Increased Clinical Crown, Quadrant Bone, Lingual Frenzy, Lip France, Maintenance Of Periodontal Treatment, Choron-Radicular Scraping By Sextant Section, Biopsy, Oral Cavity Biopsy, Pre-Protein Senior Surgery, Anterior Teeth Endodontics, Endodontic Endodontics, Retreating, Retreat Endodontic Teeth Of Anterior Teeth, Endodontic Pre -Molar Retreat, Molar Endodontic Retreatment Of Canal And Rx, Anterior Provisionary Crown, Posterior Provisional Crown, Solidex Artiglas Anterior Teeth, Cast Metal Nucleus, Threaded Pin, Molding, Total Or Lower Prosthesis - Each, Roach Removable Partial Prosthesis, Roach Restored Posterior Tooth, Fiberglass Pin, Filling Nucleus, Prosthesis Procedure (Recreation), Prosthesis Procedure (Part Removal), Prosthesis Procedure (Repaying), Intraradicular Core Removal, Intraradicular Pin Preparation, Total Prosthesis Procedures - Laboratory Part With Or Without Repayment (Proof Sheet With Wax Plane; R $ 280, 00 R $ 140,000, 00 10Contage Of Teeth In The Wax Plan; Ceroplasty, Inclusion, Pressing, Finishing), Wisdom, Impacted Wisdom, Wisdom Included, Semi-Included Wisdom, Direct Reconstitution Of Deciduous Tooth, Occlusal Radiography, Panoramic Radiography, Periapical Radiography, Interproximal Peri-Agical Radiography Bite-Wing, Cone Beam Tooth Tomography, Dental Consultation, Deciduous Endodontics Consultation