Tender For Procurement And Supply Of Proprietary Reagents And Consumables To The Government Colleges/ Hospit ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For Procurement And Supply Of Proprietary Reagents And Consumables To The Government Colleges/ Hospitals In Telangana State Under Rate Contract For A Period Of 2 Years
Procurement And Supply Of Proprietary Reagents And Consumables To The Government Colleges/ Hospitals In Telangana State Under Rate Contract For A Period Of 2 Years-Ran800Alb Albumin 2 Ran800Alp Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) 3 RanB00Amy Amylase 4 Ran800Dbl Bilirubin Direct 5 Ran800Tbl Bilirubin Total 6 Ran800Cal Calcium 7 Ran800CI Chloride 8 Ran800Cre Creatinine (Enzymatic) 9 Ran800Cpk Creatinine Phosphokinase (CPK) 10 Ran600Fer Ferritin 11 Ran800Ggt Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT) 12 Ran800Glu Glucose 13 Ran800Hap Haptoglobin 14 Ran800A1c HbA1c Direct (AGA1c) 15 Ran800Hdl HDL-C Direct (AGLDL) 16 Ran 800Iro Iron 17 Ran800Ldh Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) 18 Ran800Ldl LDL-C-Direct (AGLDL) 19 Ran800Me Magnesium 20 Ran800Phs Phosphorus21 RanBDOK Potasium 22 Ran800Got SGOT 23 Ran000Gpt GGPT 24 Ran800Na Sodium 25 Ran800TCh Total Cholesterol 26 Ran800Tib Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)/UIBC 27 Ran800Tp Total Protein 28 Ran800Tra Transferrin 20 Ran800tgl Trigly ceride 30 Ran800ure Urea UV 31 Ran800Uad Uric Acid 32 Mat200VitD 25 OH Vitamin D (D2 & D3) 33 Mat200AFP AFP 34 Mat200Bhcg BhCG 35 Mat200C125 CA 125 36 Mat20C15.3 CA 15-3 37 Mat20C19.9 CA 19-9 38 Mat200CEA CEA 39 Mat200CKMB CKMB 40 Mat200Cor CortisolMat200Estd Estradiol 42 Mat200Fer Ferritin 43 Mat200Fol Folate 44 Mat200FPSA Free PSA 45 Mat200FSH FSH 46 Mat200F13 FT3 47 Mat200F14 FT4 48 Mat200l6 IL6 49 Mat200insu Insulin 50 Mat200LH LH 51 Mat200Prg Progesterone 52 Mat200Pri Prolactin 53 Mat200PTH PTH Intact 54 Mat20073 F3 55 Mat200T4 T4 56 Mat200Test Testosterone 58 Mat200Trop Troponin I/T 59 Mat200TSH TSH 60 Mat200VitB Vitamin B12 61 Platelet kit Terumo01 ACD Solution 63 Terumo02 Koni01 62 CT Scan Films 14x17 Medical Film 64 FLLPA 65 SLLPA68 ABG01 Arterial Blood Gas Test 69 ABG02 Arterial Blood Gas Test 70 TDD07 Procalcitonin 71 TDD08 HIV 72 TDD09 HbsAg 73 TDD10 HCV Antibody Test 74 TDD11 IGM antibody to Hepatitis B core Antigen 75 TDD12 S. Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) 76 TDD13 Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide77 TDD14 Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide 78 TDD15 Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide 79 TDD16 Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide 80 TDD17 Anti Thyroid Peroxidase (Anti ΤΡΟ) 81 TDD18 Anti Thyroid Peroxidase (Anti 82 TDD 19 Anti Thyroid Peroxidase (Anti ΤΡΟ) 83 BACT01 culture 84 BACT02 culture 85 BACT03 culture 86 VITEK01 culture 87 VITEK02 culture 88 MBCM37 culture 89 MBCM35 culture TD06 culture 92 VITEK03 culture 93 TDD56 FDP 94 SAFB FDP 95 TD196 FDP 96 RCIQCS Reticulocyte count IQC 97 98 Truenat HCV Micro PCR HCV Test Kit ( Hepatitis C) 99 Truenat HBV Micro PCR HBV Test Kit ( Hepatitis B) 100 CR01 CR Film 101 CR02 CR Film 102 CR03 CR Film 103 CR04 CR Film 104 CR05 CR Imaging plates and compatible cassettes: 105 CR06 CR Imaging plates and compatible cassettes: 106 CR07 CR Imaging plates and compatible cassettes: 107 CR08 CR Film 108 CR09 CR Film 109 CR10 CR Film 110 CR11 CR Film 111 CR12 CR Imaging plates and compatible cassettes: 112 CR13 CR Imaging plates and compatible cassettes: 113 CR14 CR Imaging plates and compatible cassettes etc
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