Tender For Package 2 Of Nagar Nigam Ayodhya Sewerage Scheme District-1 Part-Ii And District-1 Part-I Zone-1 - Sewer Laying 2 Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam, clay & sand) including lift upto 1.5m and lead upto 50m watering & rammin of excavated earth into the tranches or into the space between the building and the sidesw of the foundatio or into the plinth and disposal of surplus earth upto a distance of 50m from centre of trenches. 3 0.00 to 1.50 m 4 1.50 to 3.00 m 5 3.00 to 4.50 m 6 4.50 to 6.00 m 7 6.00 to 7.50 m 8 Providing and laying granual material (graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) including watering, ramming consolidating and dressing complete- All work up to plinth level : 9 In Granular Bedding 10 Providing lay in Plain Cement Concrete in following proportion in foundation and floor including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete required for the work 1:4:8 with coarse sand and 4cm gauge stone ballast. 11 Same as above but 1.5-3.0 m BGL 12 Same as above but 3.0-4.5 m BGL 13 Same as above but 4.5-6.0 m BGL 14 Same as above but 6.0-7.5 m BGL 15 Providing lay in Plain Cement Concrete in following proportion in foundation and floor including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete required for the work 1:2:4 with coarse sand and 4cm gauge stone ballast. 16 Same as above but 1.5-3.0 m BGL 17 Same as above but 3.0-4.5 m BGL 18 Same as above but 4.5-6.0 m BGL 19 RCC work with cement, coarse sand and graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size in proportion of 1:1.5:3 excluding supply of the reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding with 0.5mm thick binding wire (to be supplied by the contractor) & including necessary centering and shuttering, supply of all materials labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 20 In RCC Bedding 21 Same as above but 4.5-6.0 m BGL 22 Same as above but 6.0-7.5 m BGL 23 In Boxing of Joint 24 Mild steel or iron work in R.C.C. work wrought to required shape as necessaty including bending for proper completion of work including supply of steel & wastage etc. 25 Provide all material ,labour and T&P etc. fixing of open timbering in trenches with 50 mm thick country wood planks, 150 X 75 mmsize sal wood wallers and 125mm dia. sal wood ballies for struts 1.5 m c/c including removal of all timbering after aying of sewer etc. all complete. 26 A. Open Timbering(0.0 TO 3.00m) 27 Provide all material ,labour and T&P etc. fixing of Closed timbering in trenches with 50 mm thick country wood planks, 150 X 75 mmsize sal wood wallers and 125mm dia. sal wood ballies for struts 1.5 m c/c including removal of all timbering after aying of sewer etc. all complete. 28 A. Close Timbering(0.00 TO 3.00m) 29 B. Close Timbering(3.00 TO 6.00m) 30 i. Close timbering left in trenches Used(3.00 TO 6.00m) 31 ii. Close timbering left in trenches Unused(3.00 TO 6.00m) 32 C. Close Timbering(6.00 TO 9.00m) 33 Disposal of surplus earth with municipal limits upto a distance of 8 km as per direction of E/I. 34 Providing non-pressure AC Pipe Class-2 with 1 No. AC Coupling with a set of three rubber ringsincluding testing of joints etc. complete. 35 200mm dia 36 250mm dia 37 Supply of R.C.C NP-3 pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete. Cost includes supply of rubber ring/gasket etc. 38 250mm dia 39 300mm dia 40 350mm dia 41 700mm dia 42 Supply of R.C.C NP-4 pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) including testing of joints etc. complete. 43 250mm dia 44 300mm dia 45 350mm dia 46 700 mm dia 47 Carting laying jointing and fill testing from (upto 8km) the following sizes of R.C.C NP-3 pipes and specials to the site of work, lowering them in to trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient including testing of pipeline (but excluding cost of trenching and cuting of pipes etc. for making of lengths but including making joint. 