Construction/Shifting Of 33 Kv Line From 132 Kv Jagdishpur In Distt Gauriganj - SafeLoading, Carriage and then safeunloading of the following material from Store Centres Under the jurisdiction of EE ESD Ayodhaya to dump site proper stacking. 2 STP 11 Mtr. Long 3 M.S. Top Channel 125x65mm 3200 mm 4 M.S. Angle 65x65x6 mm Bracing, 4300 mm 5 GI Wire 6 SWG 6 33 KV Pin Insulator polymer type 7 Polymer Disc Insulator B&S type 70 KN 8 Stay Wire 7/8 SWG 9 ACSR Dog Conductor 10 33 KV Cable 3x300 sq. mm XLPE 11 M.S. Channel 125x65 (for Structures) 12 M.S. Angle 75x75x6 (for Structures) 13 33 KV Straight through jointing kit indoor 3x300 XLPE 14 33 KV cable jointing kit outdoor 3x300 XLPE 15 Safe Dragging/ Loading - unloading from dump site to pit site and Fabrication & erection forExpoure Double pole for 33 KV Line on 11.0 Mtr ST Pole with fitting of necessary clamp & other acessories like 3 No Top channel of 125x65x6 mm size 3200 mm . , Bracing angle 1 set.,and 9 No. Pin insulator as per norms. (Contractor shall provide all necessary clamps,Nut - Bolts&washer and E-bracket if required etc) 16 Safe Dragging/ Loading - unloading from dump site to pit site and Fabrication & erection for Dead & End Double pole for 33 KV Line on 11 Mtr ST Pole with fitting of necessary clamp & other acessories like 1 No. Top channel of 125x65x6 mm size 3200 mm, Bracing angle 1set.and 3 No. Pin insulator as per norms. (Contractor shall provide E- Bracket 3 No.,necessary clamps, Disc Fitting, Nut - Bolts etc.) 17 Cable stand StructureFabrication & erection of 33 KV Cable Stand made of 02 No. M.S chanel 125x65x6 mm 3 Mtr. Jointed to each other by M.S Channel horizontally and also jointed to each other by means of 05 No. M.S Strip (m.s flat) 50x6 mm of size 200 mm long each by welding at actual distance interval as per norms. And grouting in block of 300x300x700 completely providing 02 no. cable clamps also and eathing by G.I strip 50x6 mm size with the earth mat of switchyard both side of legs and provideing clamps , post/ pin insulator for holding cable. (All the materials will be arranged by the contractor such that clamps nut bolts and civil materials except M.S channel.) 18 Stringing, sagging, binding and Jumpering of ACSR Dog conductor. 3 Phase of 33 KV Line including fixing, mounting of P.G.clamp suitable for Dog Conductor at sectional point. (Contractor shall provide necessary PG clamps etc) 19 Laying & Dressing of 3x300 sq. mm XLPE Cable underground Double Circuit.Laying of double circuit 3x300 sq .mm XLPE Cable in normal soil by digging of trench 1050 mm deep, 750 mm wide including supply of required materials, as 1st class Bricks, Stone slabs and fine sand. Providing 150 mm fine sand cusion beneath, and 150 mm sand cusion above the cable. The cable shall be duly protected by Bricks, sand and stone slab. The inter axial spacing between two cables should be in between 0.25 to 0.04 M. After laying the cable refilling and ramming of the left out soil,closing the trench and leveling. 20 Installation of Heat Shrinkable Type cable jointing kits of following types/sizes for 33 XLPE Cable. 21 (a) Fixing of 33 KV 3x300 sq. mm Straight Throughjoints. (jointing kit supplied by dept.) 22 (b) Fixing of 33 KV 3x300 sq. mm Outdoor End Terminations(jointing kit supplied by dept.) 23 High Pressure testing to which 33 KV Line & cable to be stand for duration of 5 minutes after completion of Laying, Stringing, sagging, binding and Jumpering of ACSR Dog conductor. ( Testing equipment will be arranged by the contractor) 24 Hoisting of 33 KV Cable on existing/erected support with provision of MS Pipe 150 mm dia 3 mtr long suitable for 3x300 sq mm cable fixing of proper support and its clamping, providing long barral lugs 6 nos and P.G. Clamps & "Y" shapejumpering properly and 02 nos. supporting angle 65X65X6, 2240 mm long and making connection including supply of jumpering cable ,mounting clamps as per RESSPO Norms. (All material will be supplied by the contractor like G.I. Pipe , P.G. Clamps, Al. Lug And Supporting Angle 65X65X6, 2240 mm and jumpering cable suitable for 33KV jumper). 