Romeo And Julieta Biscuit Biscuits:, Thicker Sprinkle Cookie Each Unit With Approx. 20Gr Package With 200Grs :, Sprinkle Cookie - Straw Type: Package With Approximately 200 Grams, Pour And Cheese Cookie:, Cheese Cookie - W/Approximately 25Gr Each:, Sweet Wheat Cookie - Fried: Wheat Cookie, Baking Biscuits 300Grs :, Cheese Cookie With Approximately 20G Each Pcs:, Cheese Dumpling: Cake Settled: With Dough, Flavors And Various Topping, Carrot Cake Pieces With Approximately 100G :, Fuba Cake Pieces With Approximately 100G Each:, Orange Cake With Approximately 75Gr Each Pedaco :, 75Gr Each Pedaco :, Fuba Bread :, Aerosa Broken Fuba :, Casadinho De Guava:, Croissants And Puffs 100Gr Stuffing (Chicken, Chicken With Catupiry, Cheese, Ham And Mozzarella:, Open And Closed Sphirres (Chicken And Growed Meat):, Mini Pizza: Massarela, Mozzarella, Massarela, Chicken And Pepperoni) 100Gr :, Mini Diverse Mini Salted: Mini Pizza, Mini Spade (Open And Closed) Pies, Kebab, Drumstick, Baked Pastry, Chicken And Cheese Paddad, Each Unit With Minimum 50 Grams, Sweet And Salty Bread:, Onion Bread: At Least 100 Grams, Cheese Bread: With Minimum 0 27 Grams Each Unit, Sweet Bread Stuffed With Cream Vanilla 50Gr :, Pao Frances :, Paozinho Of Colled Fill (Mussarel, Coolber And Ham) 75Gr :, Bread Stuffed: Meat, Chicken, Ham And Mozzarella, Pastel Baked 50G (Meat, Chicken, Ham And Mozzarella): Pastel Fritog 50G (Meat, Ham): Pastel Baked Pasta 50G (Meat, Sliced Stuffed Roll: Each Slice With At Least 120 Grams, Starfish Thread (With Stuffing, Grated Coconut, Cheese And Condensed Milk): Range -Queens Cross -Like Threading: Cpelling Units Approximately 20 Grams: Nata Homemade Units: Approximately 35 Grs:, Coconut Donut Units Of Approximately 20 Grs :, Donut Condensed Milk :, Nata Donut:, Pao Frances Sandwich With 2 Slices Of Hops And 2 Slices Of Mozzarella: Each Slice Of Fucking Or Mozzarella With Approximately 10 Grams, Bread Sandwich With Sausage Sauce: (Dulce De Leche, Vanilla And Chocolate):, Salted Chicken Pie:, Salty Beef Pie Pedaco: