Tenders are invited for Provide Lab Equipment for Schools - 18.2208.9-001.00 Qua-Vet Closing Date: Thursday, 27. Mar 2025 Intervention Sector(s): Development, Education Background The project "Improving the Quality and Attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training in Lebanon" aims to increasingly align vocational education and training in sectors with sustainable employment potentials with the needs of the Lebanese economy. Emphasis is placed on improving the partnership between vocational training institutions and the private sector, strengthening human resource capacity in vocational training institutions, and developing practice-oriented training programs. The target groups of the project are young people, unemployed and underemployed adults who want to improve their employment prospects through qualifications relevant to the labour market. The implementing partner is the Directorate General for Vocational and Technical Education (DGVTE) requires further support at various levels to in effectively involving the private sector in vocational education and training. This includes areas such as curriculum development, teacher training, and expanding the practical components of teaching. The projects advisory approach focuses on establishing and advising coordination bodies with representatives from both the state vocational training sector and the private sector at the macro and steering levels, piloting cooperation models between vocational training institutions and private companies, systematically developing human resources in public vocational training institutions, and testing competency-based, modularized training programs. This request for public tender is launched to support Output 3 of the QuA-VET project which aims to pilot modularised and practise-oriented vocational training education and training courses in cooperation with the DGVTE in public TVET schools and institutes in Lebanon, targeting the sector of health inspection and food safety (technician (TS) level). Objective This request for public tender is intended to identify and contract a supplier who can provide and deliver to the specified delivery locations, the following described Tools, equipment and consumables within the recommended delivery date. Prior to all goods delivery, the supplier is required to split the goods in 5 different batches, i. e. each item is to be divided by 5 and delivered in one of the 5 designated schools. (For example: item (1) chemical Fume hood cabinet, the total quantity is 5, with 1 to be delivered to each of the 5 schools). QuA-VET team will inspect, approve, and advise in case of needed modifications. Each batch of goods will be delivered to the following locations: National Institute of Nursing Care (Bir Hassan): Delivery four (4) weeks after contract signature Bednayel Technical Institute (Bednayel): Delivery four (4) weeks after contract signature Rene Mouawad Technical Institute (Zgharta): Delivery five (5) weeks after the contract signature The Orthodox Vocational Institute Akkar (Akkar): Delivery five (5) weeks after the contract signature Nabatiyeh Technical Institute (Nabatiyeh): Delivery six (6) weeks after contract signature Tender Products Bidders may apply for one or more Lots: Lot 1: Electrical Lab Equipment "Cabinet" Lot 2: Liquids and Solutions Lot 3: Non-Electrical Lab Equipment Lot 4: Testing & Measurement Equipment Lot 5: Electronic Testing & Measurement Equipment The products will be delivered within the above-mentioned time frame and in coordination with the respective project members. Delivery will be done to the schools premises in the presence of a project member and of the school staff. Depending on the situations of the schools, delivery time may be subject to modification, the supplier will be notified at least 3 days before the day of delivery. In some cases, the delivery might change to a different school depending on the availability of the school staff How to apply Tender documents may be obtained in writing by email only no later than Friday, March 21, 2025, at normal working hours till 14:00 (Beirut Local Time). Interested Experts has to send an email to LB_quotation@giz.de with the subject line: "Confidential Request for Tender Documents 91186583 Lab equipment for schools" The Tender Documents consists of the following: Financial Offer Template for price quotation Terms of Reference (TOR) (including how to apply) Eligibility Grid Technical Assessment Grid GIZ Code of Conduct (to be signed and stamped) GIZ General Terms for Procurement of Goods (to be signed and stamped) Self-declaration EU-Russia Sanctions for Purchase Orders (to fill out, sign and stamp) Tender BOQ Clarifications: For any inquiries regarding this tender, please send a written request to LB_quotation@giz.de by Friday, March 21, 2025, at 23:59. Your email subject should be: "Confidential Clarification- 91186583 Lab equipment for schools" Offer Submission Deadline: The deadline for submitting Offers is Thursday, March 27, 2025, by 23:59 (Beirut Local Time). Submission Guidelines: Offers must be submitted in PDF format via two separate emails to LB_quotation@giz.de, as follows: Technical Offer Subject line: Confidential- your company name/ Technical offer/ 91186583 Lab equipment for schools Financial Offer Subject line: Confidential- your company name/ Technical offer/ 91186583 Lab equipment for schools Evaluation Criteria Eligible companies will proceed to the technical evaluation phase. Any technical offer that does not meet the requested specifications will be excluded. Each chosen lot must be submitted completely without missing items. General Conditions The offers must be submitted in English. The offers must be signed and stamped Financial offers must remain valid for at least four months from the submission date. The financial offer must be in USD only, including taxes Applicants will not be reimbursed for their submitted offers. Refurbished items are not accepted. The contract currency is USD. The employer is not responsible for any currency fluctuation. Payment will be made via bank transfer to the contractors local bank account (fresh money). Additional Conditions If you did not receive any notification in writing within four weeks after the submission deadline, it means your offer has not been accepted. and you might receive a separate rejection notice. Non-compliance with any requirements may result in the disqualification of your bid. Negotiation we reserve the right to conduct the negotiations in consecutive phases with a view to reducing the number of bidders under negotiation. Note Only applications containing all required documents will be considered. The maximum mailbox size is 25MB. If your documents exceed this limit, they should be transferred via Start (giz.de), and the password should be provided accordingly. Tender Link : https://daleel-madani.org/civil-society-directory/deutsche-gesellschaft-fur-internationale-zusammenarbeit-giz/calls/public-call-tender-no-91186583-provide-lab-equipment-schools-1822089-00100-qua-vet