Tender For Supply Of Surgical Items, Adult airway size 4 10mm liver lock 30mm 1/2 circle cutting 3way stopcock 10cm extension 5 SPL 6" Special 6"Ordinary ABG machine catridge Adult diappers(Large, Medium, Small) Alcoholic hand rub Allis forceps 10" Allis forceps 6 Allis forceps 8 Amber knife Ambu LMA Arterial line transducer Artery forceos (curved) 6" Artery forceos (curved) 8" Artery forceps (curved Artery forceps (small) Artery forceps (small) 10" Artery forceps (small) 6" Artery forceps (small) 8" Artery forceps (straight) Artery forceps (straight) 6" Artery forceps (straight) 8" Artery forceps (straight)10" Autoclave sticker 50pieces Band aid 50 pieces Battery for pulse oxymeter Bed under pad 60 x 90 cm Betadine Scrub Betadine scrub (500ml) Betadine solution (500ml) Betadine solution (500ml) 10% Betadine solution (500ml)5% Black braided Silk(non-Absorbable Surgical suture)1/0 Bone Cutter Medium(Steel) Bone Gauge Bone Nibbler Medium(Steel) Bone Ostelum BP apparatus Digital & Recgargable BP apparatus (manual) BP Handle No.3 BP Spinal needle no.26 BP Spinal needle no.27 Camera cover Canula fixator Carm Cover Catgut 2-0 with needle all size Cedex tray Central line set Triple lumen Centralised 02 Flow meter Cheatle forceps Cheatle forceps Cheattle forceps (closed container) Chemical indicator (Autoclave) Chemo protection kit Cotton swab Crape bandage 10 x 15 Crape bandage 10x10 Crape bandage 15 x 15 Cultrue sending bottle (Swab) Culture tube Cutting scissors all size Cylindrical steel container Cylindrical steel container with lid Disp eye drape 60x60 Disposable bipolar loads(pen) Disposable cautery leads (pen) Disposable female cap Disposable male cap Disposable 02 mask 100piece Disposable plate(cautery) Disposable surgical apron Disposible Apron Disposible plastic apron unsterile Disposible unsterile surgical gown large Dispovan 20 x1 1/2(100nos) Dispovan 21 x1 1/2(100nos) Dispovan 22 x1 1/2(100nos) Dispovan 23 x1 1/2(100nos) Dispovan 24 x1 1/2(100nos) Dispovan 26 x1 1/2(100nos) Distled water 5L can DOMS Stand Doyens retractor Dressing drum all Size Dressing tray with lid L 15x12 Dressing tray with lid M 11x7 Dressing tray with lid 10 x 8 Dressing tray with lid 8 x 6 Dressing tray with lid 12 x 10 Dressing tray with lid 15 x 10 Dressing tray with lid 8 x 3 Dyna Plaster Elastic adhesive bandage Elastoplast Electric Drill 2nos Ethilon 3-0 Ethyllon 2-0 with needle all size Face mask 100nos Flexomatalic CT tube all size Fluid warmer Foleys Catheter 14F, 16F, 18F Formalin chamber big square type Formalin tablet Formaline chamber Foucher's reagent 100ml 1bottle Freka tube (Nasogastric tube) Fridge Thermometer Glucometer Glucometer Counter plus(25 strips free) Glucometer strips(oncall plus, sugar check) Haemalock 10mm with application Hand instrument for Lap appendics High pressure extension 200cm HME Filter Hydrogen Peroxide I gel LMA all size IV Set with airway ICD tube no.25 IM needle 26Gx1/2 Infusion pump with Drop Sensor(IV drip set rate controller) Injection tray with lid 10 x 8 Injection tray with lid 8 x 3 Injection tray with lid 8 x 6 Injection tray with lid 12 x 10 Injection tray with lid 15 x 10 Intubating stylet IV Set Joule retractor K wire bender K wire Cutter Kellys retractor Kidney tray 10" Kidney tray 12" Kidney tray 6" Kidney tray 8" Kidney tray large Lagenbeck retractor medium Lamins Spreader leachmen's stain (500ml) lifaclip for Lap Cholicystectomy Liquir amonia solution 1bottle 500ml LMA Stand Lumbar puncture kit(Spinal anaesthesia kit) Major Surgery kit Mani's bone holder Mayo scissors 6" Mayo Trolley ME4216 ME4245 ME4249 ME4255 ME4277 Medical examination gloves all size Medical examination gloves Large Medical examination