Supply Of Stationery Printing Misc Articles For Use Of Adpc -2 Visiting Card Multicolour 300 GSM 100 PC with abox 3 Letter Head Pad Multicolour print 100 PC on a pad A4 size Bond paper 4 Security Pass color 5 Security Pass multicolor 10 kg Board paper 6 FSL Form WB FormNo. 5203 1/2 size of DFC paper both side printing 7 Pay Acquaintance Roll W.B Form No 5211 1/2th size DFC paperwith both side Printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 8 T.A Bill Form No 21 & 23 1/2th size DFC paperwith both side Printing (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 9 Assets Statement Form W.B Form No 34 A 1/2 DFC Paper with Both Side Printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 10 E.L. Form1/4th size of DFC Paper (Per 1000 Pcs)(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 11 A/4 size digital printing singel side 250 GSM paper 12 A/4 size digital printing Both side 250 GSM paper 13 A4 size digital Printing single size 14 A4 size digital Printing both size 15 F.S size digital printing singel side 250 GSM paper 16 F.S size digital printing Both side 250 GSM paper 17 FS Size digital printing single size 18 FS Size digital printing both size 19 A4 size Spiral Binding With transparent sheet 20 FSsize spiral binding with transperent sheet 21 A/4 size off-setprinting singel side with good qualitypaper 22 A/4 size off-setprinting both side with good qualitypaper 23 F.S size off-set printing singel side with good qualitypaper 24 F.S size off-set printing both side with good qualitypaper 25 T.R. Form 26 1/4th size of DFC paper with one side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 26 1/4th size of DFC paper with one side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 27 1/4th size of DFC paper with both side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 28 1/2th size of DFC paper with one side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 29 1/2th size of DFC paper with both side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 30 1/6th size of DFC paper with one side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 31 1/6th size of DFC paper with both side printing (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 32 1/8th size of DFC paper with one side printing (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 33 1/8th size of DFC paper with both side printing (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 34 Full size of DFC paper with singleside printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 35 Full size of DFC paper with both side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 36 A/4 size good quality paper single side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 37 A/4 size good quality paper Both side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 38 A/6 size good quality paper single side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 39 A/6 size good quality paper both side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 40 Court Hazat Register 1/4th size DFC paper with 100 sheets with both sides printing & Board Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 41 I0B W.B. Form No. 5449G 1/8thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets in Triplicate with printing, numbering and Art Paper binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 42 Inspection Memo Book W.B Form No 546 1/4th size of DFC paper 100 sheets in duplicatewithprinting & Art Paper binding .(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 43 W.B. Form No. 5363 161 Cr. Pc. (B.P. Form No.38) 1/4th size of DFC paper 100 sheets in duplicatewithprinting & Marble binding .(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 44 Absconder Register W.B.Form No. 5812, P.R.B Form No. 149 Vide Rule-1122 1/4th size of DFC paper with 200 sheetsboth sides printing, Numberingand board binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 45 All Arrest Register Part-I (Annexure- A)Map litho paper 17’’ x 11’’, 100 sheet with printing, numbering and Art paper binding. 46 All Arrest Register Part-II(Annexure-B) Map litho paper 17’’ x 11’’, 100 sheetwith printing, numbering andArt paper binding. 