Supply of orthopedic implants, instruments & allied itemsat E.S.I. Hospital, Serampore, P.O. Mallickpara, Hooghly- 712 203 Orthopedic Implants, Instruments And Allied Items , A)Prosthesis:- Austin Moore Endoprosthesie (Sterile)-Size- Head Dia: 37Mm To 51Mm With 2Mmdiff , Bipolar Hip Prosthesis 135 Digree Size-Head Dia: 39 Mm To 51Mm With 2Mmdiff, Lenth- Stem Length: Standard , Bipolar Hip Prosthesis (Talwalker) Length-Stem Length: Standard , Total Hip Prothesis (Modular Hip System)Length-Stem Length: Standard , Modular System (Titanium) Size- Small, Med, Large , Total Hip-Internal Head (Cromium Cobalt) Length-Standard , Type: Short Neck - Size- 0Mm, Head Dia.28Mm, Length -Standard , Standardnecksize- 5Mm. Head Dia.28Mm,Length-Standard , Long Neck Size- 8Mm. Head Dia.28Mm,Length-Standard , Bipolar Heads: (Cromum Cobalt) Type Short Neck, Standard Neck; Long Neck. Size-Head Dia: 39Mm To 51Mm With 2Mm. Diff ,Length- Standard , Acetabular Cup: 28Mm Internal Heads Size-Dia:40Mm. 43Mm,46Mm. 48Mm,52Mm,Length- Standard , Total Elbow System: , Sloppy Hingetype For Right Elbowsize- Dia. 13Mmx7mm,14Mmx7mm,15Mmx8mm,16Mmx8mm,17Mmx8mm Length-Standard , Sloppy Hingetype For Left Elbow Size- Dia. 13Mmx7mm,14Mmx7mm,15Mmx8mm,16Mmx8mm,17Mmx8mm Length-Standard , Total Knee System(Chromium Cobalt) , Femoral Component Size-Small/Med,Length-Standard , Fibicalcomponent Size-Small/Med/ Large( With Diff. Uhmwhdpe. Thickness ),Length- A)Tibialtrey,B)Tibialinsert , Fibicalcomponent Size-Small/Med/ Large( With Diff. Uhmwhdpe. Thickness ),Length- A)Tibialtrey,B)Tibialinsert , Patellar Component Size-Small/Med,Length-Standard , B-Nails:-(Interlocking Nails:- (Titanium) , For Femular (Universal) Size-Dia: 9Mm To 11Mm With 1Mm Deff. , For Tibia (Universal) Size-Dia: 9Mm To 10Mm,Length-360Mm To 420Mmwith 20Mm Diff , For Humerus (Universal) Size-Dia: 6Mm To 6.7Mm & 7.5Mm,Length-285Mm To 360Mm With 15Mm Diff , Unreamed Tibial Nail Size-Dia: 8Mm To 10Mm With 1Mm Diff.,Length-220Mm To 280Mm With 10Mm Diff. End Cup: 0 To 15Mm With 5Mm Diff. , Locking Bolt- Self Tapping ( For Proximal & Distal Locking) Size-Dia: 4.9Mm,Length-285Mm To 360Mm With 15Mm Diff. , Kuntscher’Scloverleaf Nailsize-Dia: 8Mm To 12Mm With 1Mm Diff. ,Length-28Mm To 68Mm With 4Mm Diff. , Rush Nail , For Radius & Ulna Size-Dia: 2Mm, 2.5Mm & 3Mm,Length-32Cm To 50Cm With 11Cm Diff , For Humerus Size-Dia: 4Mm, 5Mm& 6Mm,Length-20Cm To 36Cm With 2Cm Diff , Squarenail Length- V20cm To 36Cm With 2Cm Diff , Forradius & Ulna Size-Dia: 2Mm To 3.5Mm With 0.5Mm Diff. ,Length-17Cm To 30Cm With 1Cm Diff. , Jewe Nails:- , Angle 125 Degree -- Length-Nail Length:-65Mm 100Mm With 5Mm Diff. Plate Length/Holes: 100Mm To 200Mm/4-9 Holes. , Angle 135 Degreelength-Nail