48 0.00 to 1.50 m 49 200mm dia 50 250mm dia 51 1.50 to 3.00 m 52 200mm dia 53 250mm dia 54 300mm dia 55 350mm dia 56 3.00 to 4.50 m 57 200mm dia 58 250mm dia 59 300mm dia 60 350mm dia 61 700 mm dia 62 4.50 to 6.00 m 63 250mm dia 64 700mm dia 65 6.00 to 7.50 m 66 250mm dia 67 300mm dia 68 350mm dia 69 700mm dia 70 Supply and Pushing of MS casing pipe of specified thickness by trenchless method adopting micro-tunnelling or any suitable mechanical technology or technology approved by Railway below ground at all depth under running traffic condition as per railway/department standard including carrying out survey work at the job site for determining underground cable trenches like telephone, cable, water & sanitary lines and resistivity test for finding the soil strata using necessary equipment’s for completion of works, mobilizing of machineries and specialized crew at the job site complete in all respect, including excavation of driven pit and exit pit (upto 3 metre depth) with proper protection at three sites with shoring sheets and ISMB"s. Providing MS cutting edges for front shield and Constructing thrust bed at designated level. Necessary de-watering and providing concrete foundation at the base of the driven pit, PVC/Rubber saddle as per the requirement of Railway Authority, crane for handing of pipe and any other machinery, tools, and tackles required, construction of temporary works as per requirement and as per approved by railway authorities, specification and the direction of the Engineer. Note- 1. All pipe used for trenchless must have Protective coating/ lining as per suitable IS code 2. Length of pipe shall be measured in between the outer wall of two manholes / Inspection chambers. Pipe in the anhole /inspection chamber’s wall shall deemed to be included in the item of manhole/inspection chamber shall not be payable. 71 500mmMS pipe with thickness not less than 12 mm 72 4.5 - 6.0 BGL 73 6.0 - 7.5 BGL 74 7.5 - 9.0 BGL 75 700mm MS pipe with thickness not less than 14 mm 76 4.5 - 6.0 BGL 77 6.0 - 7.5 BGL 78 800mm MS pipe with thickness not less than 14 mm 79 6.0 - 7.5 BGL 80 7.5- 9.0 BGL 81 Supply of all materials, labour, T & P etc. and constructing Brick circular M.H. of following sizes as type design and drawing including dewatering etc comp. (as per unit estimate) 82 Circular Type 0.00 to 1.65 m (900mm dia) 83 Circular Type 1.66 to 2.30 m (1200mm dia) 84 Circular Type 2.31 to 3.00 m (1500mm dia) 85 Circular Type 3.00 to 4.00 m (1500mm dia) 86 Circular Type 4.00 to 5.00 m (1500mm dia) 87 Circular Type 5.00 to 6.00 m (1500mm dia) 88 Circular Type 6.00 to 7.00 m (1500mm dia) 89 Supply of all materials, labour, T & P etc. and constructing RCC circular M.H. of following sizes as type design and drawing including dewatering. (as per unit estimate) 90 Circular Type 7.00 to 8.00 m (1500mm dia) 91 Circular Type 8.01 to 9.00 m (1500mm dia) 92 Supply of all material labour and T&P etc. and providing barricading of open trenche. 93 Cutting of Road in sewer laying 94 Bitumen Road 95 CC Road 96 BOE Road 97 Interlock Tile Road 98 Reinstatment of road in sewer laying as per PWD/Jal Nigam specification 99 Bitumen RoadFor Nagar Nigam 100 Bitumen RoadFor PWD 101 CC Road (230 mm thick) 102 CC Road (280 mm thick) 103 BOE Road 104 Tile Road 105 Local Sand Filling in Trenches on PWD roads and For sewer laid at depth more than 4 m Below ground Level 106 Shifting of 11 Kv underground electrictity cable including supply of all materials, labour, Charges to Electricity department and T&P all etc. 107 Shifting of 33Kv underground electrictity cable including supply of all materials, labour, Charges to Electricity department and T&P all etc. 108 Dewatering of Subsoil Water from 4.5 m to 6 mtr depth BGL 109 Dewatering of Subsoil Water from 6 m to 9 mtr depth BGL 110 Siffting of Following HDPE and DI K 7 pipe including supply of all material labour T&P with all jointing materials etc comp . 