Tender For Purchasing Of Chemicals In Controller Food And Drug , List Of Chemicals , Acetonitrile , Acetic Acid , Ammonium Formate , Methanol , Formic Acid , Nitric Acid , Hydrogen Peroxide , Magnesium Sulphate (Anhydrous) , Hydrochloric Acid , C18 Cleaning Salt , Ascorbic Acid , Primary Secondary Amine , Sodium Accetate Anhydrous , Ammonium Formate , Ammonium Hydrate , Tetra Butyl Ammonium Hydride , Tetrabutyl Ammonium Sulphate , Methyl Chloride , Dansyl Chrodide Solution , Green S , Ethanol , Ammonium Phosphate Monobasic , Acetic Acid Glacial , Methylene Chloride , Ethyl Ether , N-Hexane , Toluene , Ethyl Acetate , Potassium Phosphate Monobasic , Ortho Phosphoric Acid , Ammonium Acetate , Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous , Alchohol Ethanol , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetone (Hplc) , Aluminium Oxide (Activated) , Amonium Solution , Potassium Sulphate , Potassium Iodide , Silver Nitrate , Alkali Blue 6B , Boric Acid , Sodium Thiosulphate , Eosin 2% (Staining Solution) , Calsiumchloride , Carbon Tetrachloride , Barium Chloride(Dihydrate) , Edta , Erichrome Black-T , Furfural , Orthophosphoric Acid , Glycerol , Hydrochloric Acid , Isopropanol , Iso-Amyl Alchohol , Methanol(Hplc) , Nitric Acid , Petroleum Ether 40-60 , Petroleum Ether 60-80 , Phenolphthalein , Potassium Permagnate , Resourcenol , Sucrose , Sulphuric Acid , Tlc Plate , Hplc Water , Dyethyle Ether , Chloroform , Amylacitate , Fehling Sol. A , Fehling Sol. B , Iodine Resublimed , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets , Cyclohexane , Methanol , Ammonium Chloride , Ammonium Hydroxide , Murxide , Pattons And Readers , Calcium , Trifluoro Acetic Acid , Edta Disodium Salt(Dihydrate) , Name Of Culture Media/ Serum/ Chemical , Agar Base , Baird Parker Agar Base , Egg Yolk Tel Emulsion(50Ml/100Ml Per Vial) , Bismuth Sulphite Agar , Bhi Broth , Brilliiant Green Bile Broth 2% , Buffered Peptone Water , Cooked Meat Medium (Rc Medium) , Carbohydrate Consumption Broth , Decarboxylase Test Medium (Falkow) , Dextrose Tryptone Agar , Fraser Broth Base , Fraserselective Supplement , Fraser Supplement , Emb Agar, Levine , Hugh-Leifson Medium , Kligler Iron Agar , Koser Citrate Medium , Lactobacillus Mrs Agar , Lactose Broth , Lysine Iron Agar , Macconkey Agar , Motility Test Medium , Mr-Vp Medium , Myp Agar Base (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base) , Poly B Selective Supplement , Egg Yolk Emulsion(50Ml/100Ml Per Vial) , Modified Listeria Oxford Agar Base , Colcef Selective Supplement , Nitrate Broth , Nutrient Broth , Peptone Water Diluent , Plate Count Agar , Listeria Identification Agar Base (Palcam) , Palcamselective Supplement , Selenite Cysteine Broth , Sheep Blood Agar Base , Thiosulphate Citrate Bile Salt Sucrose Agar(Tcbs) , Triple Sugar Iron Agar , Tryptone Broth (Tryptone Water) , Urea Agar Base , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (Xld Agar) , Tryptic Soy Agar , Violet Red Bile Agar , Perfringens Agar Base , Tsc Selective Supplement , Cmf Selective Supplement , Tryptone Glucose Extract , Thioglycolate Agar , Tryptone Salt Agar W/1% Nacl , Tetrathionate Broth Base (W/O Iodine & Bg) , Potato Dextrose Agar , Phenol Red Broth Base , My 40 (Osmophillic Agar) , Acetate Agar , Czapek Yeast (Autolysate) Agar , 10% Lactic Acid Solution (10 Ml/Vial) , Ec Broth , Gn Broth, Hajna , Hektoen Enteric Agar , Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose Broth) , Liver Broth / L-Broth, Modified , Malonate Broth , Malt Agar , Mannitol Salt Agar Base , Glucose Agar , Yeast Extract Powder , Peptone , Rappaport Vassilidis Medium , Saline Nutrient Agar , Alkaline Saline Peptone Water , Onpg Broth , Bolton Broth Base , Bolton Selective Supplement , Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar W/O Lactose , Iron Sulphite Agar , Ellners Broth , Willis And Hobb?S Medium , Glucose Of Medium , Tryptone Bile Glucuronic Agar (Tbx Agar) , Tergitol-7-Agar Base , Ttc Solution 1% (10Ml/Vial) , Macconkey Broth , Macconkey Broth Purple , Simmons Citrate Agar , Macconkey Sorbitol Agar , Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract Broth , Hicrome™ Listeria Ottaviani Agosti Agar , Oa Selective Supplement , Lp Enrichment Supplement , Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate Broth Base , Chromogenic Coliform Agar , Slantz & Burtley Medium , Bile Esculin Azide Agar , Ethyl Violet Azide Dextroseagar , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar , Nutrient Agar No.2 , Andrade Peptone Water , Chloramphenicol Glucose Yeast Extract Agar , Differential Reinforced , Bile Salts Agar , Glucose Salt Teepol Broth (Twin Pack) , Sodium Propionate Ar , Iodine Resublimed Ar , Toluene Hi- Ar™ , Ferric Chloride Anhydrus Ar , Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate Ar , Glucose Anhydrus Ar , Lactose Monohydrate (Bacteriological Grade) , Sucrose Hi-Cert™ Ar , L-Ornithine Monohydrochloride Ar , Gelatin Hi-Lr™ Ar , Sulphanilic Acid Hi-Ar™ , Zinc Granular , Sodium Chloride Hi- Ar™ , ?-Naphthol , Hydrochloric Acid 35% Pure Hi-Ar™ , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets Hi-Ar™/Acs , Di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Heptahydrate, Hi-Ar™/Acs , Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Monohydrate, Hi-Ar™ , Urea, Hi-Ar™ , L-Arginine Ar , L-Lysine Ar , Lysozyme Ar , Salicin Ar , Phenol Red, Free Acid, Hi- Cert™/Acs , Dulcitol Ar , Bromocresol Purple, Hi- Cert™/Acs , Potassium Hydroxide Pellets Ar , L-Tyrosine , Kovac?S Indole Reagent , Formaldehyde Sol 37 - 41%, Hi-Ar™ , Methyl Red Hi-Cert™ , Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate Hi-Ar™ , Ammonia Chloride Ar™ , Bromothymol Blue , D-Arabinose , L+ Arabinose , Maltose Monohydrate , Cellobinose , Reffinose , D(+)-Trehalose Dihydrate , Pyridoxal Hydrochloride , Methylene Blue Trihydrate Ar , Thymol Blue Indicator , Paraffin (Liquid) , Asparagine Proline Broth,Granulated , Phenolphthalein, Hi- Cert™/Acs , Ninhydrin, Hi-Ar™/Acs , Adonitol , Cetrimide Agar Base , Brilliiant Green Ar , Brilliant Green Agar Base W/Phosphates , S Selective Supplement , Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar) , Nalidixic Disc , Cepoparazone , Chloramphenicol , Streptomycin , Tetracyclin , Penicillin-G , Kanamycin , Neomycin , Amphicillin , Modified Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate Agar Base (Mccd Agar) , Ccda Selective Supplement , Columbia Blood Agar Base , Butzler Selective Supplement , Campylobacter Enrichment Broth Base (Preston Enrichment Broth Base) , Prtc Selective Supplement , Cronobacter Selective Broth , Van10 Selective Supplement , Hicrome™ Cronobacter Isolation Agar (Cci Agar ) , Inositol , Rhamnose , Xylose , Sucrose , Salicin , Dextrose , Sorbitol , Dulcitol , Mannitol , Lactose , Lysine Hydrochloride , Arginine Hydrochloride , Ornithine Hydrochloride Discs , Histidine , Proline , Serine , Oxidase , D-Mannitol , Ammonia Solution Ar , Sodium Hippurate( Hippurate Hydrolysis Broth ) , Glycerol , Streptomycin(Powder) , Penicillin(Powder) , Ss Agar (Salmonella Shigella Agar) , Salmonella Antisera , Coaggulase (Rabbit Plasma) , Sterile Lysed Horse Blood , Blood Agar With Neomycin , Polyvalent Shigella Kit Serum , Acetone El (Lr Grade) , Milk Agar With Citramide , Cholera Serum Kit , Hydrogen Peroxide (Solution 6% Sq-1L) Ar , Rose Alinile Acetate Solution , Phenyl Pyruvic Acid , Diphenyl Aniline , Tetramethyl – Peraphenylene Diamine Dihydrochloride Ar , Stickers Large , Stickers Medium , Geo Bacillus Sterotherophillus Vials , Malachite Green Ar , Crystal Violet , Potassium Iodide , Ethanol , Safranin , Lactophenol Cottone Blue , Ammonium Oxalate Monohydrate , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution , Muller Hinton Blood Agar , Ciphalothin , Indoxyl Acetone , Preston Broth , Sheep Or Horse Blood Agar , 4 Nitrophenyl Alpha-D Glucopyronocide , D-Melibiose , Clostridium Botulinum Isolation Agar , Clostridium Perfringens Antitoxin , Clostridium Botulinum Antitoxin , Reconsituted Non Fat Dry Milk , L-Lysin Decarboxylation Medium , Urea Broth , Thornleyis Arginine Medium , Sulphamezanthin Solution , Soybean Casien Digest Medium( Tryptone Soya Agar) , Selenite F Broth , Isopropyl Alcohol