Periodical maintenance including supply and fitting of spares parts as per schedule of items for existing transformers viz, 2000kVA, 3.3/33 kV, 3-Phase Generating Transformer, 3X800kVA, 3.3/33 kV, 1-Phase Generating Transformer, 100kVA, 3.3/0.433 kV, 3-Phase Station Auxiliary Transformer and Neutral Current Transformer (Outdoor Type) with supply & fittings of spare parts, Heat Treatment, necessary testing and allied works at Rinchington Hydel Power Station under Mini Micro Hydel Division, WBSEDCL, Kurseong.- 1 Dismantling & Erection of O/H Busbar to put down these transformer 01 no. 2000KVA, 3nos. 800KVA & 01 no. O/D CT from Plinth, dragging from Switchyard to Machine Hall. 2 Charges for making arrangement structure at site for dismantling of 01no. 2000KVA, 03nos. 800KVA, 01no. 100KVA transformer outer assembly like vent pipe, conservator tank, HV/LV Bushing & stud for lifting inner assembly, separated top cover from core &Core winding for repairing of top cover in proper manner. 3 Charges for drain out total volume of old oil from transformers and contain the same in empty barrels, properly cleaning the core & winding inside the tank by jet spraying of old & new oil, after cleaning, if it is observed that the IR value is very low which may not increase only filtration require of treatment of heat, remove of decomposed gaskets from tank and outer assembly, fill up tank up to the level by filtrated oil and new short fall oil. 4 Charges for hot filtration and Vacuum Charges for dehydration of Transformers oil to improve BDV of oil by system line type filtration machine. 5 Charges for painting application of Anti corrosive Red-Oxide Zinchromite metal primer (Good quality primer as per IS:2024) outside the main tanks ,outer assembly, conservator tanks after proper scraping and cleaning and spray painting with application of double coated Synthetic Enamel finishing DA Grey painting. 6 Charges for BDV & ACIDITY testing and assist to MMHD departmental testing team for Transformers final testing. 7 To & Fro transportation charges for man power, machine, tools & tackles from agency’s premise to Rinchington Hydel Power Station along with shifting of new transformer oil from MMHD, Store to RHP. 8 Charges for Neoprene Rubberised different size Gaskets like 10mm, 8mm, 6mm, 3mm, thickness Prefix sheet, different size Oil seals for Top Lid, Inspection cover Radiator, Bushing. 9 Charges for painting materials like Synthetic Enamel Paint, Red-Oxide Zinchromate Primer, Synthetic Thinner, EMERY paper, Turpin Oil, Cotton Jut and associated sundry materials. 10 Supply and fittings of fast filling Silicagel-12kg with Transparent Breather for 01no. 2000KVA, 03nos 800KVA & 01 no. 100KVA transformers. 11 Supply & fitting of ¾ MS Drain/Filter Valve -09nos, ½”X 1.5 GI Nut –bolt with 12 Supply and fittings of 01no. MOG for 800 KVA transformer.