111 90 mm dia HDPE 112 110 mm dia HDPE 113 140 mm dia HDPE 114 160 mm dia HDPE 115 200 mm dia DI K-7 116 250 mm dia DI K-7 117 300 mm dia DI K-7 118 350 mm dia DI K-7 119 400 mm dia DI K-7 120 Dismentling of following type of road and stacking of useful materials including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete. 121 BOE Road 122 C.C. Road 123 Bitumen Road 124 Interlocking 125 Reinstatement of following type road As per PWD 126 BOE Road 127 C.C. Road 128 Bitumen Road 129 Interlocking 130 Supply of all materials, labour T&P and provide Inter connection of new pipe line with old existing pipe line. 131 SEWER HOUSE CONNECTION 132 Dismanting of different type of road surfaces:- 133 C.C. Roads 134 Bitumin road 135 Interlocking tiles 136 BOE roads 137 Reinstatement of Road Surface 138 C.C. Roads 139 Bitumin road 140 Interlocking tiles 141 BOE roads 142 Provision for following types of Culvert crossing along the alignment of pipe line complete as per instructions of Engineer ‐in ‐charge. (casing of pipe is done by concreting) 143 Construction of Sewer Connecting Chamber of size 60 x 60 x 75 cm 144 Construction of House Connecting Chamber of size 30 x 30 x 45 cm 145 Making Domestic Sewer connection using 120mm (OD) PN 6 HDPE Pipe from H.C.C to S.C.C 146 Laying of Sewer line from Sewer Inter connecting chamber to Manhole using 160mm dia PN 6HDPEpipe. 25 % houses in Narrow lanes. 147 Laying of Sewer line from Sewer Inter connecting chamber to Manhole using 150mm dia AC MAZZA Class IIpipe. 75 % Houses 148 Making Domestic Sewer connection using 120mm (OD) PN-6 HDPE Pipe from house collecting grey and black water to H.C.C (75 % of household) 149 Making Domestic Sewer connection using 120mm (OD) PN-6 HDPE Pipe from house collecting grey and black water to Manhole Direct without Connection to I.C.C. (25 % of house hold) 150 Construction ofscreen channel including excavation, P.C.C. with cement, coarse sand, stone ballast 40 mm (1:4:8), R.C.C. with cement, coarse sand, stone ballast 20 mm (1:1.5:3) and using HYSD 500 TMT bars as per type drawing and design etc. complete 151 Screen channel before IPS-1 152 Screen channel before IPS-2 153 Construction ofsumpwell at IPS including excavation R.C.C. work using cement, coarse sand and graded aggregate 20 mm (1:1.5:3), P.C.C. work with cement, coarse sand and stone ballest 40 mm (1:2:4) also using HYSD 500 TMT bars as per type drawing and design 154 Sump well at IPS-1, size 7.00 m dia x 10.55 m deep 155 Sump well at IPS-2, size 10.00 m dia x 11.06 deep 156 Excavatrion in foundation in ordinary soil (loam, clay & sand) including lift upto 1.5m and lead upto 50m watering & rammin of excavated earth into the tranches or into the space between the building and the sidesw of the foundatio or into the plinth and disposal of surplus earth upto a distance of 50m from centre of trenches. 157 Supply of DI Pipes, class K-9 with rubber gasket, conforming to IS:8329, FOR destination (store at Loni) including all taxes and insurance etc. complete. 158 750 mm dia pipe IPS-3 to STP 159 250mm dia pipe IPS-4 to MH:TM-58 160 Supply of specials such as duck foot bends tail pieces, bends etc. @10% of item no. 2 161 Carting laying jointing and fill testing from store (upto 8km) the following sizes of D.I. Pipes (Class K-9) and specials to the site of work, lowering them in to trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient including testing of pipeline (but excluding cost of trenching and cuting of pipes etc. for making of lengths but including making joint. 