Tender For Procurement Of Goods - Intra-aortic balloon Pump (IABP) Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS) and Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery instrument set Flow Track Cardiac Output Monitoring (EV1000) Sander's Jet Ventilator for Emergency Airway ENT Coblator system with standard set of wands Automated Identification and antibiotic susceptibly system Automated Semen Analyzer Histopathology fully automated H& E slide Stainer Fully Automated IHC Stainer Auto PAP cervical cancer screening system with HPV Automatic components preparation machine Visual Field Analyzer Cystoscope paediatric cystoscope Flow Cytometer Flexible cysto-nephoscopy T Piece Resuscitator CO2 Fraction Laser Diode Laser Q-Switched ND YAD Laser Video Bronchoscope set Adult, Paediatric, and Neonatal Surgical Opera Cavitational /Cavitron - Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) Endobronchial Ultrasound System Rotary Microtome Magnifying surgical loups Endoscopic Saphenous Vein Harvesting (EVH) System Intra operative Imaging and TTFM for CT Surgery DEXA Scan Radio surgery equipment Near Infrared Spectroscopy Fluid therapy Near Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS) Electro Physiology (EP) System TOF Monitor/Watch for Neuro Muscular block Transcranial Doppler Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Steriliser Mannequins (Laerdal) for training of CPR for COVID Preparedness a) Intubation b) Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) c) Peripheral, Central and Arterial Cannulation d) Front of neck Access (Cricothyroidotomy and tracheostomy) Image Analysis Tools/Trinocular Compound Phase Contrast Microscope for Andrology Lab Gas Analysis Apparatus Halden’s Student Type Gas Analyzer Automatic for CO2,O2 and N2 High end Operating Microscope Plasma Coblation System Stroboscope ENT Skull Base Navigation System Automated Microbial Identification and Sensitivity System NAT Analyzer Cryostat Vitek2-Automated Microbiology Susceptibility Testing Analyser FFR Machine (Fractional Flow Reserve) VIDAS Kingfisher Flex ACL Elite Cytoprep Centrifuge withVortex Mixer Antigen Retrieval System Trans Oesophageal Echo Cardiograph IVUS -Volcano STERRAD-100 NX All Clear Minimally Invasive Cardiac Instruments Impella Endourology set Cystoscope Karl Storz Video Endoscopy Systems Floppy wire with extra support 0 Coronary Angioplasty Fully Automated Non-Contact Tonometer Optical Biometer Phaco Machine with Posterior and Anterior Vitrectomy Portable Ultrasound Machine for Anaesthesia and Vascular Access Activated Clotting Time Machine Thromboelastogram (TEG)/ Thromboelastometer/ ROTEM Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) Sound Processor with Soft Band. CI Speech Processor for Cochlear Implant Bi-Ventricular Pacemaker with Quadripolar LV Lead DDDR with Matching Electrodes Pacemaker MRI Conditional Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD) MR1 Conditional Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy - Pacing (CRT- P) Single Chamber (SSI) MRI Compatible Pacemaker Single Chamber Temporary Pacemaker Non-complain /semi complain /CTO coronary balloon. Vacuum Heart Stabilizer System for off Pump CABG Expandable Corpectomy device Biomimetic Synthetic Absorbable Dural substitute of sizes AO TRS Modular Drive for Drill/Reamer AO TRS Modular Sagittal saw system Battery Oscillator Arthroscopy Systems Navigation System for Neurosurgery & Orthopaedic Surgery Time Lapse Embryo Imaging System Portable Mobile Endoscopy Unit Cryoprobe Isothermal Calorimeter (ITC) Electrical Impedance Tomography FNIRS (Functional Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy) System Automated Hand-Held Analyzer Automated High Throughput Liquid Based Cytology (LBC) System Automated IHC (Immuno Histochemistry Stainer) Automated Slide Stainer for Histopathology 3T Digital PET/MR Dual Particle Cyclotron on buyback basis Sweat Collection and Chloride Estimation Automated Bronchoscope Cleaning Equipment Electronics and console for the existing 700 MHz NMR Spectrometer Video bronchoscope with mobility of tip in four directions Freeze Facture System Cryo Plunge Freezing Unit Biological High- Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy Carbon Coater (Evaporator) for grids Hemostasis Analyzer System Auricular Reconstruction Set Thin Layer Chromatography Liner Analyser for lipid analysis Digital Slide Scanner System Full Endoscopic lumbar IT & ED set Rapid Blood/Fluid Flow warmer Fully Automated Computerized Archival System for Histopathology & Cytology Slides Vacuum Assist Drainage Controller Device VAP Care System Cryoablation Unit 3D Printer Hardware with SLA (LFSJ TM Technology and Machine interface software Transcutaneous Oxygen Monitor Non-Invasive Jugular Oximetry Monitor Dedicated Solid-state cardiac SPECT Camera Hemodynamic Recorded for Cardio Vascular Lab Gel Documentation System Automatic Colony Counter Droplet Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction System (PCR) Multi-block PCR Machine Integrated Automated Charting System upgradable for ICU Monitoring System Viscoelastic Global coagulation Testing Device Robotic Surgery System with accessories
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