0113393 - Refined Sugar, Derived From Sugar Cane Sucrose, In White, Rapidly Dissolution. Packaging With Product Identification, Liquid Weight Of 1 Kg And Expiration Date., 0139133 - Pearl -Type Pineapple, Mature, Medium Size Fruits, Maximum Degree Of Evolution In Size, Aroma And Flavor Of The Species, Uniform, Without Injuries Or Defects. Weighing Exactly Per Unit Between 1 To 1, 5Kg. According To 2/78 Resolution Of The 2 Cnna., 0130561 - Dietary Sweetener, Liquid, Sucrose -Free, Based On Sucralose. Plastic Packaging With Product Identification, 75 Ml Net Weight And Expiration Date., 0125564 - Garlic, In Natura Bulb, Fresh, National, National, Compact And Firm Bulb, Without Origin, Free Of Residue, Size And Color, Well Developed, Dirt, Parasites And Larvae. Stoved In Non -Toxic Transparent Packaging, With Weighing Label And Expiration Date. Student Product, Extracted From Corn, Made From Healthy And Clean Raw Materials Exempt From Earthly Matter And Parasites, And Cannot Be Damp, Fermented Or Rancid. Industrialized Product, New, Thin Powder, With Odor And Taste. Packaging In Product Identification, Net Weight With 200G And Expiration Date., 13/03/2025, 0113396 - Parboic Rice, Type 1, Long Fine Class, Top Quality. Plastic Packaging, With Product Identification, 1Kg Net Weight And Expiration Date., 0113397 - Polished Rice, Long Grain, Type 2, 0139134 - Flake Oats, Fiber -Rich Integral. Packaging With Product Identification, 200G Net Weight And Expiration Date., 0130574 - Banana, Pacovan Type Pencas Presentation, Size And Coloring, With Firm And Intact Pulp, Well Developed, Without Physical And Mechanical Damage From Handling And Transportation, 0113399 - Sweet Potatoes, Without Branch, Size And Coloration, Fresh And Firm, Firm, Cracker And Cuts, Physical And Mechanical Damage From Handling And Transportation. Stoved In Non -Toxic Transparent Packaging, With Weighing Label., 0139135 - Cashew Chestnut Vegetable Drink, Cashews, Gum -Free, Preservatives, Addition Of Sugars, Sweeteners, Flavorings And Thickening. 1 Liter Tetra Park Packaging. Should Only Contain 2 Ingredients: Cashews And Water., 0130575 - English Potato, Special, Large, Large Or Medium, Whole, Without Injuries Or Defects, Firm And Shiny, Without Foreign Bodies Or Earth Adhered To The External Surface According To Cnnpa Resolution 12/78. Physical And Mechanical Handling Of Handling And Transportation. Stoved In Non -Toxic Transparent Packaging, 0136951 - Sprinkle, Traditional, Gluten -Free Cookie. 100G Own Plastic Packaging With Expiration Date., 0130563 - Sweet Cookie, Maria Type, Industrialized Product, Top Quality. Plastic Packaging With Product Identification, Shelf Life And Net Weight Of 350G., 0130564 - Sweet Cookie, Donut Type, Varied Flavors (Chocolate, Coconut And Milk), First Quality. Plastic Packaging With Expiration Date And Net Weight Of 350G., 0133655 - Salty Cookie, Type Cracker Type, Double Packaging. Industrialized Product, 0139137 - Beef, D