162 750mm dia. 163 250mm dia. 164 RCC work with cement, coarse sand and graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size in proportion of 1:1.5:3 excluding supply of the reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding with 0.5mm thick binding wire (to be supplied by the contractor) & including necessary centering and shuttering, supply of all materials labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 165 Thrust Block 166 Mild steel or iron work in R.C.C. work wrought to required shape as necessaty including bending for proper completion of work including supply of steel & wastage etc. 167 Dismantling of roads for laying of pipe line including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials,stacking and disposal of unserviceable materials upto a distance of 50 m. 168 BT Road 169 Reinstatement of following type of roads dismantled during laying of pipe line including supply of all materials, labour and T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 170 BT Road 171 Air / Vacuum relies valves specially for sewerage services and size as per OEM. Manually controlled isolation valve for rising main. 172 20mm dia 173 Providing & construction of Air Valve Chamberas per unit estimate. 174 size 350x350x500mm 175 Providing & construction of Flow Meter Chamberas per detailed estimate. 176 Size 1.5x1.00x2.00 m 177 Providing & construction of Combined Chamber for Sluice Valve, NRV & Air Valve size 2.50 x 1.50 x 2.00m as per detailed estimate. 178 Crossing Railway Line by trenchless technology with 750 MM DI K 9 Carrier , 1000 MM & 1200 MM dia MS pipe as Casing. Including supply of pipe and all material, labour and T&P. 179 Construction of Staff Quarter as per approved design and drawing from department 180 Construction of Meter Room Size (3.0mx 3.0m x 4.50m) as per detailed estimate. 181 Construction of L.T. Panel Room Size (5.0mx 4.0m x 4.50m) as per detailed estimate. 182 Construction of H.T. Panel Room Size (5.0mx 4.0m x 4.50m) as per detailed estimate. 183 Portable Bio Toilet 184 Construction of Pump House (6.0 m x 5.0 m) 185 Construction of D.G. Platform Size-8.00mx2.50m, 2Nos. 186 Site development including levelling, dressing & horticulture etc. complete. 187 Storm Water Drain at IPS Site 188 Providing & Construction of Boundary Wall as per unit estimate. Pile and RCC column foundation 189 Providing & Construction of Boundary Wall as per unit estimate. Brickwork 190 25mm th. PCC 1:2:4 floor with cement, coarse sand and 20mm gauge stone ballast with base concrete (75mm th.) 1:4:8 cement, local sand and brick ballast of 40mm gauge. 191 Supply and Fixing 3.6m wide iron gate and with pillars. As per Unit Estimate. 192 Providing & Construction of 4.0m wide C.C. Road 193 Internal Road & Approach Road 194 Rain Water Harvesting at IPS Site. 195 E / M works 196 IPS -3 197 Pumping Plant 198 SITC of submersible non clog pump single stage having two vanes semi open shrouded impeller coupled with submersible motor of 4600 LPM, Rating 415 Volt ±10%,3 phase 50 Hz, solid handling capacity 100mm, suitable to pump sewage with an specific gravity =1.05 ( approx) having following construction of material.Casing-2% Ni Cl. IS.210 grade F.G.220 with hardness 275 BHN.Impeller-Stainless steel CF-8M shaft-stainless steel AISI-410 Discharge of Pump 4600 LPM Speed=1500 RPM along with all required accessories and mounting arrangeents e.gGuide Pipe, Lifting Chain, Clamps,Foundation, Required Sensors, Power and Control Cables upto 50 M distance complete in all respects. 199 Soft starter suitable for operation on 400 ± 10% volts,3 phase, 50 Hz,AC supply suitable for starting and running of Above electric motor and suitable for 8 to 12 starts and stops per Hr. 200 Motor Control Panel for Pumping Plant 201 MS sheet fabricated factory wired dust & vermin proof cubical and floor mounting type control panel Scada Compatible comprising of 1 nos. ACB incomer cubical panel incoming from LT Switchgear Panel and another 01 No. incomer from DG AMF Panel having electronic interlock arrangements along with 6 nos. outgoing for pumps with 200 Amp MCCB and 3 nos. outgoing for misc. loads (L&F etc.) with 100/63/32 Amp MCCB/MCB. The Panel Must consist of Inbuilt or Seperate Control Panel consisting of Features like. Auto Start and Stop of Motor Pumpset in accordance to Sump Level, Motor Protection Relays, Under Voltage, Over Voltage and Thermal Protection, Over Curret Protection, Earth Fault Protection, Short Circuit Protection etc complete in all Respect with touch Display. 