Purge Valves forhot water circulation headeras specified of size Automtic Air Purge Valve 20 mm dia. 64 Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of Air Separator compleate allas specified of size 50 mm dia. 65 Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of water pressure gauge (100 mm dia) bourdon type with brass ball valve of 3/8" dia and SS tubing, socket.Range (0-50) / (0-100) as required by Engineer In Charge. 66 Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of Mercury in glass industrial thermometer in SS-304 casing with 0.5 C least count, range 0-50 C. Brass oil filled thermowell of 1/2" size as required by Engineer In Charge. 67 Electrical distribution Panel Supply, installation, commissioning and testing of factory made, CHS Plant, indoor type made out of CRCA sheet 2 mm thick, frame factory fabricated with front and back openable double door with locking arrangement, with MS angle section 50x50x6 mm support, duly powder coated painting having thickness not less than 100 microns provided suitable gasket to make it dust and vermin proof, suitable for 3 Phase4 wire, 415 Volts, 50 Hz, AC supply system, floor mounted and grounting the legs of panel in PCC foundation 1:4:8 complete as all directed suitable for and including the following :- 68 INCOMERS(i) Bus Bar TPN Al extensible type main bus bars of minimum of 600 A capacity (As per capacity of corresponding incoming / Bus couplers) , and auxilliary bus bars ofsuitable capacity with heat shrunk coloured sleeves and i/c SMC bus bars supports at required intervals complete for cross section, size supports & their spacing etc. for withstanding fault level of50kA .(ii)MCCB 400 Amps, 415 Volt, 36 KA, 4 Pole,Microprocessor release- 01 No for incoming (Extended Rotary Operating Handle, Phase Spreader links and Phase barriers ) Make: Legrand/Schenider/SimensOUTGOINGS(i) 3Nos- 125A ,25 KA TPNMCCB/ACBwith Microprocessor release (3# Hot Water Generator)(ii) MCB 10 Amp,TPN,10KA, C curve - 06, 3 Nos for Pumps , 2 Nos for Pumps ,01 Nos for glycol transfer pump(iii) LED Phase indication lamps (01 Set) with 2Amp back up MCB,Breaker "ON/OFF" indicating light with 2A MCB, test terminal block set, circuits as per standard practice, auxiliary contacts for positive interlocking of the breakers as required. - 2 Set (iv) Digital Ammeter with in built ASS,metering C.T.s"CAST RESIN" type, 15VA, and accuracy class-1of 800/5A for measuring current in each phase - 01 Set.(v) All accessories prewired with appropriate size copper strip or wire and thimbles etc. all as required including foundations as per Manufacturers recommendations all as directed by Engnr-in-Charge.Note : Contractor will submit the drawing for approval of panel to GE before execution. 69 LT CABLES : Supply & Laying/ fixing of following size XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed Copper conductor armoured cable/unarmoured as required of 1.1 KV grade complete as require (ISI Marked) (in ground/in pipe/in duct/on surface/on cable tray) 70 3.5 Core x 70 sq.mm. (Electric Hot Water Generator) 71 4.0 Core x 10 sq.mm. (Pump) and (Pressurization Unit) 72 2 Core x 10 sq.mm. (Pump) 73 2 Core x 6 sq.mm (Pressurization Unit) 74 Earthing complete with Copperearth plate electrode of size 60cm X 60cm X 6mm buried directly in ground vertically at a depth not less than 2.25 metre below normal ground level with top edge of earth plate at a depth not less than 1.5 metre below normal ground level surrounded from all sides by 15 cm thick and packed layer of charcoal dust and common salt filling in alternate layers etc and connected to and including Copper strip of size 32x6 mm up to 7.5 mtr by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers made of brass and protected by light grade 40mm dia upto 7.5 mtr long GI pipe connected to main controlboard and GI pipe light grade 20mm bore for watering and including funnel, wire mesh, RCC pit cover 50mm thick and PCC chamber pit with PCC 1:2:4 type C2 (including excavation and earth work disposal of surplus soil to a distance not exceeding 50 metre) and testing making