47 ArrestMemo Book W.B Form No 546 1/4th size of DFC paper 100 sheets in duplicatewithprinting & Art paper binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper). 48 Attendence Register W.B. Form No. F-48 Demil size paper conquest with both printing and Khero Binding 49 Autopsy Examination Report Book 1/4thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets in Triplicate with printing, numbering andmarble binding. (58GSM / 10.4 Kg 50 Bail Bond Register W.B Form No 5201 1/4th size DFC paper with 100 sheets printing & Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 51 Bill Register & Transit Register Per Book 200 sheets (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 52 C.C Book WB Form No. 53561/8th size DFC paper with 100 sheets in Duplicate printing & Side Art paper Binding with numbering (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 53 C.L. Register W.B Form no 107 1/4th size of DFC paper 100 sheets withprinting & Marble binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 54 C.L. Register W.B Form no 107 1/4th size of DFC paper 100 sheets withprinting & Marble binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 55 C.S. Book and F.R.T. Book W.B. Form No.39 1/2th size of DFCpaper 50 sheets in triplicate with printing,numbering and art paper binding 56 Car Diary 50 Pagein a Book ,1/8th Size with Printing & art paper Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 57 Case Dairy Book W.B. Form No. 3563 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in duplicate, with printing ,numbering and Art Paper Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 58 Cash BookW.B. Form No. 5312 1/2 size DFC paper, 200 sheets with both sides printing, numbering and best quality paper and board binding.(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 59 Citation Form Book 1/4thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets colouring in Triplicate with side binding ,printing and numbering (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 60 Clothing Hand Book 1/4th size of Conquest paper 50 sheets both sideprinting with board binding with printing 61 Clothing Issue Register W.B. Form No.5256 Full size of DFC paper with 100 sheets both sidesprinting & Khero Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 62 Clothing Stock Register 1/4th size of Conquest paper 50 sheets both sideprinting with board binding. 63 Completion of Investigation by P.S. Officer book (B.P. Form No. 43 & Bengal Form No. 5409) 1/4thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets with printing, numberingand art papre binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 64 Compound Slip 1/4th size of DFC paperwith 100 sheets in triplicate with colouring paper with printing, Art paper binding ,numbering. (54 GSM/ 6.8 Kg) 65 Court Khatian Register W.B. Form No. 5264 Full size DFC paper 100 sheets with both side printing and marble binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 66 Court Malkhana Register 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheetswith both side printing and Art Paper Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 67 Dead Body Challan W.B. Form No. 5317 1/4th size of DFCpaper 50 sheets in Triplicate, with printing, numbering and side cloth pastedArt Paper Binding(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 68 Department of Health & Family Welfare Government of West Bengal Challan Book 1/8th size of DFC paper in 100 sheets in duplicate with printing numbering & art paper binding.(58GSM / 8.5Kg Paper 69 Department of Health & Family Welfare Government of West Bengal Receipt Book 1/8th size of DFC paper in 100 sheets in triplicate in colouring paper withprinting numbering & art paper 70 Duty Register W.B.Form No. 5339 1/2 th size of DFC paper 100 sheetsboth sides printingwith khero binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 71 Final Form/Report/supplementary Report on Completion of Investgation under section 193 B.N.S.S (Annexure -G)1/4thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets in duplicate with sideprinting,and marblebinding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 