202 Main Pipings and Valves 203 Sluice Valve 200mm with actuator for pumps 204 Sluice Valve 400mm dia with actuator for Common Header 205 Reflux valve 200mm dia N.B. 206 Reflux valve 400mm dia N.B. For Common Header 207 Dismantling joints.200mm 208 Dismantling joints.400mm 209 Level Sensor and Level switches 210 Column Pipe for Pumps with Common Header havng CI Pipes & Fitting with enlarger, distance piece of different size, 90 deg. Bend, all flange tee, DF pipe suitable Size 3 m, 2m & 1 M, Reducer/Enlarger, Blind Flange, Common Header etc complete in all respects for complete IPS. 211 Nut bolts & washer S.S. and M.S. with Required Rubber Packings 212 Pressure Transmitter 213 Provision for 400 mm dia electromagnetic flow meter complete with display unit including power cable installation testing & commissioning suitable to measure . 214 Auto phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure conforming to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC:60947-b-1) (630 Amps) or as per actual design for complete IPS load 215 Complete Cabling for IPS including all power & control cable of all equipments at IPS . 216 SITC of E.O.T. crane of 5 tonne capacity along with gantry girders, chain pulley, block and geared trolley suitable for 10 m span with SS chain, 15m clear lift complete in all respect for pump house. Detailed specifications are as below confirming to I.S. 3177 and I.S.3832 Indef make chain Pulley Block Capacity 5 Tone with 10 mts lift and hand chain of 6 meters along with indef make traveling trolley capacity 5 Tone with 6 m hand chain fitted on gantry Girders and transverse movement rail arrangement. 217 Toolbox of 30"x18"x11"Fabricated from 18 Gauge MS sheet fuly black painted comprising of followings. Ring Spanner of 12 PCs-1Set, D/E Spanners of 12 PCs-1Set, Adjustable wrench12"-1No., Pipe wrench 24"size-12No., Pipe wrench 18" size-1No, Pipe wrench 12" Size-1No.,Bearing Puller-1No.,Crimpling Tools upto 400mm², Heavy duty sockets 20mm to 50mm-1Set, Chain wrench 36"-2Nos.Omsi;ated plier-1No.L&Key set-1Set,Screwdriver-1Set,Insulation Resistance Tester upto 5000V, Continuity Tester-1 No, Multimeter-1 NO,Rotary oil pump-1 No. Plier Set-1 No Etc. as per Direction of Engineer in-Charge and to cater Operation and Maintenance Works of all Equipments installed. 218 Fire Extinguisher arrangements confirming to ISS and as per site requirements. 219 12.5/25mm thick Rubber Electric Resistance sheet as per ISS for LT&H.T Panels and Starters as Per Design and Requirements 220 Miscellaneous Items Such as First Aid Box, Steel Almirah of 6’x3’in 20 Gaugesheet, Required Furniture, Steel Tubular chair, Steel tubular table, Fire Stand with bucketsalong with Required Temporary Site Office Arrangement with desktop, computer, Printer, Computer/SCADA Opearator and Stationary, Vehicle for watch and Ward During Construction and Trail Run Upto Handover 221 Installation & Commissioning of all 6 Nos. Pump set, starters,Piping & Valves, Gauges as mentioned in above including proper Cabling, Termination and earthing, required chequered plate complete in all Respect 222 Testing of each pumps at manufacturer works and also at site. 223 Painting of all pumps piping and valves with two coat black enamel paint. 