test point and testing after completion all as specified and shown on plate No 3 of SSR Part-I 2009 complete all as specified & directed by Engr-in-charge 75 S&F rubber matting conforming to IS-15652-2006 complete as required. of size2m x 1m x 25 mm 76 Glycol - Water SolutionSupplying of Ethylene glycol concentrate along with the necessary additives and inhibitor in cognition in sealed barrels complete all as directed.NOTE;- (i) The glycol concentrate shall be mixed with potable water supplied by contractor and filled in central heating system pipe line after proper leak test of entire circuit. The glycol water mixture ratio shall be 45 : 55 and freezing temperature shall be - 45 Degree Celcius (ii) First charge of glycol is included in the quoted rate. First Charge Include Charge in CHS pipe lineStorage Tank. (Glycol 45 % ,Water 55 %) 77 For CHS 78 Supply of Gycol for running of Plant for 12 months 79 GLYCOL CIRCULATING PUMP: Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning ofTransfer pumps for the capacity of 5 LPM 5 meter head for Glycol Fluidtransfer with base frame foundation, bolts coupling coupling guard,TEFC, (OEM design HP for the required Flowand Head ) andother accessories for proper function of the pump. 80 OXYGEN GAS MANHOLD : Supply , installation , testing and commission 4+4 oxygen manifold with middle frame, tail pipe, NRV and ESSAB make 10x14 regulator complete all as specified and directed by Engr in charge . 81 Supply , installation , testing and commission 3 cylinder emergency inlet for oxygen complete all as specified and directed by Engr in charge . 82 Supply , installation , testing and commission automatic control panel with Analog Display 02 for oxygen complete all as specified and directed by Engr in charge. 83 S&F of copper tubing of size 15 mm OD, EN -13348 Grade , 0.9 mm wall thickness including proper saddling , clamping and insertion of branches connections including all fitting for medical use, complete all as specified and directed by Engr in charge. 84 S&F of copper tubing of size 12 mm OD, EN -13348 Grade , 0.9 mm wall thickness including proper saddling , clamping and insertion of branches connections including all fitting for medical use, complete all as specified and directed by Engr in charge. 85 S&F BS type gas outle with probe for oxygen for medical compleate all as specified and directed by Engr in charge 86 S&F 1/2" Brass ball valve with end fittings including all fittings for medical usecomplete all as specified and directed by Engr in charge. 87 S&F BPC flow meter (0-15 LPM) including humidfire bottle complete all as specified and directed by Engr in charge . 88 S&F 3/8" Brass ball valveincluding all fittings for complete all as specified and directed by Engr in charge. 89 STAND BY DG SET : Supply,install, test and commissioning of silent Diesel Engine Generating set 415 volts, 3 phase, 4 wireengine as per IS08528 conforming to CPCB Norms IV, and alternator as per IS08528 of capacity 400 KVA at NTP with control panel having meters, sound proof canopy etc with foundation (As per OEM design) including all accessories as per manufactures standard and as per the details given below and independent relay panel for automatic on mains failure:- AC Generator should be suitable for ambient conditions at nimu Leh area. 90 (A) Alternator : Standard design alternator rated at 400 KVA (320KW)net output at power factor 0.8, AC, 3 phase 4 wire, 415 V, 50 Cycles/Second, 1500 RPM self excited, self regulated, screen protected, drip proof IP 23 enclosure, brush less design, voltage regulation ± 2.5 % rated voltage from no load to full load and frequency regulation within ± 1.5 % tolerence. (B)DIESEL ENGINE : Vertical diesel engine of suitable capacity, water cooled, closed circuit as per BS-649 or IS-1002 direct injection type turbo charged, Electric starting system having rated speed 1500 RPM. The DG set Shall be capable for running with 10% over loading for 01 hour in every 12 hours as perBS-5514/BS-649. Engine shall be multi cylinder, multi stroke, direct injection andequipped with all standard fitting as per manufacture"s recommendations and mounted on common base frame with following Specifications.