Length:-65Mm 100Mm With 5Mm Diff. Plate Length/Holes: 100Mm To 200Mm/4-9 Holes 7-8 Holes 9 Hole , Stainman Pins: (Trocar Point)Size- Dia: 3Mm, 4Mm ,Length-Length:-65Mm 100Mm With 5Mm Diff. Plate Length/Holes: 100Mm To 200Mm/4-9 Holes 7-8 Holes 9 Hole , Dynamic Screw System:- Length-12Cm To 36 Cm With 2Cm Diff. , Dynamic Hip Screw System:- (Titanium) , Dynamic Hip Barrel Plate (With Dynamic Compression Holes) , Short Barrel Size-Angle- 130 Degree, 135 Degree, 140 Degree 4H To 6H,7H To 9H,10H To 12H , Long Barrel Size-Angle- 130 Degree, 135 Degree, 140 Degree 4H To 6H,7H To 9H,10H To 12H , Hip Screw With Compression Screw Size-Dia: Matching With (Sl No 16.2& 16.3) , Dynamic Condylar Barrel Plate ( With Dynamic Compression Holes)Size- Angle -95 Degree,Hole- 5H To 7H,8H To 10H/11H To 14H ,Length-60Mm To 100 Mm With 5Mm Diff. , Condylar Screw Withcompression Screwsize-Matching With 2 , D) Bone Plate , Dynamic Compression Plate:- , Bone Plate Size-4H To 6H,7H & 8H,9H & 10H,11H & 12H,13H To- 14H , Broad Plate Size-4H & 5H, 6H & 7H,8H & 9H,10H& 11H,12H To 14H , Heavy Duty Broadplatesize- Thickness 4Mm,Size-4H & 5H, 6H & 7H,8H & 9H,10H& 11H,12H To 14H , Low Contract Compression Plate , Narrow (Titanium)- Size-3H & 4H,5H &6H,7H & 8H,9H & 10H,9H & 10H,14H , Broad(Titanium)- Size-3H & 4H,5H &6H,7H & 8H,9H & 10H,9H & 10H,11H & 12H,14H & 15H,16H , One Third Tubular Plate----Size-2H To 8H,9H To 12H , T- Platesize-3 Holes To 8 Holes , L- Platesize-4 Holes To 8 Holes , Y- Holes Size-2 Holes To 14 Holes , E) Locking Plate System , Locking Platewith Lcdcp Holes:- , Small (3.5Mm) (Titanium)-Size-5H To 7H,8H & 9H , Narrow (4.5Mm)(Titanium)- Size-6H To 9H,10H , Broad (4.5Mm)Size-7H To 9H,10H To 12H , Locking Screw:-(Titanium) , 3.5Mm …. Any Length , 5.0Mm …. Any Length , F) Bonescrews: (Hex Slot):- , Cortical Screw:- , Self Tapping (Titanium) ---- Size- Dia. 4.5Mm,Length- 10Mm To 40Mm With 2Mm Diff.;Size-Dia: 3.5Mm,Length-8Mm To40mm With 2Mm Diff. , Non- Self Tapping Size- Dia. 4.5Mm,Length- 10Mm To 40Mm With 2Mm Diff.;Size-Dia: 3.5Mm,Length-8Mm To40mm With 2Mm Diff. , Cancellous Screw :- , Short Threaded--Size-Dia: 4Mm,Length-10 To 18Mm,20 To 28Mm,30 To 40Mm,45 To 50Mm,55 To60mmsize-Dia: 6.5Mm, Length-25 To 40Mm,45 To 60Mm,65 To 80Mm,85 To 100Mm,105Mm To 110Mm With 5Mm Diff. , Full Threaded-- Size-Dia: 4Mm,Length-25 To 40Mm,45 To 60Mm,65 To 80Mm,85 To 100Mm,105Mm To 110Mm With 5Mm Diff. Size-Dia: 6.5Mm, Length-10 To 18Mm,20 To 28Mm,30 To 40Mm,45 To 50Mm,55 To60mm , Cannulatedscrew:- , Short Threaded (Titanium) Size-Dia: 7M Length-25 To 40Mm,45 To 60Mm,65 To 80Mm,85 To 100Mm,105Mm To 110Mm With 5Mm Diff , Full Thtreaded--Size-Dia: 7Mm, Length-40Mm To 110Mm With 5Mm Diff. , Washer :- , For Cancellous