72 Final Memo Book (West Bengal Form No. 5348 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in Triplicate, with printing, numbering and Art paper binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 73 First Information Report (Annexure-D) under Section 173 B.N.S.S 1/4th size of DFCpaper 50 sheets in Triplicate, with printing, numbering and Art Paper Binding(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 74 Form "C" Register 1/4thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets in Triplicate with sideprinting,and marblebinding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 75 General Dairy Book W.B. Form No. 5365 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in duplicate, with printing, numbering and Art paper binding (58 GSM / 10.4 Kg) 76 GR Register W.B. Form No. 3817 Full Demai paper 100 sheets with Single side printing & Kherobinding .(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 77 Hazat Register 1/2th size DFC paper with 100 sheets with both sides printing & Board Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 78 Hazat Register Map litho paper 17” x 11’’, 100 Pages with single side, printing, numbering and board binding 79 History Sheet Form Part-I to Part-IV Form No. 5281 to 5284 & Part-(V & VI) W.B. Form No. 5283 1/2 size of DFC PaperPer Set (06 pc page in a set)Board paper with Both Side Printing. 80 Index of Crime W.B.Form No. 5311 (P.R.B Form No.8 vide rules 80 and 1119) 1/4th size of DFCpaper with 100 sheets both sides printingand side Art Paper Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 81 Information to the informat/ Complainant regarding the investigation in accordance to section 193 (3) (iii) B.N.S.S (Annexure-I) 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in duplicate, with printing, numbering and Art paper binding (58 GSM / 10.4 Kg) 82 Information to the informat/victim regarding the progress of investigation in accordance to section 193 (3) (ii) B.N.S.S (Annexure-H) 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in duplicate, with printing, numbering and Art paper binding (58 GSM / 10.4 Kg) 83 Inquest Register (U/S 174 Crpc) 1/4thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets in Triplicate with printing, numberingand marblebinding. (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 84 Inspection Report Book W.B. Form No.5308 1/2th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets both side printing with numbering and khero binding .(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 85 Issue Register W.B Form No 19 1/4th size DFC paper with 200 sheets with both sides printing & Board Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 86 jimmanama 1/4thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets colouring in Triplicate with printing, numberingand Art paperbinding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 87 Khatian Inspection Register W.B Form No 5332 Full DFC paper size 100 sheets with both side printing & Marble binding .(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 88 Log Book for MT Section 1/4th size of DFCpaper with 100 Sheets both sideprinting and marble binding.(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 89 M.A. Case Register W.B. Form No. 4030 1/2th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets withone side printing and Art Paper Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 90 M.V. Case Register W.B. Form No. 4895 1/2th size of DFC paper 200 sheets with both side printing(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 91 Message Book 1/8thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets in Triplicate with printing, numbering and binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 92 Missing person Case Register 1/4th size of DFCpaper 200 sheet with numbering and Boardbinding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 93 Missing Person Register Map litho paper 17’’ x 11’’,200Pages printing, numbering and binding. 