Quotation Are Invited For Geotechnical Assessment/Investigation And Associated Specialist Studies For The Co ... in South Africa
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Tender Brief
Quotation Are Invited For Geotechnical Assessment/Investigation And Associated Specialist Studies For The Construction Of The New Student Residences Phase 2 Project
Quotation are invited for Geotechnical Assessment/Investigation and Associated Specialist Studies for the Construction of the New Student Residences Phase 2 Project The site is located in Umlazi, Kwa-Zulu Natal Province within the Mangosuthu University of Technology Main Campus, approximately 16 km south west of Durban Central and the coordinates of the site are 29°5821.80"S, 30°5447.88"E. The site is located within an existing sports field bounded by internal access roads to the north and west and road construction site to the east as well as an existing building to the south. The shaded areas can be assumed as the development footprint. The green/yellow area is the first block of development, of which was not classified as landfill, whereas the red area is planned for future developments, of which was classified as landfill subsurface conditions. 3. Objectives and Scope of Service The primary objectives of this Geotechnical and specialist studies are, but not limited to: To guide and coordinate the technical and professional team through expert advice from planning to implementation. Review the latest geotechnical report and provide recommendations and solutions to any gaps. Delineate and classify the waste material. Investigate, assess and determine risks and mitigation measure for the proposed developments. This includes attention to groundwater and landfill sites. Conduct a thorough investigation on the developable footprints. Foundation recommendations in landfill and high ground water table. Provide design, details and coordination for all solutions to both Landfill sites and Groundwater. Monitor all works at implementation with Professional Sign-off. Page 6 of 20 The appointed Consultant shall undertake the following tasks: Review relevant geotechnical reports to get an understanding of the extent of waste material. Up to 8 No. inspection pits excavated using a track mounted excavator to a maximum depth of 5 metres unless practical refusal is encountered at shallower depths. Take soil, waste material and groundwater samples for various laboratory tests. Note, samples must be sampled and stored in sterilized bottles and submitted to an accredited laboratory with a chain of custody. Samples to be stored in a cooler box with dry ice and must be delivered to the laboratory within 24 hours of sampling. Analyse results of fieldwork and provide recommendations for: o Classification and disposal of waste materials. o Hydrogeological setting of site and risks of contamination of groundwater from waste material. o Treatment of contamination (if any). o Risk to human health. o Guidelines for development of infrastructure over a landfill site. o Further investigations and monitoring. o Design of subsoil or cut-off drains with a thorough BoQ for construction with project specifications 1 Health and Safety 1.1 Environmental management plan (if required) Lump sum 1 1.2 Submit a Health and Safety File Lump sum 1 1.3 Adhere to Occupational Health and Safety standards Lump sum 1 SUBTOTAL 2 Review of Previous Investigations 2.1 Review of previous reports w.r.t waste materials by Pr. Sci. Nat / Pr. Eng Hrs 16 2.2 Submit a brief report Lump sum 1 2.3 Foundation recommendation report Lump sum 1 SUBTOTAL 3 Fieldwork for Waste, Groundwater and Soil Classification 3.1 Establishment Lump sum 1 3.3 Excavation of trial pits to a depth of 5m using a track mounted excavator No. 8 3.5 Profiling and sampling of inspection pits No. 3 3.6 Reinstatement of Inspection Pits with approved backfill material No. 3 3.7 Retrieval and packaging of samples No. 3 3.9 Delivery to a SANAS Accredited laboratory for testing No. 1 SUBTOTAL 4 Laboratory Testing at a SANAS Accredited Laboratory 4.1 Soil Screening Tests, NEMWA 2008 No. 8 Page 8 of 20 4.2 Water (Liquid) Screening Tests, NEMWA 2008 No. 8 4.3 Waste Classification, GNR635 Waste, Full Analysis, Total & Single Leach No. 3 4.4 Trial CD Porewater press No. 10 4.5 TBC for ground improvement No. 10 SUBTOTAL 5 Analysis and Reporting 5.1 Analysis of laboratory results Lump sum 1 5.2 Classification of Waste Material Lump sum 1 5.2 Detailed report with recommendations Lump sum 1 5.2 Input from a Landfill Engineer Hrs 80 SUBTOTAL 6 Disbursements 6.1 Printing, binding, typing, communications Lump sum 1 6.2 Travel km 1500 6.3 Monthly supervision Per visit 21 SUBTOTAL 8 Design of Subsoil / Cut-off Drains 8.1 Design of Subsoil Drainage System Lump sum 1 8.2 Provision of Drawings for Construction Lump sum 1 8.3 Provision of Tender Document with a BoQ Lump sum 1 8.5 Site Visits During Construction No. 10 9 ADHOC Services for Geotechnical Engineer / Waster Management Engineer/ Geohydrologist Hrs 50 Tender Link : http://www.mut.ac.za/tenders-procurement/
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