Screw(Titanium)Size-4.0Mm , For Cancellous Screwsize-6.5Mm , For Cancellous Screw Size-7.0Mm , G) External Fixator System:- , Tubular System:- , For Big Bone , For Small Bone , Ring Fixators (Illizarov) , Frame---Size- Extend Hand Frame ,Ctev (Small),Ctev (Large),Ctev (Medium) , H) Miscellaneous:- , Kirschner Wire ---Size-Dia: 0.5Mm To 3Mm With 0.5Mm Diff. , Threaded Kirschner Wire ---Size-Dia: 1.5Mm & 2Mm Length-10Cm, 16Cm & 20Cm , Ss Suture Wire (3 Nools) Size-18Swg To 30Swg With Diff Of 2Swg, Length-10Cm & 16Cm , Stapple:- , Eotohysealstapple Size-Dia: 3Mm : Width 10Cm & 15Cm , Convertain Stapple ----Size-Small, Medium, Large , Dynamic Bone Graft:- , Cranules , Block Diff Sizes. , Locking Rota-Self Tapping (For Proximal & Distal Locking) Of Locking Nails.Size-Dia: 4.9Mm, Length-28Mm To 68Mm With 4Mm Diff. , Pneumatic Tourniquet Set , Esmatch Rubber Bandage , Electric Bone Drill (Withdetails In Features) , Electric Plaster Saw , I )Orthopaedics Inst:- , Osteotomes: (With Fibre Handle) , Straight Size-Width: 5Mm To 30Mm With 5Mm Diff , Curved -Size-Width: 5Mm To 30Mm With 5Mm Diff , Chisel: (With Fibre Handle)Size-Width: 5Mm To 30Mm With 5Mm Diff , Gouge (With Fibre Handle) , Straightsize-Width: 5Mm To 25Mm With 5Mm Diff , Curved-Size-Width: 5Mm To 25Mm With 5Mm Diff , Periosteum Elevator-- Size-Small, Med, Large , Rongeurs: (Double Action) , Straightsize-Small, Med, Large , Curved-- Size-Small, Med, Large , Bone Cutting Forceps : (Double Action Ruskin Type) , Straight--Size-Medium, Large , Curvedsize-Medium, Large , Rasps: (With Tommy Bar) , For A.M. Prosthesis Standard Stem , For Bipolar Hip Prostheis , Straight Rasp , Reamers , Acetabular Reamer Size-41Mm To 51Mm With 2Mm Diff. , Reamers For Rush Nails & Square Nails Size-2Mm To 3.5Mm With 0.5Mm Diff. , Cannulated Reamers For --4.5Mm Screws , Cannulated Reamers For--3.5Mm Screws , Flexible Reamers - Shaftsize-A)Flexible Remamer Shaft ,B) 8.0Mm Dia C) Detachable Heads Upto 12Mm , Flexible Reamers--------Head -- Size-8Mm To 12Mmwith 0.5Mm Diff. , Awl’S :- , Cobbler’S Awl Size-Small, Medium, Large , Medullary Awlstraight , Medullary Awlcurved , Plate Benders (In Pair)Size-Medium, Large , Impactors: , With Nylon Face With Nylon Face , A.M. Prosthesis Head Impactor (Alumunium) Judet Type , Bipolar Impactor , Impactor For Dhs/Dcs , K- Nail Impactor , Femoral Head Extractor –Screws Type , Murphy Skid , Femoral Head Gauge (Set) , Bone Holding Forceps , Hey Grovessize-Small, Med, Large , Fergusson’Ssize-Small, Med, Large , Burn’S Size-Small, Med, Large , Lane Size-Small, Med, Large , Self Centering Self Lockingsize-Small, Med, Large , Lawman’Ssize-Small, Med, Large , Screw Forceps , Bone & Plate Holding Forceps , Hammers (With