Tenders are invited for AI for Anomaly Detection in Multi-Sensor PNT. Open Date: 13/03/2025 11:26 CET Closing Date: 07/05/2025 13:00 CET Price Range: 200-500 KEURO There is currently considerable research effort being devoted to the development of multi-sensor PNT approaches which promise greater resilience and potentially greater accuracy than GNSS alone. New sensors are also being developed which have less well understoodcharacteristics and vulnerabilities. These include quantum inertial sensors and quantum gravimeters and magnetometers. For such complex multi-sensor systems with less well understood sensors, it may not be possible to fully understand the error sources and failure modes a priori. Traditional methods for sensor fusion rely on pre-defined error models. However, with novel sensors like quantum devices, these models might not exist or be inaccurate. While machine learning excels at learning complex, non-linear relationships from data, it can identify error patterns and dependencies between sensors that traditional methods might miss. This project will seek to develop machine learning approaches to characterising sensors and detecting anomalies that will impact the contributions of these sensors to the position and time solution. For systems which include the use of external signals such as GNSS and signals of opportunity, the machine learning algorithms can also be used to identify spoofing or changes in the signals structure or orbits from satellites of opportunity. Tender Link : https://esastar-publication-ext.sso.esa.int/ESATenderActions/filter/open
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Attn: Dan Georgescu Tel: +31 71 565 65 65
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