25 Hoisting of 33 KV Cable on existing/erected standwith provision of MS Pipe 150 mm dia, length of G.I pipe as per requirement, suitable for 3x300 sq mm cable fixing of proper support and its clamping, providing long barral lugs 6 nos and P.G. Clamps & "Y" shapejumpering properly and making connection including supply of jumpering cable ,mounting clamps as per RESSPO Norms. (All material will be supplied by the contractor like G.I. Pipe , P.G. Clamps, Al. Lug and jumpering cable suitable for 33KV jumper). 26 Grouting of following structure by digging of pit 1.5 Mtr/1.83 Mtr deep for 9.0 Mtr PCC / 11 Mtr STP/13 mtr respectively, placing stone pad at bottom 450x450 size foundation is provided with help of steel or wooden formers, groutung with 1:4:8 Ratio cement, sand & first class brick ballast 0.268/0.285 cu mtr for 9.0 mtr PCC Pole & 11 mtr STP, plinthing 0.3 Mtr above G/L and proper plastering. 27 11 Mtr ST Poles 28 Supply and fixing of a stone pad of size 300x300x75 mm at PCC/STP Bottom of the pit ( Contractor shall provide all materials) 29 Fabrication, Erection and grouting of cable route marker and marking 33 KV line by painting after grooving on the stone. (Contractor shall provide allmaterials) 30 Fixing of barbed wire on poleSupply and fixing of barbed wire on the pole above 2750 mm ground level. Barbed wirewrapped for a distance of 0.9 mtr. with apitch of at a height. (All materials supplied by the contractor) 31 Fixing of Danger board .Supply and fitting of Danger board of size 250x200x2 mm 3650 mm above ground level with the help of proper size of nuts, Bolts , washers and clamps as per Respo norms. RESPO Drawing No-55 (All materials supplied by the contractor) 32 Fixing of Number plate .Supply and fitting of Number plate of size 250x200x2 mm 3650 mm above ground level with the help of proper size of nuts, Bolts , washers and clamps as per Respo norms. RESPO Drawing No-55 (All materials supplied by the contractor) 33 Nozeling and grouting of stay set with compelte (All the civil material and 33 kv G.I stay set 20x1800 , stay clamp will be arranged by the contractor except stay wire) 34 Earthing ofPoleEarthing of Pole STP/PCC by 6 SWG GI Wire by providing and fixing of 20 mm dia" earthing rod 2.550 Mtr. long as per norms complete in all respect. (Contractor shall provide all the material Like Earthing rod, Earthing clamps and nut & bolt etc Except 6swg wire.) 35 Painting of poles Painting of poles with one coat of red oxide, two coats of enamel paint ISI mark. (All required material will be supplied by the contractor) 36 Laying of cable inside the trench (D/C)Laying of Double circuit 33 KV 3x300 Sq mm XLPE cable inside the trench. Hanger with clamping, 37 NOC will be granted from Central/state Electrical safety department.( Final settlement of the payment will be done after providing receipt,and permission paper). 38 Fixing of additional 33 KV Disc insulator with clamp, nut & bolts etc. at required places of 33 KV existing and new line ( CONTRACTOR Shall provide nut, bolt and washer etc.) 39 Providing and Fixing of 33 KV Disc fitting at required places. With clamp, nut and bolts. 40 Fixing of additional 33 KV polymer Pin insulator, nut & bolts etc. at required places of 33 KV existing and new line (contractor shall provide necessary items like nut bolt etc). 41 Fabrication and Fixing of additional Top channel 125x65x6 3200 mm with all necessary clamp, nut & bolts washers etc. at required places. (Contractor shall provideclamp, nut & bolts washers etc). 42 Desmentalling of Old and existing line( old and exisiting 33 KV line includes Rail pole, ST pole,PCC Pole 02 Nos (D/P & S/P), ACSR Conductor and Steel etc. The quantity of these materials mentioned in point Number 25. 43 Carraige of desmentelled old and existing linematerial (STP , Rail pole, ACSR Conductor and Steel ) from dump site to Store. 44 Rail Pole 45 STP O&U 46 Steel scrap 47 ACSR scrap conductor