224 Internal and External internal wiring of pump house H.T. Room L.T. control room, Meter Room, D.G.Room, Store and staff quarters with Lights, Fan, Exhaust Fans and Accessories Complete in all Respect 225 Pole Mounted Solar based campus lighting with battery bank 226 Construction of trusses with the help of M.S. Channels, M.S. angle irons, nut bolts and rivets as required for supporting the out going and common header line in the pump house in single stream for the pumps to be installed. 227 SITC of water supply arrangements with Mini tubewell 100mm PVC pipe including submersible pump of suitable size for campus water requirement complete in all respect e.g water tank, piping arrangements. 228 Manual Bar Screen 229 SITC of suitable fixed type manual coarse bar screen for Peak Flow having 20mm bar spacing, 10mm bar thickness and angle of installation 60° ,MOC-SS-304. 230 Mechanical Bar screen 231 SITC of SCADA Compatible suitable multirake coarsebar screen having 20 mm bar spacing , 10 mm bar thickness, MOC- SS-304.and angle of installation 75° duly followed with diffrential level sensor arrangement conveyor system including electric motor, starter, cable etc of suitable size as per latest IS and direction of Engineer In Charge 232 Sluice Gate 233 SITC of SCADA Compatible Suitable C.I.Sluice gate as per actual design requirements confirming to IS13349/92 or AWWA AC-501 having F shaped wall thimble mounted , Actuator operated, upward opening, rising spindle type,flush bottom closure arrangement, open top frame gate with Positioning card 234 Electric Substation 235 SITC of 11/0.415 KV Electric Substation with 01 working + 01 Standby Electric Transformer as per actual Design Requirements along with 11 KV HT Switchgear Panel with 1 Incomer and 2 Outgoing VCB Panel with all required protections. The switchgear panel consists of Bus-Coupler along with electronic interlock, metering arrangements, DC power supply/ SMPS, Gravel Filling, Neutral Grounding, Fencing around substation, Fire fighting arrangements, required power and control cabling, route markup, cable trenches, cable tray arrangements, complete in all respects 236 SITC of SCAD compatible LT Switch gear Panel with 02 Nos. incomer from 02 Transformers and 01 No outgoing cubical with all required protections and smart energy metering arrangements. The job also includes required power and control cables, Cable trenches, cable trays, earthing arrangements etc complete in all respects 237 Floor mounting extensible type dust and vermin proof APFC Panel with auto power factor correction relay, LT contactors suitable size capacitor bank,TP switch fuse unit complete with internal wiring suitable for 315 KVA load. The capacity of power capacitor bank will be suitable to improve the power factor uo to 0.99 238 DG Sets 239 SITC of DG Sets with reuired foundation, anti vibration mounting arrangements, earthing, SCADA compatible AMF Panel, Synchronizing panel, power and control wiring, cable tray and trenches complete in all respects with exhaust piping arrangements as per UPPCB Norms. 240 Necessary approval from Electrical Safety Department for IPS Substation and Swithgears 241 Trial & Run of IPS 242 HSD Oil During Trail and Run Period 243 SCADA of IPS with all Required Hardware like RTU, Comunication Devices, firewall, Surge arrester etc along with required Software, Field Instruments and interconnection of differtent equipments e.g Motor, Pumpset, Energymeter, Switchgear, DG Set, Flowmeter, Valves, Gate, Screen etc complete job in all respects 244 Trial & Run upto handing over of IPS with required arrangements of operator, other consumables for maintenance, Required Labour, TnP, Vehicles Complete in all respects 245 IPS -4 246 Pumping Plant 247 SITC of submersible non clog pump single stage having two vanes semi open shrouded impeller coupled with submersible motor of 7400 LPM, Rating 415 Volt ±10%,3 phase 50 Hz, solid handling capacity 100mm, suitable to pump sewage with an specific gravity =1.05 ( approx) having following construction of material.Casing-2% Ni Cl. IS.210 grade F.G.220 with hardness 275 BHN.Impeller-Stainless steel CF-8M shaft-stainless steel AISI-410 Discharge of Pump 4600 LPM Total Head= 50 m Speed=1500 RPM along with all required accessories and mounting arrangeents e.gGuide Pipe, Lifting Chain, Clamps,Foundation, Required Sensors, Power and Control Cables upto 50 M distance complete in all respects. 