Tender For Tender For Cath lab equipments-01 Angiographic Catheter comprised of a two-layer construction, double sided stainles stsel two-ply mesh sandwiched between lapers of polyurethane and polyamide a Must have 32 mode of statole braid Most Have the shalt er lager and our layer contain bertum sulphate. Must Have protector, with non-braided tip shaft distal-m Trum ratial catheter must have shapes destined to calate left and right coronary arteri TIG TIG Mast he available in 47, SF, 6F ses Must have inner dometer of 47 100mm, 57 1.20mm, 61.30mm USFDA/PMDA Doubte braided Catheter with seamless steel rosah technology. Tuner Gameter of Fr 100mm,5 1.20mm, 51.30mim or more muling in Higher. Пож тв Must have 22 traids of state The shaft inner layer and outer la should contain BARTUM SULPHATE Catheter should have altra-thin wall that Catheter should havenking protector, with non-bridal tipsh Trinafemonal catheter shapes TUR AL AR, IM, pigtail. designed to cannulate vasculature in coronary, USFDA/PMDA approved 03 Multipurpose (MP) diagnostic catheter size ranging from 5F to 6F/100cm Hydrophillic Guidewire with Super elastic Nitinol allow for superior kink resistance, Must Have M coat hydrophilic coat for extra lubricity. One piece construction for one to one torque & Radiopaque polyurethane jacket. Must Have Tungsten-infused polyurethane jacket. Must be available in 260 cm Straight and angle USFDA/PMDA approved 04 Multipurpose (MP) diagnostic catheter size ranging from 5F to 6F/100cm 05 INTRODUCER SHEATH WITH PUNCTURE NEEDLE FOR ADULTS (Sizes 5-11 Fr.) - Standard Length; 10-16-25 cm long; 0.021 or 0.025-inch guide wire compatible; Material of sheath tubing should be made of ETFE, Cross cut valve should be made up of silicon rubber & should have silicone coating. dilator tube should be made up of polypropylene and should have silicon coating. Must Have With haemostatic crosscut valve; With Integrated side arm attached 3-way stopcock; With with suture eye for securing sheath and click sound; Kink resistant. Must Have With dilator-hub lock mechanism to prevent its back-out during insertion; Pack MUST include with or without metallic needle USFDA/PMDA Approved 06 Radial INTRODUCER SHEATH WITH PUNCTURE NEEDLE FOR ADULTS (Sizes 4 - 7 Fr.) - Standard Length 7 cm long; 0.035 or 0.038-inch guide wire compatible, include surflash 20G*2 entry needle (plastic IV catheter) and 0.025" mini plastic guidewire Must have ETFE sheath tubing, dilator tube should be made up of polypropylene and should have silicon coating; Should Contain haemostatic crosscut valve to prevent back leak of blood and aspiration of air; With Integrated side arm with attached 3-way stopcock; Must have suture eye; Kink resistant; With dilator-hub lock mechanism. PMDA/USFDA 150cm long hydrophilic guide wire 0.035 black angled & Straight. 07 08 260 cm long hydrophilic guidewire 0.035 black angled and straight 09 150cm-260cm PTFE coated guide wire 10 EBU guiding catheter length for 100cm)size 5F,6F, 7F curves 3,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0) 11 Judkins left Guiding Catheter 5F-7F/100cm,curve 3,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0 12 Judkins Right Guiding Catheter for 5F-7F/100cm curve 3.5 and 4.0/Side holes 13 Amplatz, Right and left(Ar& AL)6F-7F/100cm curves 1.0,2.0,3.0 Side holes guiding catheter 14 MBI and IMA guiding catheter 6F-7F/100cm 15 Pressure monitoring line-100cm-200cm. 16 Puncture needle 18G &20G 18G-7cm, 20G-4cm 17 18 Inflation device- Gun type 19 3 port manifold 20 High pressure resistance Y- connector with bonded extension tube push pull valve 21 Jelco 20G Surgeon Gown 22 Angiogram kit(Surgeons gown-2nos, Hand towel 2nos, Large drop with aperture 1nos, trolley sheet-Inos, wrap sheet 1nos) 23 Biohazard angiogram kit Special Slender Sheath (GSS) Must Have unique thin wall technology reducing the outer diameter by 1 Fr size whilst maintaining the one size lager inner diameter. 