94 Missing personsFIR Book 1/4th size of DFCpaper 200 Sheet with both side printingnumbering and Art Paper binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 95 MOB W.B. Form No. 5449G 1/8thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets in Triplicate with printing, numbering and Art Paper binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 96 Monthly Cash Account Book W.B. Form No.5381 1/2th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in one side printing and Art Paper Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 97 MusterRoll W.B.Form No. 5333 MusterRoll W.B.Form No. 5333 1/2 DFC paper 100 sheet in both side painting and Khero Binding (70 GSM 8.5 Kg Paper ) 98 NCR Book W.B. Form No. 5358 NCR Book W.B. Form No. 5358 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in Triplicate, with printing, numbering and marble (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 99 NCR Register Map litho paper 17’’ x 11’’, 100 sheet in triplicate with printing, numbering and Art Paper binding 100 NER Book1/8th size of DFCpaper 100 sheetswith Side Art paperBinding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 101 Non GR Register W.B. Form No. 5449 Full Demai paper 100 sheets with both sideprinting & Kherobinding .(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 102 Note Sheets Book 1/4th size of DFC paperwith 100 sheets with conquest paper . 103 Orderly Room Register 1/4thsizes ofDFC Paper 200 Sheets withboard binding.(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 104 P.M.Book W.B. Form No.5372 1/2th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in triplicate withprinting, numbering Art Paper Binding. (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 105 Peon Book wB Form No.5360 1/4th size of DFCpaper 200 sheets both side printing andKhero Binding. (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 106 Personal Dairy Book W.B. Form No. 5355 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in duplicate, with printing, numbering andArt Paper binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 107 Petrol Coupon Book 1/8th size of DFCpaper 50 Pages printing, numberingand binding. (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 108 Post Card Reporting book (B.P. Form No.40 & Bengal Form No. 5408) 1/4thsizes ofDFC Paper 100 Sheets with printing, numberingand art papre binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 109 Printing Register1/2th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets, with printing, numbering and kheroBinding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 110 Printing Register1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets, with printing, numbering, kheroBinding & Cover Printing.(58GSM / 8.5 Kg 111 Printing Register1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets, with printing, numbering, kheroBinding & Cover Printing.(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 112 Printing Register 1/2th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets, with printing, numbering and BoardBinding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper 113 Printing Register 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets, with printing, numbering and Board Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 114 Printing Register 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets, with printing, numbering and khero Binding(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper)Kg Paper) 115 Prosecution & Fine Realization Book W.B Form No 5779 Full DFC paper size 200 sheets with Conquest paper with Boardbinding . 116 Puja Permissin Book 100 Sheet in Triplicate With Printing, Numbering & Top Marble Binding.(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 117 Receipt Register W.B Form No 16 1/4th size DFC paper with 200 sheets with both sides printing & Board Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 118 Register ofWarrant of Arrest W.B. Form No.5449D Map litho paper 17’’ x 11’’, 100 sheetwith printing, numbering and Art paper binding. 