248 Soft starter suitable for operation on 400 ± 10% volts,3 phase, 50 Hz,AC supply suitable for starting and running of above electric motor and suitable for 8 to 12 starts and stops per Hr. 249 Motor Control Panel for Pumping Plant 250 MS sheet fabricated factory wired dust & vermin proof cubical and floor mounting type control panel Scada Compatible comprising of 1 nos. ACB incomer cubical panel incoming from LT Switchgear Panel and another 01 No. incomer from DG AMF Panel having electronic interlock arrangements along with 6 nos. outgoing for pumps with 400 Amp MCCB and 6 nos. outgoing for misc. loads (L&F etc.) with 100/63/32 Amp MCCB/MCB. The Panel Must consist of Inbuilt or Seperate Control Panel consisting of Features like. Auto Start and Stop of Motor Pumpset in accordance to Sump Level, Motor Protection Relays, Under Voltage, Over Voltage and Thermal Protection, Over Curret Protection, Earth Fault Protection, Short Circuit Protection etc complete in all Respect with touch Display. 251 Main Pipings and Valves 252 Sluice Valve 150mm with actuator for pumps 253 Sluice Valve 250mm dia with actuator for Common Header 254 Reflux valve 150mm dia N.B. 255 Reflux valve 250mm dia N.B. For Common Header 256 Dismantling joints.150mm 257 Dismantling joints.250mm 258 Level Sensor and Level switches 259 Column Pipe for Pumps with Common Header havng CI Pipes & Fitting with enlarger, distance piece of different size, 90 deg. Bend, all flange tee, DF pipe suitable Size 3 m, 2m & 1 M, Reducer/Enlarger, Blind Flange, Common Header etc complete in all respects for complete IPS. 260 Nut bolts & washer S.S. and M.S. with Required Rubber Packings 261 Pressure Transmitter 262 Provision for 250 mm dia electromagnetic flow meter complete with display unit including power cable installation testing & commissioning suitable to measure . 263 Auto phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure conforming to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC:60947-b-1) (630 Amps) or as per actual design for complete IPS load 264 Complete Cabling for IPS including all power & control cable of all equipments at IPS . 265 SITC of H.O.T. crane of 2 tonne capacity along with gantry girders, chain pulley, block and geared trolley suitable for 10 m span with SS chain, 15m clear lift complete in all respect for pump house. Detailed specifications are as below confirming to I.S. 3177 and I.S.3832 Indef make chain Pulley Block Capacity 5 Tone with 10 mts lift and hand chain of 6 meters along with indef make traveling trolley capacity 5 Tone with 6 m hand chain fitted on gantry Girders and transverse movement rail arrangement. 266 Toolbox of 30"x18"x11"Fabricated from 18 Gauge MS sheet fuly black painted comprising of followings. Ring Spanner of 12 PCs-1Set, D/E Spanners of 12 PCs-1Set, Adjustable wrench12"-1No., Pipe wrench 24"size-12No., Pipe wrench 18" size-1No, Pipe wrench 12" Size-1No.,Bearing Puller-1No.,Crimpling Tools upto 400mm², Heavy duty sockets 20mm to 50mm-1Set, Chain wrench 36"-2Nos.Omsi;ated plier-1No.L&Key set-1Set,Screwdriver-1Set,Insulation Resistance Tester upto 5000V, Continuity Tester-1 No, Multimeter-1 NO,Rotary oil pump-1 No. Plier Set-1 No Etc. as per Direction of Engineer in-Charge and to cater Operation and Maintenance Works of all Equipments installed. 267 Fire Extinguisher arrangements confirming to ISS and as per site requirements. 