gloves Medium Medical examination gloves Small Medicine Trolly Micropore Microshield hand wash Minor Surgery kit Monocryl 3-0 morris retractor medium Mosquito forceps 4" Mosquito forceps 5" N.95 Mask 100nos Nasal Airway (6,6.5,7) Nasal Cannula Child Nasal Cannula Adult Nebulizer Nebulizing mask tube (Adult) Nebulizing mask(Adult & Child) Needle 16 G1 1/2 (disposible) Needle 18 1 1/2 Needle 20G x 1 Needle 22G x 1 Needle 23G x 1 Needle 24G x 1 Needle 25G x 1 Needle 26G x 1 Needle all size Needle all size 1 1/2 Needle holder Needle holder 8" NIV Mask Small, Medium, Large Non vented mask(NIV Mask Small Medium Large NRM Mask NYL20 3333 NYL20 3336 NYL20 3390 02 mask 18 x12 100nos Ortho kit Oxygen flow meter Parafin oil heavy Ibottle 500ml Percutaneous Tracheostomy Set Periosteal elevator PGN 20 2122 PGN 20 2317 PGN 20 2345 PGN 20 2382 Pisatal Grip curved ego Pistal grip curved Plaster cutting scissors Plastic apron Plastic vetinary glaure Plate holder PMO Line male female Point Reduction forceps Poly propaline suture no.1,2-0,3-0 Powderless Glovers (medium) Powderless Gloves (6) Powderless Gloves (7) Powderless Gloves (Large) PPMM 1015 PPMM 12 x 15 PPMM 15 x 15 PPMM 15 x 20 PPMM 30 x 30. PPMM 6 x 11 PPMM 7 x 15 PPMM12 x 18 Prolene no.1,2/0,3/0 Pulse oxemeter Removal suction drain (No. 12") Removal suction drain (No. 14") Removal suction drain (No. 10) RF Vesseel sealings probe Ryles Tube Sault powder 1kg Savlon Scissors Cutting Scissors Straight Screw driver 2.7,3.5,4.5 steel Hand Shop scissors SICS blade Crescent SICS blade keratone Skin staples Sodalime 10kg Spinal needle no.22 Spinal trolley Stapler cut remover Steel basin Steel bowl (SS) medium Steel bowl (SS) small & Big Steel bowl (SS) all size Steel bowl (SS) large Steel plate large Steel Tray all type Sterile Culture bottle Sterile disposable Gloves all size Sterile disposable mop. Sterile disposable mop 20 x 20 8Ply Sterile disposable surgery kit Sterile swab stick Sterizone 80 plaster Steth Microtone Stethescope Stimuplex A insulated needle 22G x2 (0.70x50mm) Surgeons gloves all sizes Surgeons gloves non sterile all size (6.50,7,7.50) Surgeons gloves sterile all size Surgeons gown full sleeve disposible sms material Surgical blade no.11(100nos) Surgical blade no.15(100nos) Surgical blade no. 15(100nos) Surgical blade no.22(100nos) Surgical mope all type Syringe 10cc Syringe 1ml ce Syringe 2.5cc Syringe 20cc Syringe 50cc Syringe 5cc Syringe 5ml with needle Thermometer Three way extension 10cm Three way extension stop cock Thump forceps (non toothed)6" Ordinary Thump forceps(Toothed) 6'ordinary Tille's Nasal Dressing Forceps Tissue Paper square 300 pulls Tracheostemy portex (7,7.5) Tracocar with cannula True cut biopsy needle Udex Tray Ultrasone cutting and coagulation machine Under water seal bag urobag Vacusue Varees needle large Varicose vein streppes Vecryl 3-0 Vcryl (2-0) with needle all size Vented maak adult (Bipap) Ventilater tubings Ventilater tubings timer Ventilator bouge Ventilator Mask Ventilator Tubings Venturi mask(Adult) Viccryl 1-0 Weighing machine (digital) Stainless steel blunt forceps non toothed Stainless steel toothed forceps Teasing needle Straight Digital weighing machine BP Appratus Rechargable Scissors Straight Scissors Cutting Sterizone 80 Ligaclip for Lup Cholystely heamalock 10mm with applicator hand instrument for LUP appendiests 3-0 Monocryl suture Formalin chamber big square type Viccryl no.1 Sterile trolley Betadine scrubs IV Set Mayo Trolley Dyna Plaster Micropore canula 18 (G) Canula 20 (G) Canula 22 (G) Canula 24(G)
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District Hospital Kollam
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