119 Register of cases of Non-cognizable Offences under Sec. 174 B.N.S.S (Annexure-F) 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in duplicate, with printing, numbering and marble (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 120 Register of Preliminary Enquiry under Sec. 173(3) B.N.S.S 2023 (Annexure E) West Bengal Form No. 5357 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in duplicate, with printing, numbering and marble (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 121 Seizure List Book .1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in duplicateprinting,numbering and Art Paper Binding(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 122 Sequence of Custody Form for Electronic device(Annexure -J) under Sec. 193(3) (i) of B.N.S.S 2023 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in duplicate, with printing, numbering and Art paper binding (58 GSM / 10.4 Kg) 123 ServiceBookW.B. Form No.2620 1/4th size of Conquest paper 22 sheets both sideprinting with marble binding 124 Service Roll W.B. Form No.5241 1/4th size of DFCpaper 50 sheets both sideprinting with marble binding(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 125 SR Register W.B. Form No.5310 1/4th size of DFCpaper 200 sheets both sideprinting with Boardbinding(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 126 Stolen Property RegisterW.B. Form No.5386 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheetswith both side printing and Art Paper Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 127 Summon Register (Annexure-C) 1/4thsizes ofDFC Paper 200 Sheetsboth side printingwithboard binding.(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 128 Thana Absconder RegisterW.B.Form No. 5380 1/4th size of DFC paper with 100 sheets both sides printing and board binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 129 TR Form No.7 Demai 1/2 th size100 sheets (54 GSM / 6.8Kg) (As per sample) 130 Trial Monitaring Register Full Demai paper 100 sheets with both side printing & Art Paper binding .(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 131 U.D Case FIR West Bengal Form No. 5370 MAP litho paper 17’’ x 11’’, 100 sheetwith printing, numbering andArt paper binding. 132 U.D Case Register B.P. Form No. 48 Map litho paper 17’’ x 11’’, 100 sheetwith printing, numbering andArt paper binding. 133 U.D. Case F.I.R. W.B. Form No. 5370 1/2th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets withone side printing and Art Paper Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 134 Warrant Register W.B. Form No.5449D 1/4th size of DFCpaper 100 sheetswith both side printing and Art Paper Binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 135 West Bengal Form No. 5347 (PRB Form No.10-vide Rules 103 and 423) "Form of Register -C"1/8th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets, with printing ,numbering and marble binding (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 136 West Bengal Police Welfare and Sports Society membership Receipt "Form-C" Register 1/8th size of DFCpaper 100 sheets in duplicate, with printing ,numbering and marble binding(58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 137 Binding Register 50 Page (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 138 Binding Register100 Page (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 139 Binding Register200 Page (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 140 Binding Register300 Page (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 141 Binding Register400 Page (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 142 Binding Register500 Page (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 143 Binding Register 600 Page (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 144 Binding Register400Page Leather (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 145 Binding Register 600Page Leather (58GSM / 8.5 Kg Paper) 146 Bodkin(Plastic Handle) 6" LengthBest Quality 147 Bodkin(Wooden Handle)6" Length Best Quality 148 Borosil Vision Glass set of 6 pc 149 CD-DVD fine point black/blue marker pen 150 Calculator (Cheque & Correct 12-digit) 151 Calculator BatteryBest Quality 152 Cordless Bell Wireless 153 Calling Bell Ding Dong Bell 154 Candle ( 6 Pc in a pack) 155 CellotapeGood Quality 1 inch 156 Cellotape Good Quality1/2 inch. 157 Cellotape Good Quality 2 inch. 158 Clip Board fiber