24 Must Have 7Fr Sheath with Outer diameter of 2.8mm, 6Fr with OD of 2.46 mm & 5Fr with OD of 2.13mm. hydrophilic M coating with 20/21G Surflash needle and TIF tip technology which provide optimal tapering design. USFDA/PMDA Approved Femoral Diagnostic Catheter: Double braided Catheter with stainless steel mesh technology. Inner diameter of 4Fr=1.03mm, 5Fr = 1.20mm, 6Fr 1.30mm or more resulting in Higher flow rates. 25 26 Must have 32 Strands of stainless-steel braid. The shaft inner layer and outer layer should contain BARIUM SULPHATE Catheter should have ultra-thin wall that creates large lumen. Catheter should have anti-kinking protector, with non-braided tip shaft (distal -2 cm). Transfemoral catheter shapes JL, JR, AL, AR, IM, pigtail. designed to cannulate vasculature in coronary, USFDA/PMDA approved Hydrophillic Guidewire with Super elastic Nitinol allow for superior kink resistance, Must Have M coat hydrophilic coat for extra lubricity. One piece construction for one to one torque & Radiopaque polyurethane jacket. Must Have Tungsten-infused polyurethane jacket. Must be available in 150 cm, 180 cm -Straight and angle USFDA/PMDA approved Hydrophillic Guidewire with Super elastic Nitinol allow for superior kink resistance, Must Have M coat hydrophilic coat for extra lubricity. One piece construction for one to one torque & Radiopaque polyurethane jacket. 27 Must Have Tungsten-infused polyurethane jacket. Must be available in 260 cm - Straight and angle USFDA/PMDA approved Baby J wire with 1.5mm J tip, Baby J Curve Must have radius of 1.5 mm. 28 Super elastic Nitinol alloy, M coat hydrophilic coat, One piece construction for one to one torque & Radiopaque polyurethane jacket. Must Have Tungsten-infused polyurethane jacket. USFDA/PMDA approved PTFE Guidewire, V Stick, with choice of Stainless steel core or Nitinol core, 29 40 cms to 260 cms of lengths & 0.018'' to 0.038'' diameter With Silicon Coated tip and Bevel Indicator USFDA/PMDA approved Guiding Catheter - Must have stainless steel flat wire braid Flat 2 over 2, stainless steel wire Guiding catheter with hydrophilic coating (Uncoated distal 7 cm & Proximal 25 cm). 30 Must Have Inner Layer of PTFE with fluoro Polymer Must be available in shapes like TIG/EBU/XBRA, JR, JR with side holes. PMDA Approved/USFDA Special Guiding Catheter - IKARI Curve Must Have Ikari curve for radial route. Π Must have stainless steel flat wire braid High Strength Wired braided catheter with Inner Layer of PTFE with fluoro Polymer. 31 Must have Zone technology five Zone each fabricated from a material of different stiffness. Π Must have larger lumen. 6Fr ID - .071" Π USFDA/PMDA approved Guiding Catheter 6F/7F having Henka Braiding, Atraumatic Tip, Flexiblity and more Radiopacity, 100cm, PTFE Inner Liner, Urethane Tip for flexiblity and Visualisation. JL/JR/Extra backup/Special 32 curve/AR/AL/MP 33 Balloon Inflation device II 30 ml clear syringe barrel with smooth moving plunger. Adjustable manometer 45degree left and right. Nighlight dial 34 Radial artery compression tourniquets Transparent pad. Spherical design. Elastic pressure belt. Contactless supporting pad 35 36 Y Connector(Push Click) Unique push click design. Torque & Introducer Fit0.014"-0.021" Guidewire. 180 psi leak-proofseal from propreitary valve Guide wire M stiff type is a nitinol hydrophilic guide wire covered with polyurethane containing tungsten and a hydrophilic polymer coating (patented M Coating) with good shape memory and high stiffness and resistance and comes in 150 cms length. 37 Guide wire M stiff type is a nitinol hydrophilic guide wire covered with polyurethane containing tungsten and a hydrophilic polymer coating (patented M Coating) with good shape memory and high stiffness and resistance and comes in 260 cms length.