Request for proposals for Establishing a Pool of Labour Mobility Partners: Job Matching for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Closing Date: Wednesday, 30. Apr 2025 Intervention Sector(s): Displaced Population, Labor & Livelihoods, Migrant Workers 1 Timeline CEI Reference number PREIP2025001 Posted (date) 14 March 2025 Clarification Request Deadline 15 April 2025 Application Deadline 30 April 2025 Notification of Results 30 May 2025 (to be confirmed) Implementation Start Date 3rd quarter of 2025 (suggested) Implementation End Date 1st quarter of 2028 (suggested) 2 Locations Lebanon and selected countries of destination, as identified by prospective implementing partners in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM). 3 Sector(s) and area(s) of specialization Complementary labour pathways for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. 4 Issuing Agency International Organization for Migration (IOM) office in Beirut, Lebanon. 5 Project Background The IOM country office in Lebanon is implementing programmes aimed at improving access to labour mobility pathways for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The primary focus of the programmes is to promote access to complementary labour pathways as durable solutions for Syrian refugees while providing additional support for upskilling Lebanese nationals. This will be done through four outcome areas: skills development, job matching, migration planning and post-arrival integration. This Call for Expression of Interest is announced for the purpose of prequalification of implementing partners without any immediate awards. The applications will be reviewed and evaluated for their eligibility and capacity for future projects. The eligible candidates from this prequalification process may be contacted in future with a specific programme and requested to submit a detailed concept note and budget for the project. 6 Expected Results Over 36 months, up to 2,100 refugees and vulnerable Lebanese benefit from access to information, vocational and language training opportunities, and up to 700 Syrian refugees receive job offers from selected countries of destination, to be identified together with implementing partners. 7 Indicative Budget Implementing Partners (IPs) are asked to provide an indicative budget, in USD, clearly indicating staff costs, office costs, and operational costs for each step that they wish to engage on, based on the Terms of Reference. 8 Selection Criteria Name - Description Relevance of proposal to achieving expected results - Weight 60 Relevance of proposal to achieving expected results; Expertise on complementary labour and educational pathways; Expertise and experience in engaging with employers, employer associations, and other actors in countries of destination; For IPs interested in collaborating on educational pathways, expertise and experience in engaging with educational institutions in countries of destination; Adequacy and clarity of the proposed budget (including contribution by the prospective IP, if any). Sustainability of intervention - Weight 20 Experience in partnering with key institutions related to the complementary pathway work; National and local experience, presence and community relations; Propositions for replicability, scalability, and sustainability of intervention. Other - Weight 20 Gender transformative approach proposed; Proven capacity in project management, including financial management. 10. Attachments Documents ANNEX A Terms of Reference.docx ANNEX B Concept Note Template.docx ANNEX C Budget Template.xlsx ANNEX D Implementing Partner References Checklist.docx ANNEX E Implementing Partners General Information Questionnaire.docx ANNEX F Declaration of Conformity for Partners.docx For more information on this partnership opportunity, and to apply, please contact Lara White (, keeping Nick Nguyen ( in copy The organizations responding to this call need to demonstrate their capacity to implement the proposed activities. IOM reserves the right to cancel/reduce the scope of planned activities or to introduce new/broaden the scope of the existing activities. All applicants will receive written notification within the four weeks after the deadline for the submission of the application package, of the outcome of the selection process. Should an applicant request further clarification, IOM will provide a response explaining the transparency and integrity of the selection process undertaken. IOM reserves the right to decline disclosure of the specificity of decision derived by the IOM mission due to reasons related to confidentiality. IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Expression of Interest, and to annul the selection process and reject all Expression of Interest at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing Partners. How to apply Expression of Interest submission guidelines This document contains instructions on the preparation and submission of the Application including Annex A: IP Information. The Application must be submitted through mail at, keeping Nick Nguyen ( in copy, no later than 30 March 2025. Late applications will not be considered. A detailed description must be provided in the Concept Note on how the requirements specified in the Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) issued by IOM will be matched by the capabilities, experience, knowledge and expertise of the Implementing Partners. The Application must be submitted in the English language and in the format prescribed by IOM within the CEI. All required information must be provided, responding clearly and concisely to all the points set out. Any application which does not fully and comprehensively address the CEI requirements may be rejected. The Application document should comprise of the following: Application documentation as outlined within the CEI signed on all pages by the prospective Implementing Partners Authorized Representative; and Any other relevant documents Applications may be modified or withdrawn in writing, prior to the closing time specified in this Request for EoI. Applications shall not be modified or withdrawn after the deadline. The Implementing partner shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Application and IOM will not in any case be responsible and liable for the costs incurred. IOM at no occasion will ask an application fee from Implementing Partners. Partners can use IOMs We Are All In platform for reporting fraud, corruption or misconduct. All information given in writing to or verbally shared with the Implementing Partners in connection with this CEI is to be treated as strictly confidential. The Implementing Partner shall not share or invoke such information to any third party without the prior written approval of IOM. This obligation shall continue after the selection process has been completed whether or not the Implementing Partner application is successful. IOM will treat all information (or that marked proprietary/sensitive/financial) received from Implementing Partners as confidential and any personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Principles. The Implementing Partner, by submitting an application, gives consent to IOM to share information with those who need to know for the purposes of evaluating and managing the proposal. By submitting the application/expression of interest, the applicant confirms adherence to IOMs Declaration of Conformity Form and acknowledges receipt of the list of Proscribed Practices (enclosed). IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Application, and to cancel the process and reject all Applications, at any time without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing Partner or any obligation to inform the affected Implementing partner of the ground for IOMs action. Tender Link :