make Best Quality 159 Clothing Envelope6" x 12" 160 Clothing Envelope10" x 12" 161 Clothing Envelope 16" x 12" 162 Correction Pen Flair 163 Correction FluidKores 164 Cup Plate SetLaopola( six pair in a set ) 165 Cup Plate SetBone China ( six pair in a set ) 166 Dendrite20 ML. 167 Diner Set Laopala 168 DFC Paper ( 17 x 27 size - weight 8KG) 169 Duster ( 24X24 ) multicolour Best quality 170 Envelope Brown12" x 6"(31 kg paper) 171 Envelope Brown11" x5"(31 kg paper) 172 Envelope Brown10 " x 4.5"(31 kg paper) 173 Eraser best quality 174 Eveready Battery AA 175 Eveready BatteryAAA 176 Calling Bell & CalculatorButton Battery 177 Excutive Bond PaperJK Excel Bond 21cm x 29.7 cm, 90 GSM,100 N sheet 178 Executive Cover File FS size Brown/Black, Leafs-20, inside leaf size Lenth-13.5 inch, Width -8.5 inch 179 Fevistick 25 gm 180 Favicol Tubeeasy flow squeez bottle 100 gm 181 Fax Roll( Kores - 30 Mtrs) 182 File Cover with printing Thick quality with side cloth pasting 183 File Cover with printingThick quality Multicolour with Logo printing 184 File Flap36" Long TapeCloth pasted 185 S.R. FileThick quality with side cloth pasting and three multicolour 10 kg art paper file inside 186 Foot Basket ( Midium Size) 187 Gem Clip / U clipsteel finished 188 Transparent crystal Glass for Drinking Water Good Quality 6 pc ina a packet 189 Pidilite Fevigum(Fevigum)200 ml. 190 Paste Gum Normal 700ml. 191 Camlin Paste Gum300 ml. 192 Pilot Hitech point V5(0.5mm) 193 Pilot Hitechpoint V7 (0.7) 194 Reynolds R7 Roller ball pen 195 Reynolds TRIMAX (0.5mm) Roller ball pen 196 Luxor Schneider LX Max Roller Ball pen 197 Luxor Graphic Micro Pen Blue/Black 198 High Lighter Pen Multicolour 199 Gem Clip Plastic Coated 200 Knife good quality 201 Paper cutting Knife with woodenHandleGood Quality 202 Lever Arch File Kohinoor 203 Permanent Marker Pen 204 Note Pasting Paper Size-2' x 2' 205 Office Note PAD 50 Sheet (5x8 inch) 206 Paper TrayBest quality 207 Paper Weight Metal Body Brass made (As per sample) 208 Paper Weight Glass Body (Good Quality) 209 Pen HolderBest Quality 210 Penstand Best Quality 211 Visiting Card holder (Stainless Steel) 212 Visiting Card holder (Plastic) 213 Kores pen/pencil carbon paper Saphhire Blue pack of 100 sheet 214 Photo Paper 210mm width, 297mm lenth, thickness-182g, 20 N in a pkt 215 JK Cedar Premium Colour Copying and Printing paper 100 GSMSize 500 Sheet 216 Alpin King 217 Pin Cushion MagnetBest quality 218 Plastic Auto File(Logo of Commissioner of Police) 219 kangaro Desk Essentials FP-20 1 Hole handy paper punch machine 20 sheet capacity 220 Punching Machine small 221 BothsideSilver colourPen Red & Blue (Good quality) 222 D Ring File for office,2 Ring Binder 223 12V Alkaline Cell for Door Bell & Remote 224 Scale12" Fiver 225 Scale 12" steel 226 Scale 30" fiver 227 Scissors Good Quality (8 Inch) 228 Sealing Wax( Red -8 Sticks in a Pack) 229 Seat BeltGood Quality (White colour for Executive Chair) 230 Sharpener 231 Shorthand Note BookGood quality 232 Shorthand Pencil Good Quality(10 pc in a pkt) 233 Put-upPad A/4 Size board paper (30 Page) 234 Stamp Ink (60 ml) 235 Stamp PadBig Steel make (Good Quality) 236 Stamp PadBig 237 Stamp PadSmall 238 Stapler MachineNo- Mini 10 239 Stapler MachineNo-10 240 Stapler Machine24/06HP-45 241 Stapler PinNo.1020 Boxes in Packet 242 Stapler Pin No. 24/620 Boxes in a pack 243 Steel Spoon Good quality (06 pc in a set) 244 Cotton File Tag(White)Good quality 245 Cotton File Tag(Colour) Good quality 246 Thread Ball 50 gmeach Ball 247 Towel Big Size (Bombay Dying) 248 Hand Towel (Bombay Dying) 249 Channel file thick qualityA/4 Size 250 Channel file thick qualityA/6 Size 251 Use & through Pen good quality 252 Water Sponge pad premium quality 253 white Envelope12" x 6" (32 kg paper) 254 white Envelope 11" x 5" (32 kg paper) 255 white Envelope10" x 4.5"(32 kg paper) 256 A/4 Size Four Folder File Good quality 257 FSSize Four Folder File Good quality 258 Wooden Pencil good quality 259 Xerox Paper A/6 size good quality(70 GSM) 260 Xerox PaperA/4 Size good quality (70 GSM) 261 Binder Clips1'' width 262 Binder Clips11/4''thwidth 263 Wall Clock Big Size best quality 264 Wall Clock Small Size