(a) Fly wheel with housing (i) Common base frame of sturdy design suitable for anti vibration mounting and permanent concrete foundation for mounting engine and alternator as per manufacturer"s instructions (b) Cooling system (i) Radiator with fan & belts & guard, rubber hoses and thermostat. (ii) Cooling water pump centrifugal type . 91 (c) GOVERNER : Electronic Governer (d) ELECTRIC STARTING SYSTEM : Electric Self starter , 24 volts DC(12 volt, 150 AH battery 2 Nos)charging alternatoraspermanufacturer"s design,copper leads with lugs of adequate size complete with initial charging of maintenance free battery 2X12 volt 150 AH capacity. (e) GENERATOR MONITORING PANEL : Comprising of following :- (i) Microprocessor based genset controller for metering, monitoring, governing and protection. (ii) Engine protection for low lub oil pressure, high coolant temperature (alarm & shutdown) (iii) Alternator protection parameters like under voltage, over current, under frequency, over frequency (alarm & shut down) (f) ACCESSORIES:AVM Pads built or separately mounted to manufacturer base frames. (g) COUPLING ARRANGEMENTS: Fixed coupling, flywheel to suit fixed coupling and fly wheel housing.(h) EXHAUST SYSTEM : should have equipped with emission control device as per latest Govt norms. Silencer complete with exhaust pipe of suitable size upto and out side the building all covered with asbestos rope of suitable size all as specified and as directed.(j) FUEL TANK: Daily service fuel tank of capacity suitable for 8 hours continuous operation made out of 3 mm thick (heat retardant) sheet with indicating gauge, built inside the acoustic enclosures or as per manufacturer"s design 92 (C)ACOUSTIC ENCLOSURE : All as per CPCB norms IV and OEM of DG Set"s design.(D)AMF Panel : Supply, install, testing and commissioning of AMF Panel outdoor type, cubical body,dust and vermin proofmade up of CRCA sheet painted with two coats of synthetic enamelled paint over a coat of red oxide primer confirming to IP 45 with front and rear opening with louvers andmounted on floor with PCC pedestal pillars with a clearance of atleast 0.3 m above ground level with glands sockets etc with provision of cable entry from bottom all pre wired and connected complete with following accessories:-(i) Microprocessor based Panel -01 No(ii) Power Contactor heavy duty suitable for generator and mains (iii) Over load relay for genset (iv) Suitable rating isolating switch MCCB for both DG & main supply.(v) Multi functioning meter to indicate voltage, current, frequency, P F, KW & KWH etc (vi) Emergency stop push button.(vii)Set of indicaters : - (a)Low lube oil pressure (b) DG Set over load(viii) Push button to start, stop (ix) Mode selector switch i.e Auto/Manual/Test/ OFF.(x) Set of Instrument fuse (xi)Set of aluminium bus bar of 600 Amps capacity 3 ph, 4 Wire system (xii) Automatic battery charging unit with DC voltmeter, Ammeter and selector switch for trickle/ Boost charging.(xiii) By Pass arrangement of main supply when AMF circuit fail due to any fault with provision of suitable rating change overs and switches. 93 The following items are deemed to be included in the rate quoted for all DG sets:- (i) DHPP for testing purpose shall be supplied by the contractor without any extra cost to Department. (ii)The contractor shall arrange for artificial load (water load/Electrical load) for testing for final testing of DG Set at site and the cost is deemed to be including in above offer. (iii) Testing of sound level should carried out at the site in presence of Engineer-in-Charge(iv) One set of latest Spare part catalogue with price, exploded view of parts and user"s manual are deemed to be included in the quoted rate.(v) All civil works including foundation for DGSet as per manufacturer"s drawing/ specification, foundation for AMF panel shall deemed to be included in the quoted rate.(vi) The rate quoted is deemed to be included for initial filling of radiator coolant and lubricating oil upto level.