Acquisition Of Dental Materials Ii.. Scalpel Blade, Material For Dental Isolation, Rubber Dike, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Non -Surgical Health Procedure W/ Anvisa, Non -Surgical Health Procedure, Non -Surgical Health Procedure W/ Anvisa, Protective Glove, Surgical Mask, Surgical Use, Matrix Use Dental, Personal Protective Glasses, Dental Lubricant, Carbon To Articulate Dental Use, Paramonochlorofenol Dental Use, Abrasive Paste, Molding Paste, Molding Paste, Prophylactic Paste, Pavio - Lamparine / Touch, Pin - Dental Use, Pin - Dental Power, Dental Pot, Handling Pot Dental Napkin, Ruler - Dental Use, Acrylic Resin Dental Use, Acrylic Resin Dental Use, Acrylic Resin Dental Use, Resin Resin, Composite Resin, Composite Resin, Composite Resin, Resin Resin, Resin Resin, Resin, Resin, Resin Composite, Composite Resin, Composite Resin, Composite Resin, Composite Resin, Composite Resin, Radiological Resell, Sealant, Dental Syringe, Syringe, Syllane - Adhesion Agent, Sodium Chloride, Sucker, Sucker, Soda Gas, Abrasive Strip - Dental Use, Dantas - Capus Hospital, Curry, Dental Varnish