Fibre Handle) , Bone Hammer 1 Lb , Bone Hammer 2 Lb , Nylon-Faced Orthopaedic Hammer , Bone Curettes (With Fibre Handle) Size-Small, Med, Large , Retractors: , Self Retaining Retractor Size-Small, Med, Large , Leaf Retractorsize-Small, Med, Large , Bistows Retractorsize-Small, Med, Large , Cobra Rectractorsize-Small, Med, Large , Zed Rectractor Size-Small, Med, Large , Hand Drill : Open Type , Hand Drill : Close Type , Drill Bits (S.S) Size-Dia: 2.5Mm, 3.2Mm , 3.5Mm Ordinary Extra Long , Cannulated Drill Bits Size-Dia: 4.5Mm, 2.1Mm , Guide Wiressize-Dia: 2.0Mm , Threaded Guide Wires ( For Cannulated Screw) Size-Dia: 2.0Mm , Bone Nibblers (Double Action)Straight , Bone Nibblers (Double Action) Curved , Wire Cutter-Cum Phers (English) Size-6”, 8” , Hollow Plate:-For 3.5Mm Screw , Hollow Plate:- For 4.5Mm Screw , Drill Sleeves , Tap- Cannulated , Tap With T-Handle , Hexagonal Screw Driversize-A)3.5Mm,B) 4.5Mm , Depth Gauge , Neutral & Load Drill Guide , Measuringscalewith Gauge , Bone Gauge With Fibrehandle-Straight , Bone Gauge With Fibrehandle- Curved , Plaster Shearer , Plaster Cutting Saw Heavy Duty , Plaster Cutting Scissor , Gigle Saw , Crutch Field Tong-- Size-Medium , Interlocking Nails Set--Femur Set , Interlocking Nails Set -- Tibia Set , Interlocking Nails Set--Humerus Set , Dhs Set , Cannulated Screw Set , Locking Plating System- Instrument Set----------Sleeve For Locking Plating Size-4.00Mm,5.00 Mm , Locking Plating System- Instrument Set-- Extra Long Drill Bit For Locking Plating , Locking Plating System- Instrument Set-- Torque Screw Driver For Locking Plating , Dhs Plate Screw , Proximal Femur Nails , Locking Plate & Screw – For Humerous , Locking Plate & Screw For Distal Tibia , Locking Plate & Screw- For Proximal Femur , Locking Plate &Screw For Shaft Femur(Titanium) , Locking Plate & Screw For Radius Ulna(Titanium) , Lockingplate & Screw For Distal Humerous& Elbow Joint(Titanium) , Locking Plate & Screw – For Shaft Humerous , Locking Plate & Screw – For Buttress Plate & Screw , Iso-Elastic Nails (Per Piece) , Interlocking Nail For Femur(Titanium) , Pen Nail For Proximal Femur(Titanium) , Dhs Plate Screw For Trochanteric Fracture , Humerous Plate , Humeroudlocking Plate & Screw(Titanium) , Humerouslocking T- Buttress Plate & Screw , Elbow Joint –Fixation By Locking Plate Screw , Replacement Of Elbow Joint , Radius Ulna-Loking Plate & Screw , Wrist Joint With Lockingplate & Screw , Soldier Joint-With Jess Fixator , External & Illizarov- Femur , External & Illizarov- Tibia , External & Illizarov- Pelvis , Ta-Alp-6-40 Alpha Lock Poly Axial Pedicle Screw With Lnny 6X40mm Titanium Light Blue , Ta-Alp-6-40 Alpha Lock Connecting Rod 5.5Mmx50mmlengthtitanium Light Blue