Price Registration Acquisition Under Consideration For The Procedure In Congenital Cardiology, To Meet The Needs Of The Paraibana Health Management Foundation Pb Health. The Specifications Of The Term Of Reference Will Prevail, According To Item 7.11 Of The Notice.. Needle Medical Use, Needle Medical Use, Percutaneous Introducer, Percutaneous Introducer, Balloon Catheter, Balloon Catheter, Balloon Catheter, Balloon Catheter, Intravascular Filter, Intravascular Filter, Intravascular Filter, Intravascular Filter, Intravascular Filter, Balloon Balloon P/ Coronary Angioplasty, Balloon Coronary Angioplasty, Balloon Balloon Valvoplasty, Valvoplasty Ballão Cattern, Cathere Valvoplasty, Valvoplasty Ballon Cattern, Ballão Catheter, Intervention Catherter, Intervention, Ballão Periperal Angioplasty, Cathere Peripheral Angioplasty, Cathere Periodic Cather Peripheral, Valvoplasty Balloon Catheter, Valvoplasty Balloon Catheter, Valvoplasty Balloon Catheter, Valvoplasty Balloon Catheter, Valvoplasty Balloon Catheter, Valvoplasty Balloon, Valvoplasty Balloon Catheter, Valvoplasty Balloon, Vascular Prosthesis, Vascular Prosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Endophesisis Coronary, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprhesosis, Coronary Endoprhesisis Coronary, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprosthesis, Coronary Endoprhesis, Cardiac Prosthesis, Cardiac Prosthesis, Cardiac Prosthesis, Cardiac Prosthesis, Cardiac Prosthesis, Cardiac Prosthesis, Cardiac Prosthesis, Prosthesis Cardiac, Cardiac Prosthesis, Cardiac Prosthesis, Cardiac Prosthesis, Neurovascular Spiral, Neurovascular Spiral