best quality 265 Digital Clock Big 266 Digital Clock Small 267 Times Note Book304 A 268 White Board Marker Pen 269 Card holder with tag Good Quality 270 Microphone Battery Peak Power heavy duty (1604E 6F22 .9V) 271 A4 L-shaped portrait stand transperant acryllic glass display stand 272 FS L-shaped portrait stand transperant acryllic glass display stand 273 Note Book Bilt MatrixSmall size 274 Note Book Bilt MatrixMedium size 275 Note Book Bilt Matrix Big size 276 DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) 277 Bed Roll with cover measuring 6'/3' of HDPP material 278 Self Ink Stamp in Preink 30mm X 30mm /R. 279 Self Ink Stamp in Preink 20mm X 20mm /J. 280 Self Ink Stamp in Preink 16mm X 32mm /C. 281 Self Ink Stamp in Preink 33mm X 52mm /Y. 282 Self Ink Stamp in Preink 22mm X 50mm /F. 283 Self Ink Stamp in Preink 32mm X 67mm /X. 284 Self InkStamp in Preink 40mm X 40mm /Q. 285 Self InkStamp in Preink 17mm X 50mm /B. 286 Self InkStamp in Preink 23mm X 74mm /H. 287 Self InkStamp in Preink 23mm X 63mm /A. 288 Self Ink Stamp in Preink 48mm X 78mm /V. 289 Self Ink Stamp in Preink 50mm X 50mm /S. 290 Self InkStamp in Preink 45mm X 45mm /GS. 291 Self InkStamp in Preink 60mm X 90mm /T. 292 Polymer Stamp 35mm X 8mm 293 Polymer Stamp 35mm X 20mm 294 Polymer Stamp 48mm X 11mm 295 Polymer Stamp 48mm X 18mm 296 Polymer Stamp 48mm X 30mm 297 Polymer Stamp 58mm X 10mm 298 Polymer Stamp 58mm X 18mm 299 Polymer Stamp 76mm X 48mm 300 Polymer Stamp 60mm X 30mm 301 Polymer Stamp 67mm X 8mm 302 Polymer Stamp 67mm X 11mm 303 Polymer Stamp 67mm X 18mm 304 Polymer Stamp 67mm X 30mm 305 Polymer Stamp 75mm X 35mm 306 Polymer Stamp 80mm X 11mm 307 Polymer Stamp 80mm X 16mm 308 Polymer Stamp 50mm X 80mm 309 Polymer Stamp 45mm X 45mm 310 Polymer Stamp 37mm X 37mm 311 Polymer Stamp 25mm X 25mm 312 Thermos/Milton Bottle 313 Samsung Toner ML-2161 Original 314 Samsung Toner ML-2161 Compatible 315 Toner88A ORIGINAL HP 316 Toner88A COMPATIBLE Frontech 317 Toner12A ORIGINAL HP 318 Toner12A COMPATIBLE Frontech 319 Toner78A COMPATIBLE 320 Toner78A OIRGINAL HP 321 TonerNo. Brother DR 2365/TN 2365 (Original) 322 TonerNo. Brother DR 2365/TN 2365 (Compatible) Frontech 323 Toner 925 CANON Original 324 Toner 925 CANON Compatible Frontech 325 Epson printer 6641 Cartridge 04 Clour (Black, Cyan. Magenta, Yellow) 326 Epson 003 04 colour (Black, Cyan. Magenta, Yellow) 327 ANG GT53XL & GT52 Refill Ink Bottle for USE in DESKJET 5810,5811,5820,5821,5822, INKTANK 328 802 cartridge combo pack 329 802 cartridge black 330 802 cartridge Tri-colour 331 702 cartridge 332 22 A Cartrige Colour 333 22 A Cartrige Black 334 Epson L3250 Liquid ink 335 Cartridge803 BLACK HP 336 Cartridge803 TRI-COLOUR HP 337 Cartridge678 BLACK HP 338 Cartridge678 TRI-COLOUR HP 339 Cartridge745 BLACK HP 340 Cartridge745 TRI-COLOUR HP 341 Cartridge818 BLACK HP 342 Cartridge818 TRI-COLOUR HP 343 Cartridge818 (Combo pack) HP 344 Cartridge 664 BLACK EPSON 345 Cartridge 664 TRI COLOUR COMBO SET EPSON 346 Cartridge 7741 BLACK EPSON 347 Cartridge 673 BLACK EPSON 348 Cartridge 673 TRI COLOUR COMBO SET EPSON 349 CartridgeGT51 BLACK HP 350 CartridgeGT52 COLOUR COMBO SET HP 351 Cartridge862 Set HP 352 Cartridge704 Black HP 353 Toner 925 ORGINAL CANON 354 Toner 925 COMPATIBLE CANON 355 Toner 325 ORGINAL CANON 356 Toner 325 COMPATIBLE CANON 357 Toner 326 ORGINAL CANON 358 Toner 326 COMPATIBLE CANON 359 Toner 337 ORGINAL CANON 360 Toner 337 COMPATIBLE CANON 361 Toner for xerox machine SHARP original 362 Drum for xerox machine SHARP original 363 Developer for xerox machine SHARP original 364 D.C. Bladefor xerox machine SHARP original 365 Upper Roller for xerox machine SHARP original 366 Rachet Gear for xerox machine SHARP original 367 7Q Gear for xerox machine SHARP original 368 8Q Gear for xerox machine SHARP original 369 Toner for xerox machine TOSHIBAoriginal 370 Drum for xerox machine TOSHIBA original 371 Developer for xerox machine TOSHIBA original 372 D.C. Bladefor xerox machine TOSHIBA original 373 Upper Roller for xerox machine TOSHIBA original 374 Rachet Gear for xerox machine TOSHIBA original 375 Toner for xerox machine RICOoriginal 376 Drum for xerox machine RICO original 377 