Tender For Providing And Supplying Of Furniture Material At C.M. Chamber, Cabinet Hall, V.I.P. Waiting Room, ... in India
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Tender Brief
Tender For Providing And Supplying Of Furniture Material At C.M. Chamber, Cabinet Hall, V.I.P. Waiting Room, At Govt. Bunglow Varsha, Malbar Hill, Mumbai.
Providing And Supplying Of Furniture Material At C.M. Chamber, Cabinet Hall, V.I.P. Waiting Room, At Govt. Bunglow Varsha, Malbar Hill, Mumbai.=1 . Providing & Supplying factory made three seater sofa for Hon Speakars office having size 1520815 x 435mm height made out of specified size of CCTW section or adequate size of frarne with 6mm thick marine plywood as per standard ISO for covering from back & arm rests Using 100mm thick branded quality form covered one 25mm soft form and arms hasing 50 x 50 mm CCTW frame and 50 density branded form covered 25 mm plain soft arm Al work covered with high quality upholstery approved make embroidery approved colour of fabrics directed by Architect & Engineer in charge the necessary and essential hardware jute, manjarpatt cloth, casement spring etc will be have good and approved make All exposed surface will have to be finish with melamine polish and completed as directed by engineer in Charged 2 . Providing & supplying factory made single seater sota for Hon Speakars office having size of 1500 x 600 x 450 mm height made out of specified size of CCTW section or adequate size of frame with decorative curved legs and back rest and bottom with round edges with required size of moulding of all edges. And seat and back with 6mm thick marine plywood as per standard ISO using 100mm thick branded quality foam covered 25mm soft foam to seat and back The seat and back of sofa wilt have to be finished with high quality of jute cloth and embroidery or equivalent cloth respectively as directed by Architect and engineer in charge The necessary hardware, jute, manjarpat cloth ets will be have good and approved make And all exposed surface will have to be finished with melamine polishing 3 . Providing & Supplying factory made CCTW chairs with arms for Hon Speakars office as per design curved with adequate size of arms & legs and char seat back shall have to be finish with high quality upholstery approved make Napa leather of approved colour as directed by Architect & Engineer in charge the necessary and essential hardware, jute, manjarpatt cloth etc will be have good and approved make All exposed surface wit have to be finish with melamine polish (Chair Size 530x460mm) 4 . Providing & supplying factory made CFTW side on corner table for Hon Speakars office having size of 300 x 300 x 400 mm height with decorative legs and top edges of four side shall have to be completed with approved moulding The top of table have Antique finish bles will be inserted 50mm deep and the top of ties will be covered with 6mm clear glass having edges of glass will be polishing with machine all the exposed wood work shall be finahed with melamine polish as directed by engineer charge 5 . Prowding & supplying side on factory made coner table for Hon Speakars office having size of 400 x 300 450mm reight with decorative legs and top edges of four sides shall have to be completing with approved moony The top of table have to be completed in CCTW parking of adequale size with proper tongue and proove and finishing providing drawer to front side with 75mm height with decorative antique brass hande al exposed wood surface shall be finished with melamere polish and work shall be complete as Grected wingreer in charge 6 . Providing & Fixing factory made CCTW Center Table for Hon Speakars office of size 900 x 500 x 430 mm with adequate size of legs, top & four side will be finished with approved design mouldings The wood work shall have to be finish with melamine polish to all exposed surfaces including necessary & essential hardware & completed as directed by Engineer in Charge 7 . Renewing of factory made two seater sofa for Hon Speakars office with high quality upholstery approved make fabric of approved colour as directed by Architect & Engineer in charge including necessary & essential hardware, jute, manjarpatt cloth, casement spring etc will be have good and approved make All exposed surface will have to be finish with melamine polish and completed as directed by engineer in Charged 8 . Providing & Supplying factory made Single seater sofa chair for Hon Speakars office having size 915 x 765 x 1220 mm (+/- 50mm) height made out of specified size of CCTW section or adequate size of frame with 6mm thick marine plywood as per standard ISO for covering from back & arm rests, Using 100mm thick branded quality form covered one 25mm soft form and arms having 50 x 50 mm CCTW frame and 50 density branded form covered 25 mm plain soft arm. All work covered with high quality upholstery approved colour of fabric as directed by Architect & Engineer in charge the necessary and essential hardware, jute, manjarpatt cloth, casement spring etc will be have good and approved make All exposed surface will have to be finish with melamine polish and completed as directed by engineer in Charged
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Executive Engineer
Office of the Executive Engineer, Presidency Division, P.W.D., 2nd floor, Bandhakam Bhavan, 25, Marzban Road, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001
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