268 12.5/25mm thick Rubber Electric Resistance sheet as per ISS for LT&H.T Panels and Starters as Per Design and Requirements 269 Miscellaneous Items Such as First Aid Box, Steel Almirah of 6’x3’in 20 Gaugesheet, Required Furniture, Steel Tubular chair, Steel tubular table, Fire Stand with bucketsalong with Required Temporary Site Office Arrangement with desktop, computer, Printer, Computer Opearator and Stationary, Vehicle for watch and Ward During Construction and Trail Run Upto Handover 270 Installation & Commissioning of all 6 Nos. Pump set, starters,Piping & Valves, Gauges as mentioned in above including proper Cabling, Termination and earthing, required chequered plate complete in all Respect 271 Testing of each pumps at manufacturer works and also at site. 272 Painting of all pumps piping and valves with two coat black enamel paint. 273 Internal and External internal wiring of pump house H.T. Room L.T. control room, Meter Room, D.G.Room, Store and staff quarters with Lights, Fan, Exhaust Fans and Accessories Complete in all Respect 274 Pole Mounted Solar based campus lighting with battery bank 275 Construction of trusses with the help of M.S. Channels, M.S. angle irons, nut bolts and rivets as required for supporting the out going and common header line in the pump house in single stream for the pumps to be installed. 276 SITC of water supply arrangements with Mini tubewell 100mm PVC pipe including submersible pump of suitable size for campus water requirement complete in all respect e.g water tank, piping arrangements. 277 Manual Bar Screen 278 SITC of suitable fixed type manual coarse bar screen for Peak Flow having 20mm bar spacing, 10mm bar thickness and angle of installation 60° ,MOC-SS-304. 279 Mechanical Bar screen 280 SITC of SCADA Compatible suitable multirake coarsebar screen having 20 mm bar spacing , 10 mm bar thickness, MOC- SS-304.and angle of installation 75° duly followed with diffrential level sensor arrangement conveyor system including electric motor, starter, cable etc of suitable size as per latest IS and direction of Engineer In Charge 281 Sluice Gate 282 SITC of SCADA Compatible Suitable C.I.Sluice gate as per actual design requirements confirming to IS13349/92 or AWWA AC-501 having F shaped wall thimble mounted , Actuator operated, upward opening, rising spindle type,flush bottom closure arrangement, open top frame gate with Positioning card 283 Electric Switchgear Other Than MCC Panel 284 SITC of SCAD compatible LT Switch gear Panel with 02 Nos. incomer from 02 Transformers and 01 No outgoing cubical with all required protections and smart energy metering arrangements. The job also includes required power and control cables, Cable trenches, cable trays, earthing arrangements etc complete in all respects 285 Floor mounting extensible type dust and vermin proof APFC Panel with auto power factor correction relay, LT contactors suitable size capacitor bank,TP switch fuse unit complete with internal wiring suitable for 315 KVA load. The capacity of power capacitor bank will be suitable to improve the power factor uo to 0.99 286 DG Sets 287 SITC of DG Sets with reuired foundation, anti vibration mounting arrangements, earthing, SCADA compatible AMF Panel, Synchronizing panel, power and control wiring, cable tray and trenches complete in all respects with exhaust piping arrangements as per UPPCB Norms. 288 Necessary approval from Electrical Safety Department for IPS Substation and Swithgears 289 Trial & Run of IPS 290 HSD Oil During Trail and Run Period 291 SCADA of IPS with all Required Hardware like RTU, Comunication Devices, firewall, Surge arrester etc along with required Software, Field Instruments and interconnection of differtent equipments e.g Motor, Pumpset, Energymeter, Switchgear, DG Set, Flowmeter, Valves, Gate, Screen etc complete job in all respects 292 Trial & Run upto handing over of IPS with required arrangements of operator, other consumables for maintenance, Required Labour, TnP, Vehicles Complete in all respects