Developer for xerox machine RICOoriginal 378 D.C. Bladefor xerox machine RICO original 379 Upper Roller for xerox machine RICO original 380 Rachet Gear for xerox machine RICO original 381 Toner for xerox machine CANONoriginal 382 Drum for xerox machine CANON original 383 Developer for xerox machine CANON original 384 D.C. Bladefor xerox machine CANONoriginal 385 Upper Roller for xerox machine CANONoriginal 386 Rachet Gear for xerox machine CANON original 387 Toner for xerox machine KONICA MINOLTAoriginal 388 Drum for xerox machine KONICA MINOLTA original 389 Developer for xerox machine KONICA MINOLTA original 390 D.C. Bladefor xerox machine KONICA MINOLTAoriginal 391 Upper Roller for xerox machine KONICA MINOLTA original 392 Rachet Gear for xerox machine KONICA MINOLTA original 393 Toner for xerox machine 56A LASERJET MFP M436N original 394 Drum for xerox machine 56A LASERJET MFP M436Noriginal 395 Developer for xerox machine 56A LASERJET MFP M436Noriginal 396 D.C. Bladefor xerox machine 56A LASERJET MFP M436N original 397 4 Port USB Cable 398 Extension Board 399 Solar Lamp 400 MCB 10 Ampr. 401 MCB 20 Ampr. 402 C.C.T.V Camera 2 MP 403 C.C.T.V Camera 4 MP 404 C.C.T.V Camera 5 MP 405 Automatic number-plate recognition (ANPR) 406 Table elevator Glass 407 Table elevator Leather 408 Table Elevator Wooden 409 Printer Stand 410 Magazine Stand 411 Dressing Miror 412 Foot Rest 413 Paper Shredder Machine 414 Mobile Holder Stand for Table 415 USB Extension Cord 416 USB Extension Board 417 Pen drive 64GB 418 SSD Card 512 GB 419 Bluetooth Mouse (Logitech) 420 Bluetooth Keyboard (Logitech) 421 Quick Heal Anti Virus 1 User 1 Year 422 RAM 8 GB 423 External Hard Disk 512 GB 424 External Hard Disk 1 TB 425 External Hard Disk 2 TB 426 Monitor 24 Inch 427 SMPS 428 HDMI Cable 429 HDMI Port 430 External USB Port 431 CPU Cabinet 432 CPU Power Cable 433 CPU Connector Cable 434 Quick Heal Anti Virus 3 User 1 Year 435 Quick Heal Anti Virus 1 0 User 1 Year 436 Quick Heal Anti Virus 1 User 3 Year 437 Quick Heal Anti Virus3 User 3 Year 438 Quick Heal Anti Virus 10 User 3 Year 439 Wired Key Board Mouse Combo 440 konica Minolta pressure roller 441 Konica Minolta Hitter Roller 442 Konica Minolta Hitter Roller Gear 443 Konica Minolta Hitter Roller Bush 444 Konica Minolta Fuser Unit Gear 445 Konica Minolta DV Pressure 446 Konica Minolta Unit Gear 447 Konica Minolta Drum Unit Recycling Gear 448 Konica Minolta Primary charger 449 Konica Minolta Tramper Roller Gear 450 Konica Minolta Pickup Rubber 451 Konica Minolta Sensor 452 Konica Minolta Scanner to Mother Board cable 453 Konica minolta Pannel to Mother Board cable 454 Konica Minolta main Motor 455 Konica Minolta Drive Unit Gear set 456 Xerox Machine Sharp separate roller 457 Xerox Machine Sharp claw 458 Xerox Machine Sharp main motor 459 Xerox Machine Sharp heat roller bush 460 Xerox Machine Sharp primary charger 461 Xerox Machine Sharp Belt 462 Xerox Machine Sharp Transport Ripe sevew 463 Xerox Machine Sharp MC harness 464 Xerox Machine Sharp CCD Cable 465 Xerox Machine Sharp Pressure Roller 466 Xerox Machine Sharp Photo Sensor 467 Xerox Machine Sharp tharmistor 468 Xerox Machine Sharp DV Blade seal 469 Xerox Machine Sharp separate roller 470 Toner 12A Compatible LAPCARE 471 Toner 12A Compatible EXCELAM 472 Toner 88A Compatible LAPCARE 473 Toner 88A Compatible EXCELAM 474 Toner 925 Compatible LAPCARE 475 Toner 925 Compatible LAPCARE 476 LED Monitor 18.5 inch HP 477 LED Monitor 18.5 inch Frontech 478 LED Monitor 22 inch HP 479 LED Monitor 22 inch Frontech 480 UPS 600 VA 481 UPS 650 VA 482 UPS 1KVA 483 CPU (HP Core i3 6th Gen. 8GB RAM, 500GB SSD , 512 DDR, HDMI port 484 CPU (HP Core i5 6th Gen. 8GB RAM, 500GB SSD, 1 TB DDR, HDMI port 485 Keyboard & Mouse Combo Wire HP 486 Keyboard & Mouse Combo Wire Logitech 487 Keyboard & Mouse Combo Wire Frontech 488 Pendrive 128 GB 489 Pendrive 256GB 490 Pendrive 64 GB 491 Micro SD card 32 GB 492 Lan Cable 493 Router D-Link 494 Wifi Adopter 495 HDMI cable 496 power cable 497 Computer Speaker 498 Telecalling head Phone HP 499 Telecalling head Phone Logitech 500 LED Monitor 24 inch HP 501 LED Monitor 24 inch HP 502 Bluetooth Adopter 503 USB Hub