Tongue, Wooden, Plastic, Phosphoric Acid 37%, Photopolymelable Adhesive, Distilled Water For Autoclave, Hydrogen Peroxide, Short Gingival Needle, Disposable Hypodermic Needle, 0, 70X250mm, 13X0, 45Mm, 25X0, 8, 40X1, 20Mm, Straight Lever, 1R, 1R Lever Left, 1L, Hydrated Ethyl Alcohol, 63, 3 ° Inpm, Hydrophilic Cotton, 100%Cotton, 3%Mepivacaine Anesthetic, 2%Lidocaine Anesthetic, Topical Anesthetic, Size 10Cm X 15Cm, Size 15Cm X 30Cm, Crepe Band, 6Cm X 1, 8Cm X 1, 10Cm X 1, 10Cm X 1, 15Cm X 1, 20Cm X 1, Disposable Dental Babbler, Surgical Grade Paper Coil, 10Cm X 100M Roll, Roll Of 15Cm, 20Cm X 100M Roll, 2,000Ml, 2,000Ml, Scalpel Cable, No. Nasal Catheter For Oxygen, Child, Adult, Peripheral Intravenous Catheter, No. 20, No. 24, Aqueous Chlorhexidine, Alcoholic Chlorhexidine, 20Mg/G Lidocaine Hydrochloride, 2% Jelly, Lidocaine Hydrochloride, Without Vasoconstrictor, 2% (20 Mg/Ml), Glass Ionomer Cement (Civ), Rescue Cervical Necklace, Size P, Size M, Size G, Urine/Feces Collector, Piercing Material Collector, 7 Liter Capacity, Main Quota - Gauze Compress, 7, 5Cm X 7, 5Cm, Reserved Quota - Gauze Compress, 10Cm X 10Cm, Comadre, 3500Ml Capacity, Toothpipe, Pipe, Pipe, Pipe 30G, Interproximal Wooden Wedge, Round Adhesive Dressing, 2, 5 Cm X 2, 5 Cm, Periodontal Gracey Curette No. 11-12, Enzymatic Detergent, Intravenous Infusion Device, No. 25, No. 25, Penrosis No. 03, Microgotas For Serum, Boat For Enteral Feeding, Staggered Tip, Macrogotes, Macrogotas Gynecological Cervical, Robsons Brush, Dental Brush, Dental Oral Mirror No. 5, Hemostatic Sponge, Size 1X1x1cm, Aneoid, Analog, Analog, Overshadow, Waterproof, 10Cm X 4, 5M, 2, 5Cm X 4 Roll, 5Cm X 4 Roll, Ayres Spatula, Ayres Spatula, Resin Spatula, Vaginal Speculum, Multi-Way, 500 Mm Thong, 3-0 Catgut Wire, Nylon 2-0 Suture Wire, Nylon Suture Wire, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0, Indicator Tape For Chemical Testing, Microporous Ribbon, 1, 2Cmx10m, 5Cm X 10M, Hypoallergic, 5 Cm X 10M Roll, 10Cm X 10M Roll, Cytopathological Fixer, Enteral Feeding Bottles, Dental Forceps, N ° 17, N ° 18L, Sterile Gauze, 10X10cm, Main Quota - Rayon Gauze With Oil, Size 7, Reserved Quota - Rayon Gauze With Oil, Gel For Electrocardiography, Rods Flexible, Calcium Hydroxide Pa, Iodopovidone, Class 5 Chemical Indicator, Finishing And Dental Polishing Kit, Scalpel Blade, N ° 15, Fn Microscopy Blade, Disposable Sheet, 9 X 2M, Hospital Sheet, Disposable, Paper, 70 Cm X 50 M, Sterile Surgical Glove, 5 Procedure Latex, Nitrile Glove For Procedure, Without Powder, Aluminized Thermal Blanket, Triple Disposable Mask, Provisional Restorative Material (Sister), Steel Matrix 0, 5Mm, 7Mm, Microbrush, Dental Lubricant Oil, Carbon Paper, Two Colors, 100% Vegetable Paper, Prophylactic Paste, Parrot, With Capacity For 1,000Ml, Clinical Tweezers, Port Mayo Hega Needle, Glass Plate, A1 Resin, A2 Resin, A3 Resin, Flow Resin, Cotton Roller, Infective Garbage Bag, Cover